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Hello, how do you go about fighting a class which you can't charge and has knock back roots with a impenetrable absorb shield? cause as it stands its the class that can almost take no dmg from maras and dish alot of it out. Is there a plan to fix this? and will they allow us to charge people in cover or allow them to continually be immune to all charges?
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It's your hard counter class. It's not supposed to be easy.


Anyway my best advice is to watch for them to burn Evasion or Cover pulse. After that it makes it much harder for snipers to deal with you. So once they do that run over to them.

Edited by Lithy
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Try maintaining obfuscate on them and using your defensive cd's (but NOT undying rage) until they blow all their kb's, then get in and go to work. Head to head, a marauder at 35% can take down a sniper from 100%, you just need to survive the attrition battle at the beginning.


Another thing to try is if theyre in cover, choke them out of it. This will screw their rotation and allow you to charge in.


Snipers are one of the most challenging classes to be head to head against but if you utilize all the tools you have, it can be done. Also, a general rule of thumb I use on any class with alot of knockback in pvp is just run straight in the first time, then after they use their reflex knockback, THATS when I use charge. Especially since alot of knockbacks come with some slow of some sort, its alot more useful then, and will generally catch them off guard too

Edited by CrankyBuddha
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I'm only lvl 30 but i jusy try to run to them from behind, position myself that i get knocked into a wall if possible and let them use their snare/knocback, hopefully im within range to use force choke while i'm snared, after that its just charge, gore, ravage ,scream and finish off.
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i never seem to find them too difficult. in a straight 1 v 1 battle. the carnage tree works lovely against them for the snare break that we have.


so i run towards them choke/charge if its up they bounce me back i vanish and approach in stealth then start the rotation first off popping deflection and blind. finally undying if its needed with a wz med pack for a nice chunk of health back. not much survives that. but i am full wh.


ps. obliterate in rage is a nice surprise to pop on them.


pps. they have a 35m range which is nice but they cant shoot round corners ;) in places like voidstar where they set up covering a door approach out of los they may try and relocate to get a shot on you so take your chance and charge!

Edited by Jornovich
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I charge them if I get an opening to. If I can't, then I walk up to them.


See them line up for Ambush knockback right away? Obfuscate.


Knockback root > Flashbang > Orbital Strike > Explosive Probe > Ambush? (Lol, this guy really doesn't like you). CC Break and Force Camo.


Knockback > Ambush > Leg Shot? Saber Ward.


Once you get those basics down, you can stay up in their grill. Don't ever waste your CC break with these guys.


They like to Knockback, stun or Evasion during Ravage. Expect it.


If you get through all that, they're squishy and die easy. If they evasion at low health, Force Choke them through it.

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Hello, how do you go about fighting a class which you can't charge and has knock back roots with a impenetrable absorb shield? cause as it stands its the class that can almost take no dmg from maras and dish alot of it out. Is there a plan to fix this? and will they allow us to charge people in cover or allow them to continually be immune to all charges?


With carnage marauder being extremely reliant on not being cc'd during the main rotations, I usually try to beat on people who someone else has softened up for me. For snipers, I wait for someone else to get them on their feet, then I jump on them and finish them quickly.


I think this is a good way to play to the marauder's strengths.

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I can beat any sniper or gs 1v1. What may be a surprise is that generally speaking ill open with a clutch vanish while running up to them, allowing them to almost get of an ambush or w/e they think they can pop off, then just appear on them and begin tearin them down while they are of course snared. pop cooldowns as needed but that method is pretty much a 100% win Edited by Huggsnotdruggs
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Sniper dueling marauders here.

I am not trying to brag, but this is not a hard match-up for me. The marauder must be much more skilled than me to compensate for my class having tools to deal with you.


Here is a few of my key abilities and their CD

  • Evasion, 3s, 1 min CD. It counters all your white damage. Perfect against ravage when i dont feel like knocking you back. If you dont interrupt your ravage, you are basically giving me a 2sec to freecast while i dont take damage form you
  • 35 meters root on 12s CD. That's right, i have it talented, And I use it often. When i am rooting you, i reposition myself, i know that you cannot leap to me during that time.
  • Ambush with knockback, 12s CD, my most powerful attack that also knocks you back. immediately i can use my mentioned ranged root on you and an instant filler attack the next 2 sec without breaking the root. These 3 abilities can already net me a good amount of damage, worst case scenario it will do 5000 damage if they both not crit (and i dont have obfuscate on me, but i will not use them if I have obfuscate)
  • Standard cover pulse 30s CD knockback with root again. And I will not position myself in a way so you can take advantage of near walls. I will not give you this opportunity.
  • Entrench with Siege bunker: Basically renders your only stun and 7000 crit smash completely useless. If I have ballistic dampers left, I will mitigate 90% damage from it.
  • Orbital strike just to make it extra taxing for you to stay in my melee range
  • 4s stun on 45s CD
  • Flashbang AoE mezz for 8s -> You will eat this one immediately as you pop your saberward. No, I am not going to fight you on your terms. If you break out of it, i will immediately stun you. Don't worry, no orbital strikes or Dots before using up my flashbang.
  • Target acquired -> another counter to your saberward. I will reduce your 50% dodge chance against white attacks to 20% only, which is much more manageble for me. Oh and it also give me more armor penetration on top of that.
  • Diversion -> Consider this one a mini-obfuscate, the only difference however is, that you will have 45% miss chance ON ALL your attacks. be it force or melee.
  • As for obfuscate, in case i've used up all my roots, knockbacks, immunity things, i can always rely on a few tech attacks. Even the most useless shiv that snipers have can prove useful in this scenario for some another 2000 damage. Frag grenades are not worse either. And explosive probe is another hard hitting tech ability. I have enough attacks to use during those 6s seconds of obfuscate.


And i did not mention the ballistic shield and shield probe for some more damage mitigation.


A sniper that is also a skilled marauder player, that knows all your abilities and has a quick and healthy reaction to your attacks, will lose very rarely to you because he simply has more tools to counter your abilities, defensive and offensive CDs.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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