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pets don't cloak, right?


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I started playing during the early access period, but I hadn't played in ages. I recently started getting back into things again, and received my Tauntaun pet. I'm a Sith Assassin. I notice the Tauntaun doesn't cloak even though my companion does.


Just to be clear, people will be able to see my pet, correct?

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Yes, people can see your pet, but as a non-combatant, the npc's will not aggro on him. YOu are perfectly safe while he's out.


if you are on a pvp server it may be a problem, but most probably wouldnt notice it

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In between posting this question yesterday afternoon, and remembering to look at the answer this morning, I did play a bit last night on a PvP server and forgot that my pet was out. I'm pretty sure me getting jumped had nothing to do with it. ;)


Also, I learned that when you die, the pet goes away until you manually re-summon it. After multiple deaths, it hadn't occurred to me that my pet may have been out. Gawd I'm such a n00b.


Thanks for all the answers.

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