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Dear Pugs, I am tired of carrying you.


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I agree with all but the above. I only do partial key-binding for marking targets, dropping into cover, Diagnostic Scan, and the Ops cleanse. I click everything else and I do better than ok.


And you'd do even better if you keybound all your important skills.

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3) Learn to keybind. I'm sorry but there is physically no way to play well while purely clicking on your skills. If you're serious about queuing to play with other people, take the 5 minutes to watch a tutorial and try to learn how to fight using keybinds like the rest of us do. I don't even care if you keyboard turn. Do that to your heart's content. Backpedal too if you want. Just please learn how to use keybinds so that you aren't standing still and missing GCD's trying to move your mouse around. This one right here, is why people don't break 100k damage. It's not because the enemy team is focusing you. It's not because you're off saving the day in a peaceful way. It's because you're activating your skills once for every 3 times I activate mine. When I take out 2-3 people solo I know they are all clickers because its not like I do 3x as much damage as anyone else.*


Sorry, your wrong here. Im a IA/OP and i break 300k almost everytime i WZ and im almost rank 80. I dont keybind, sorry never have and never will. See i know how to play with a mouse. You dont need to keybind to be good at pvp. Get your facts before you whine.


only thing i will agree with you on is everyone at 50 should take the recruit gear not the money. money can be made,


Also remember, you were a 'pug' at one time and im sure you were not that good.


300k is nothing nowadays. I can do that much on my sub 50 sniper. You don't need every single thing keybound, but you definitely should have all your core rotation abilities and pass huttball keybound. Otherwise, you're just gimping yourself.

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Clicking isn't as bad as most would think... I did it for several years when I played lotro. Rather than using the keyboard to execute skills and the mouse to operate the camera, the opposite control scheme is utilized. But I must admit that I played a ranged DPS with channeled skills where I remained fairly stationary throughout my rotation, but I also learned how to kite and click. It wasn't too bad.


After switching to key binds in this game, man what an improvement. I definitely feel so much more efficient as a player and a DPS. Whoever the poster was that claimed 300k damage clicking on a concealment Op, I call complete BS. My operative is my main, and with basically no channel skills and quick transitions from stealth + acid blade, there is no way that someone could move their mouse with such precision as to get through the same number of GCDs as a binder, while being on your toes for stealth and keeping acid blade up. Not to mention having to constantly move for the best positional damage, I would be honestly surprised if this was possible.

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Clicking isn't as bad as most would think... I did it for several years when I played lotro. Rather than using the keyboard to execute skills and the mouse to operate the camera, the opposite control scheme is utilized. But I must admit that I played a ranged DPS with channeled skills where I remained fairly stationary throughout my rotation, but I also learned how to kite and click. It wasn't too bad.


After switching to key binds in this game, man what an improvement. I definitely feel so much more efficient as a player and a DPS. Whoever the poster was that claimed 300k damage clicking on a concealment Op, I call complete BS. My operative is my main, and with basically no channel skills and quick transitions from stealth + acid blade, there is no way that someone could move their mouse with such precision as to get through the same number of GCDs as a binder, while being on your toes for stealth and keeping acid blade up. Not to mention having to constantly move for the best positional damage, I would be honestly surprised if this was possible.


DoTing people up and throwing AoEs will always net decent scoreboard numbers without any actual usefulness and you can easily do that while clicking.

Edited by Daiyukie
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Nothing is as amusing or telling as all of your attempts to justify sub-par performances with such credulity-straining explanations.


The problem with OP's post is that he assumes damage is everything that mattered in a wz,


No he doesn't, and none of his arguments support this interpretation. He's talking about cases where most of the people in the wz have pathetic damage, not simply the one or two stuck guarding nodes.


Further, medals aren't a good indication of usefulness in wzs because you can easily get 8-10 medals doing the opposite of what the OP suggests (several people guarding a single node, beating on tanks for damage medals while ignoring healers etc).


Nothing the OP wrote is particularly novel, but it's all accurate.

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Nothing is as amusing or telling as all of your attempts to justify sub-par performances with such credulity-straining explanations.




No he doesn't, and none of his arguments support this interpretation. He's talking about cases where most of the people in the wz have pathetic damage, not simply the one or two stuck guarding nodes.


Further, medals aren't a good indication of usefulness in wzs because you can easily get 8-10 medals doing the opposite of what the OP suggests (several people guarding a single node, beating on tanks for damage medals while ignoring healers etc).


Nothing the OP wrote is particularly novel, but it's all accurate.


Lemme just quote OP for a sec:


Stop trying to click your way to 75k in damage as a DPS class. In fact, stop queuing at all. No excuse for people being as bad as they are. Why is it two people are able to break 300k plus objectives every single match without fail and others can't seem to get past 100k with full battlemaster gear? This isn't rocket science - rotations in this game take like 4 keybinds.


^ this is the original post. Lets see the things which are mentioned here:


75k damage.


Break 300k plus objective.


Get pass 100k with full bm gear.


Rotations takes 4 keybinds.


Nowhere in the post did the OP mention about healing score, guards or any other factor that may deter the performance of the group. Also, I have not mentioned anywhere in my post that medals are an indication of how useful someone is in a warzone. It's not my fault that you can't read what has been written (epic l2read issue here, buddy) and its certainly not my fault that you extrapolate things to suit your interpretation.


To OP's credit, he has edited his post to be more constructive, which is always good to see. Still, it is you who actually really need to learn to read.

Edited by hyuplee
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Most things in PvP revolves around common sense so it still amazes me how a good portion of players seemingly have none. That must affect their real lives somehow too because I can't imagine that they simply drop 70 IQ points the second they log on.


Foremost two things baffle me:


*The inability to split up in squads. I'm usually already on my way to natural by the time someone is shouting INC. It doesnt take a brain surgeon to figure out that most pugs will go for natural when they lose mid. However, once the INC comes I all of a sudden see everyone from mid just leave to help out too so now I have to turn back to make sure that atleast one person defends it. EVERY GAME! Doesnt anyone ever think "hmmm, we should probably not all go"? They're traveling in a group too so they can't possibly not notice what's going on? Is basic math the problem? And for the love of God, stop calling out INC for one enemy. We don't need six people going for one enemy.


*Trading nodes/going for all three. I've lost track of the amount of wins my team has just given away. We've had two nodes and everything has been fine when someone, or usually two, decide that it's better to have three. 30 seconds later and we're back to one node.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Lemme just quote OP for a sec:


Stop trying to click your way to 75k in damage as a DPS class. In fact, stop queuing at all. No excuse for people being as bad as they are. Why is it two people are able to break 300k plus objectives every single match without fail and others can't seem to get past 100k with full battlemaster gear? This isn't rocket science - rotations in this game take like 4 keybinds.


^ this is the original post. Lets see the things which are mentioned here:


This is not the totality of the post, nor is your disregard for the points that have been made by others since reflective of the totality of arguments in the thread. You seem to have already conceded that you are bad at the game (which isn't surprising given your cavalier approach to anything you didn't write), and have now decided to offer your own sub-par intellect up for scrutiny.


75k damage.


It's a conditional 75k. I'm sorry you couldn't catch that.


Get pass 100k with full bm gear.


Is this 100k pass happening in Huttball? If not, I advise you to wait until you've finished high school and have a slightly better grasp on how poor spelling might affect the credibility of one who wishes to be taken seriously on matters of reading comprehension.


Rotations takes 4 keybinds.




Nowhere in the post did the OP mention about healing score


They weren't mentioned in mine, either.


guards or any other factor that may deter the performance of the group.


Weren't mentioned in mine, either.


Also, I have not mentioned anywhere in my post that medals are an indication of how useful someone is in a warzone.


Others have. It's too bad you read them without comprehending.




Mods no need to lock this thread. He's my buddy.


and its certainly not my fault that you extrapolate things to suit your interpretation.


You must be tired after your colossal misuse of the word 'extrapolate.'


To OP's credit, he has edited his post to be more constructive, which is always good to see. Still, it is you who actually really need to learn to read.


Mods Don't lock this thread: apparently now I'm two of his buddies.


This thread has been about three things:

1. Lots of you are bad.

2. There are some easy things you can do to make you less bad.

3. People angry with the OP are probably bad.


Rather than address your badness, you ran screaming from #2, even going so far as to shift the focus of the discussion to something you are even worse at.


게시판에 공개적으로 뭘 스시기에는 아직 영어가 좀 부족한 것같습니다... 그 전에 조금더 영어를 다듬는 편이 좋을 것 같아요...

Edited by Eggsalicious
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Dear WZ crybaby,


Dry your eyes, make a few friends and form your own premades. Or start queueing for a few rateds (which you should be doing, anyway, since you are so far above everyone else in skill).


Either that, or just become a pro quitter.


Dear forum warrior,


Thank you for your thoughtful response. My pre-mades are fine thank you. I'm sorry I made you upset by suggesting 75k for a dedicated DPS role is sub-par. Please accept my apologies for putting a definition on your failure to match mediocrity.




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Dear forum warrior,


Thank you for your thoughtful response. My pre-mades are fine thank you. I'm sorry I made you upset by suggesting 75k for a dedicated DPS role is sub-par. Please accept my apologies for putting a definition on your failure to match mediocrity.





Lol Now I'm certain I declared this thread closed. Personally id still rather have a 75k dpser who plays the objectives then a 300K death match marauder. Now if that marauder actually can put up 300K+ and do the objectives then fine. But in my experience 80% of Marauders/Sentinels are Leaping Lanny Poffos and are absolutely useless to their team. I will get 2 of them to chase me away from objective all the time just because they see me as an easy kill. I'm very happy to give them with that kill, as 70% of the time we cap that point they were suppose to be defending.

Edited by Ssfbistimg
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This one right here, is why people don't break 100k damage. It's not because the enemy team is focusing you. It's not because you're off saving the day in a peaceful way. It's because you're activating your skills once for every 3 times I activate mine.




I once had a gunslinger in a lvl 50 warzone, that did.... guess what... 50k damage!


50k! (I did 250k, 2.5 x as much as any other dude in that WZ).


We lost ofc. Next WZ, the same guy. So I ask him, "What's wrong with your DPS mate ? You only did 50k in the last WZ."


"Nothing. I died a lot you noob."


True story.

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Once on our server in the sub 50 brackets there was this Gunslinger and his friend. We would que up as a pug and he would immediately start calling everyone losers and telling em to try not to lose. Then we would lose. He would score 290k+ in damage and call everyone else bad players for not breaking 100k. This happend 3 times.

On the 4th time (Alderaan) he and his friend qued up. Called everyone losers and told us to learn to play. Then they quit just as the match started. We won. and we won the 5th time without them as well.


I have a Gunslinger. I may not break 200k every match. But I'm constantly moving. I interrupt caps. I'm pushing people off platforms, I will use CC on a caster (that gives 6+ seconds to DPS down a Tank). I'm using all my abilities, not just PEW PEW PEW.


On my shadow. I like playing him as a SHADOW. I stealh cap, I MindMez reinforcements, I CC the Healers, Mass mind control, Interrupt casting of healers. All of that is my priority then I worry about DPS. I've capped turrets with them standing on top of them and Doors with people (yes, more than one) less than 2 meters away. All without throwing a single hit. My favorite is waiting for them to cap in beginning of Alderaan, then capping immediatley after.


My Guardian, I do what guardians do. I annoy the Crap outta the enemy while defending my team. Or I'm carrying the ball.


My problem is that I dont get any medals for doing any of this stuff. But it's not about me, so I'm okay with it as long as we get a win. :rolleyes:


So while I agree with some of the edits made by the original post (and he has some really good tips). I really don't feel I have time to concentrate on damage, even if I am DPS speccd (objectives > DPS?). I like to think I'm smarter than that.

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Once on our server in the sub 50 brackets there was this Gunslinger and his friend. We would que up as a pug and he would immediately start calling everyone losers and telling em to try not to lose. Then we would lose. He would score 290k+ in damage and call everyone else bad players for not breaking 100k. This happend 3 times.

On the 4th time (Alderaan) he and his friend qued up. Called everyone losers and told us to learn to play. Then they quit just as the match started. We won. and we won the 5th time without them as well.


I have a Gunslinger. I may not break 200k every match. But I'm constantly moving. I interrupt caps. I'm pushing people off platforms, I will use CC on a caster (that gives 6+ seconds to DPS down a Tank). I'm using all my abilities, not just PEW PEW PEW.


On my shadow. I like playing him as a SHADOW. I stealh cap, I MindMez reinforcements, I CC the Healers, Mass mind control, Interrupt casting of healers. All of that is my priority then I worry about DPS. I've capped turrets with them standing on top of them and Doors with people (yes, more than one) less than 2 meters away. All without throwing a single hit. My favorite is waiting for them to cap in beginning of Alderaan, then capping immediatley after.


My Guardian, I do what guardians do. I annoy the Crap outta the enemy while defending my team. Or I'm carrying the ball.


My problem is that I dont get any medals for doing any of this stuff. But it's not about me, so I'm okay with it as long as we get a win. :rolleyes:


So while I agree with some of the edits made by the original post (and he has some really good tips). I really don't feel I have time to concentrate on damage, even if I am DPS speccd (objectives > DPS?). I like to think I'm smarter than that.


These are all under-appreciated (both by players and the scoreboard) plays that will usually wreck pugs, but I'm sure the other good players on your team will notice. But if you think that's impressive, I've "stealth-capped" nodes as a gunslinger :D, but I hope for the defender's sake that they had to go answer the door bell if they were standing on top of the node and I still managed to cap.


I used to know players who would only care about whether they hit 300k damage. But I'm not looking for how many medals I get. I'm always thinking about where I'd be most useful, even if that means defending a node when others can't be trusted to do so. My guildies and I will tend to spread out so we have at least one person per door/node.


Just last night I was in a Civil War and we had only one node. They had one marauder at mid, whom I legshot while he was in the rafters. I tried to cap on the opposite side of the node, and then I notice a shadow teammate was running around in stealth around the node. He was literally being useless, despite having a knockback, mez, and pull. I got the cap off with milliseconds left, but it should never have been that close in a 2v1 situation. I'm tired of carrying these poor players because they can sometimes prove to be more detrimental to the team.


The bottomline is that bad players need to up their game if they don't want to be called bad. I know the truth can hurt sometimes, but I understand that when I'm playing on my level 16 guardian, I am going to be BAD. I will not get bent out of shape if someone says I suck, but despite the fact that I need to L2P this new class, I will still focus on objectives. I think a lot of us are just sick of players in denial, that think they're SOOO good when they are in fact terrible. Go wallow in your mediocrity... we're sick of your "but mommy and daddy say I'm awesomes!!!1" BS. I don't care about your trophy for 'winning' last place. If you're bad, then face up to the facts and try to get better, or be content with me calling you out for playing like garbage just as I will accept criticism when I fail to perform at an acceptable level.

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Couldn't agree more!


Had a game the other night where a Sage healer took the cash. He had 0 expertise.


When asked him about it he said "I guess you don't want my heals then"


I told him "your not going to be able to heal"


He did 38k heals, we lost.


Selfish and inconsiderate IMO

Edited by Jalal
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then grow a set and do ranked. case solved. I love carrying pugs and I want them to continue queuing. what you seem to have a problem with is you have little heart and no balls. So stop crying and man up. Ranked is there for a reason.


Ranked is currently worthless as it's for 8 man guild groups only.

Even when they add solo queueing, it'll be equally worthless just easier to access.


Ranked is only for the 10% of guilds that can produce consistent ranked teams. Conceptually it's a nice idea, but unless Bioware can code a way to seperate 8 man groups from non-8 man groups in the next iteration of ranked, it'll be just as bad.


Not to mention, if there is no gear check in place, it ruins the value of ranked to begin with. People will queue for ranked in recruit gear. Why? Skip the BM gear grind, go right to war hero. Don't think it happens? Happens all the time. I am often in ranked 8's pug style and with 1240 expertise I have the most in the entire group and for several, they aren't within 100 of me. Why do I join? Because it's easy to get 6 comms even in a bad loss and at that point, it's more effective for the war hero grind.


They need to force a gear check for ranked, bare minimum of 1150 or similar or else adding solo queueing is going to be nothing but a non stop train wreck.

Edited by islander
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I have a Gunslinger. I may not break 200k every match. But I'm constantly moving. I interrupt caps. I'm pushing people off platforms, I will use CC on a caster (that gives 6+ seconds to DPS down a Tank). I'm using all my abilities, not just PEW PEW PEW.


Don't assume that because other people can crank out the damage that they aren't also using all their skills. I'm perfectly happy with a 200k DPS from a teammate most games, so I won't give you grief for that, but when I play my slinger I do all of those things as well.

Edited by dcgregorya
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Don't assume that because other people can crank out the damage that they aren't also using all their skills. I'm perfectly happy with a 200k DPS from a teammate most games, so I won't give you grief for that, but when I play my slinger I do all of those things as well.


You I believe. From your tips I can tell that you are a smart player. You've voiced a majority of my frustrations, and that is people don't play smart.

But I do believe that a majority of people concentrating on DPS fail to realize that there is more to the game. And it does appear to be alot of discussions and complaints about people not doing enough DPS.

Then again I could be wrong.

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You I believe. From your tips I can tell that you are a smart player. You've voiced a majority of my frustrations, and that is people don't play smart.

But I do believe that a majority of people concentrating on DPS fail to realize that there is more to the game. And it does appear to be alot of discussions and complaints about people not doing enough DPS.

Then again I could be wrong.


Exactly, I think we're all on the same page here. If one stealther is keeping four enemies at one of their own nodes all on his/her own, that would leave 6 teammates to fight 4 enemies. This contribution is not something that is measured on the scoreboard.


The point of this thread should be: don't be one of those 4 goons scratching his head while a stealther harasses them and their teammates are calling out for help because that just makes you dead weight. Exercise a little common sense so you can be more valuable to your team.:rak_03:

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People have it exactly backwards on Leaderboard numbers. Let's take Huttball where doing 300K is actually fairly difficult while playing for objectives. Let's keep it simple and say you're a straight up single target DPS class (PT, Marauder, whatever) so you can't get away with dotting/AE people for useless damage. If I see you do 300K damage I can be reasonably sure you pulled your weight even if I never saw you anywhere near the ball, because it's literlaly impossible to do that much damage without accidentally killing somebody close to the middle and sure you talk about objectives and whatnot but somebody's got to do the killing to keep middle controlled.


If you do 100K damage that's where I have to question what you're doing because chances are really good you didn't contribute enough to objectives, because usually only one guy can pull that off (the ball carrier). I also know that we don't magically control the middle without killing people and somebody has to be doing that damage. If you didn't do that damage than someone else got to cover your DPS, and yet you're unlikely to be able to do enough objective points either because the single target DPS specialists usually aren't good Huttball runners.


Is there sometime the 100K guy is more useful than the 300K guy? Sure, but the vast majority of the time the 300K damage guy is way better than the 100K. You don't win WZ without killing people unless your healing is so overwhelming that you can just walk past their entire team and in cases like that no one really cares who contributed because it'd be a blowout anyway. Unless you specifically spec for something that excels at doing useless damage, it's very hard to do respectable damage without doing anything useful. A corollary of that is that it is very hard to do irrelevent total damage (as a DPS) and still be useful overall. The exception is not the norm, and you're definitely not so special that every game you're in is the exception. The very best players always do great numbers and still contribute to everything else too.

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Lemme just quote OP for a sec:


Stop trying to click your way to 75k in damage as a DPS class. In fact, stop queuing at all. No excuse for people being as bad as they are. Why is it two people are able to break 300k plus objectives every single match without fail and others can't seem to get past 100k with full battlemaster gear? This isn't rocket science - rotations in this game take like 4 keybinds.


^ this is the original post. Lets see the things which are mentioned here:


75k damage.


Break 300k plus objective.


Get pass 100k with full bm gear.


Rotations takes 4 keybinds.


Nowhere in the post did the OP mention about healing score, guards or any other factor that may deter the performance of the group. Also, I have not mentioned anywhere in my post that medals are an indication of how useful someone is in a warzone. It's not my fault that you can't read what has been written (epic l2read issue here, buddy) and its certainly not my fault that you extrapolate things to suit your interpretation.


To OP's credit, he has edited his post to be more constructive, which is always good to see. Still, it is you who actually really need to learn to read.


You forgot a key point in that quote, "for DPS class" to suggest.he is looking at DPSers doing less than 100k damage.


Where I PvP with a Jugg and PT tank and Sorc and Sniper DPS all 4 break 100k regularly and both my DPS sit at around 250k normally. While we do need to account for a few things in WZs as far as performance goes.


1- The WZ itself. In VS there is really no reason a DPS shouldn't break 100k damage, yet in HB scoring is more important for the win so I could see damage dip.


2- Tasks, are you guarding or attacking? Attackers should have high damage and high kill counts while defenders might get a skirmish now and then.


3- Let's face it some classes can't survive. So tactics have a huge impact on your damage. Rushing a mob will not give you too much damage dealt while someone having free reign will deal loads of damage! Find your advantage!


4- Gear, arguments being what they your gear is critical. NO expertise in WZ is a nogo! But even with a full set of WH gear won't make you invincible to those in recruit. You still have to work the advantages you can get.

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^ :D


seriously though, i really really hate the clueless pugs that stand at the edge of the platform in Huttball, shooting at the jugg ball carrier. makes me want to be able to punt my own players off the cliff into a firepit or something.


friendly pull?


I like when I knock the ball carrier out of the redzone and into the pit, somone else knocks a potential receiver into the pit and then someone stands on the edge of the pit so the enemy can leap back. This time with full resolve.

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