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Dear Rage Quitters...


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I want to talk to ANYONE who has rage quit in this game, within the last two major patches, 1.2 and 1.3. This is a personal note to you all, and you know who you are. I understand the frustration of losing, we all have our bad days but there is no good reason to rage quit.

"But my team suck!" Big deal.

"They didn't listen to my plan." It happens.

"My guild needs my help with something." If your guild cannot respect the team you are on currently to wait, that is not a guild you want to be in.

What happens when you rage quit? The obvious is that your team is now down by 1. Of course, you forfeit all your medals, and you are penalized by being kept out of War Zones for an hour (not sure if this is implemented yet, I never rage quit so never suffered it if so).

You lose time, you lose medals and you lose bragging rights from recovering from a loss. I have seen MANY losing games suddenly turn around, for both teams. One team gets too arrogant and becomes blind to a weakness in their own movements, or your team finaly starts doing their jobs and pulling their weight. Either way, a point against you is not a loss to start with.

What it comes down to really, if you are going to rage quit don't queue at all. Just unsub too because you obviously cannot take loss very well and don't care how you impact a team. Frankly, it is a reflection of your own self and personal morals, just giving up like that.

Rage quitters need to leave the game or stop PVPing. Either way their days are numbered. How do you NOT rage quit? Just don't leave a losing War Zone. Take the loss, get your medals and deal with it. Be an adult and deal with the losses that eventually come up in your life.

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Here's the thing :


1 ) I dont rage quit cause my team sucks

2 ) I dont rage quit cause my team doesnt listen to me


With that out of the way id like say i "rage" quit because well i feel like it .

Im not sure what this feeling is : anger ? boredom ? tiredness ? i really dont know and frankly i dont care. Its just a loss of will to play the wz im in. So i leave


Do i know it affects my team ? yes i do . But whatever that feeling is it stops me from caring .


PS : here is some advice , dont call the ones your trying to give "advice" to kids / not adults / immature . Doesn't help and despite what you might believe many on the internet are not kids or trolls. There are decent folk here

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If my guild is putting together a team for ranked or operations,I will not stay in a losing game lol.

If my team has a premade from a bad guild,I will quit before the game starts.

I play unranked warzones to have fun,and losing because of somebody else isn't fun,if you have a problem with that you can take it up with my *** because hes the only one that gives a crap.

edit:Wow a-s-s is censored?Just when I thought BW couldn't suprise me..

Edited by Aehgo
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I dunno what has happened and i admit i never played WoW but i do have seven years of EQ2 under my belt but i have never seen a more immature crowd than i have until i joined this game

I am not only talking rage quitter's but im talking guilds that have Vent or whatever and not even half the guild uses it and then when they do you have ahard time understanding the guy,like he is so nervous to speak he is about to throw up or something and coming from EQ2 that is foriegn to me,where voice chat was in group,in game,it seem's you have to beg and plead the WoW crowd to even listen or speak,very very anti social type's i believe are in this game.

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If my guild is putting together a team for ranked or operations,I will not stay in a losing game lol.

If my team has a premade from a bad guild,I will quit before the game starts.

I play unranked warzones to have fun,and losing because of somebody else isn't fun,if you have a problem with that you can take it up with my *** because hes the only one that gives a crap.

edit:Wow a-s-s is censored?Just when I thought BW couldn't suprise me..


People like you should be avoided,and dont toot your horn,you most likely are not that good to begin with.

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Here's the thing :


1 ) I dont rage quit cause my team sucks

2 ) I dont rage quit cause my team doesnt listen to me


With that out of the way id like say i "rage" quit because well i feel like it .

Im not sure what this feeling is : anger ? boredom ? tiredness ? i really dont know and frankly i dont care. Its just a loss of will to play the wz im in. So i leave


Do i know it affects my team ? yes i do . But whatever that feeling is it stops me from caring .


PS : here is some advice , dont call the ones your trying to give "advice" to kids / not adults / immature . Doesn't help and despite what you might believe many on the internet are not kids or trolls. There are decent folk here


Small minority are mature adults i bet however,i did say mature.

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I don't rage quit. But I do fall victim to Biowares error 9000 here and there(never a losing game either)


But I can understand people saying screw it when 2 recruit noobs are fighting on the bridge and the door gets capped unopposed. Blatant stupidity is hard to swallow sometimes.

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I never "rage" quit.


I simply quit because I feel like it at that moment for whatever reason. The comms are just pixels and do not matter.


Further more you are just some random person across fiber optic cables. I can measure how much I care about you on the head of a pin. And that is being generous.


In the end, whatcha gonna do bout it son?

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I used to never rage quit and got mad at quitters and then I realized something... if you stay in the same wz with a bunch of uncooperative pugs against a geared premade and then you reque... you get to fight the same premade with most the same pugs. But, lo, if I leave a match and immediately reque, I get a little variety... maybe a shot to play with competent people.


I'll never get WH gear if I stay in losing games all the time.

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I want to talk to ANYONE who has rage quit in this game, within the last two major patches, 1.2 and 1.3. This is a personal note to you all, and you know who you are. I understand the frustration of losing, we all have our bad days but there is no good reason to rage quit.

"But my team suck!" Big deal.

"They didn't listen to my plan." It happens.

"My guild needs my help with something." If your guild cannot respect the team you are on currently to wait, that is not a guild you want to be in.

What happens when you rage quit? The obvious is that your team is now down by 1. Of course, you forfeit all your medals, and you are penalized by being kept out of War Zones for an hour (not sure if this is implemented yet, I never rage quit so never suffered it if so).

You lose time, you lose medals and you lose bragging rights from recovering from a loss. I have seen MANY losing games suddenly turn around, for both teams. One team gets too arrogant and becomes blind to a weakness in their own movements, or your team finaly starts doing their jobs and pulling their weight. Either way, a point against you is not a loss to start with.

What it comes down to really, if you are going to rage quit don't queue at all. Just unsub too because you obviously cannot take loss very well and don't care how you impact a team. Frankly, it is a reflection of your own self and personal morals, just giving up like that.

Rage quitters need to leave the game or stop PVPing. Either way their days are numbered. How do you NOT rage quit? Just don't leave a losing War Zone. Take the loss, get your medals and deal with it. Be an adult and deal with the losses that eventually come up in your life.


I will buy into you theme of being judgmental and say . . .


My time is more valuable than your time. Don't expect me to support the team of zero expertise, incapable to execute or just plain full of ranting lunatics like yourself. I will leave not in rage but in the logic that my time is being wasted and you are not worthy of any more of it because nothing I do or say will make the results any different. Finish with 7 or 6 or 5 or not at all, same result except I am now using my time more effectively.

Edited by ragnarz
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If you quit for ANY reason, you are a rage quitter. Reason: The game is not going as you want, you dislike it or are upset by it, hence a rage quit. Not because you are bored or just don't feel like it. Any apathy you claim is in reality a mask to hide the joy you must feel because the game is not in your favor and you blame your whole team instead of looking towards yourself first. If you leave because your guild is putting together a ranked group, you are still rage quitting. And you are pretty pathetic. Not an opinion, a fact.

If you are victim of the Error code, nothing you can do so NOT a rage quit.

Rage quitters should just unsub if they can't handle a loss. If their emotions take the better of them, forcing them to sacrifice ANY gain from a WZ, sounds like they need to not play MMOs.

I remember watching a friend of mine, play the old Ninja Turtles NES game. He would start to lose, and this high-pitched sqeal, followed by him throwing the controler at the TV. I wasn't his friend for long obviously. That is how I see rage quitters. Or that German kid from those Youtube vidoes, where he starts to lose, his cusses, and yells in German, then his animalistic rage takes over. That is a rage quitter. Deny your reasons, unless you do have an error code, you are no better than my ex friend or that German kid.

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I will buy into you theme of being judgmental and say . . .


My time is more valuable than your time. Don't expect me to support the team of zero expertise, incapable to execute or just plain full of ranting lunatics like yourself. I will leave not in rage but in the logic that my time is being wasted and you are not worthy of any more of it because nothing I do or say will make the results any different. Finish with 7 or 6 or 5 or not at all, same result except I am now using my time more effectively.


Your logic is flawed. If your time is more valuable, then what are you doing wasting it in a video game? Surely someone of "Trump" status as you see youself can find something better to "spend" his time on than flashy stimuli. I welcome you to my world of Judgementalism and now point out, you are still rage quitting. You see, you gain NOTHING by quitting (rage). If your time is somehow justified, value-wise, in a video game then your math is flawed also. You gain nothing and lose everything by rage quitting. No way around it. No way to justify it. It is just pathetic and a sign of a child.

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Everything you say can be turned around in a manner where complaining about rage quitters is as bad as rage-quitting. That's because nothing you said is rational, it is all judgmental.


You're trying to impose your values. Values are not universal.

Edited by lpsmash
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I can understand people quitting when their team demonstrates a certain level of incompetence. In the end, we all only have so many hours to play this game and its honestly a bit much sometimes to stay in a game or put time into something which is just not fun - which is why we play it in the first place.


I try not to quit, but sometimes I do, and its not out of rage. It's because I only have so much time to play and I've just gotten onto a team which demonstrates such a low level of skill or awareness that I know staying in the game will accomplish nothing more than wasting my time. If 6 people stand by and watch a door get capped in Voidstar, I know that the level of play in that game is going to be so far below what I would enjoy that it's not worth it. Now that's different from a single player failing to call out and a cap resulting, or even when the team is just not as good as the other team.


In other words, for me personally, I can tolerate being on a bad team, but I sometimes it's just too much to put up with absolute incompetence.

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"My guild needs my help with something." If your guild cannot respect the team you are on currently to wait, that is not a guild you want to be in.


Yes. I joined a guild to hold randoms in higher regard.


And yes. I do quit when my team is stupid. Because I can get into a new wz before the losing one would have finished. With the added bonus of me not having to play with the stupids who lost the last wz.

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Your logic is flawed. If your time is more valuable, then what are you doing wasting it in a video game? Surely someone of "Trump" status as you see youself can find something better to "spend" his time on than flashy stimuli. I welcome you to my world of Judgementalism and now point out, you are still rage quitting. You see, you gain NOTHING by quitting (rage). If your time is somehow justified, value-wise, in a video game then your math is flawed also. You gain nothing and lose everything by rage quitting. No way around it. No way to justify it. It is just pathetic and a sign of a child.


Judgmental and you have a reading comprehension problem which leads to the obviously flawed responses. We are all extras in your movie of life or in this case video game. If ignorance is bliss, you are overjoyed etc etc. Take solace that your rantings are entertaining the few who bother reading the forums.

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I want to talk to ANYONE who has rage quit in this game, within the last two major patches, 1.2 and 1.3. This is a personal note to you all, and you know who you are. I understand the frustration of losing, we all have our bad days but there is no good reason to rage quit.

"But my team suck!" Big deal.

"They didn't listen to my plan." It happens.

"My guild needs my help with something." If your guild cannot respect the team you are on currently to wait, that is not a guild you want to be in.

What happens when you rage quit? The obvious is that your team is now down by 1. Of course, you forfeit all your medals, and you are penalized by being kept out of War Zones for an hour (not sure if this is implemented yet, I never rage quit so never suffered it if so).

You lose time, you lose medals and you lose bragging rights from recovering from a loss. I have seen MANY losing games suddenly turn around, for both teams. One team gets too arrogant and becomes blind to a weakness in their own movements, or your team finaly starts doing their jobs and pulling their weight. Either way, a point against you is not a loss to start with.

What it comes down to really, if you are going to rage quit don't queue at all. Just unsub too because you obviously cannot take loss very well and don't care how you impact a team. Frankly, it is a reflection of your own self and personal morals, just giving up like that.

Rage quitters need to leave the game or stop PVPing. Either way their days are numbered. How do you NOT rage quit? Just don't leave a losing War Zone. Take the loss, get your medals and deal with it. Be an adult and deal with the losses that eventually come up in your life.

As you said - i am losing time. Losing time playing ****** pvp with ****** team.

For "decent" guys like you losing medals is nightmare. For me its payment for not playing with team of bads.

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I never "rage" quit.


I simply quit because I feel like it at that moment for whatever reason. The comms are just pixels and do not matter.


Further more you are just some random person across fiber optic cables. I can measure how much I care about you on the head of a pin. And that is being generous.


In the end, whatcha gonna do bout it son?


Love it. +1

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I'll admit, I get annoyed and upset in WZ but that's just because sometimes I feel like I'm putting in effort for no reward. But I won't ditch a WZ once I've started unless I am needed else where in the normal world and that takes priority. Only once I've ever ditched a WZ was because I got Huttball for a 4th time in a row, I hate Huttball and I left soon as I had joined it. The game hadn't started so no one was dis-advantaged. Never ditched a WZ once it has started.
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If you quit for ANY reason, you are a rage quitter. Reason: The game is not going as you want, you dislike it or are upset by it, hence a rage quit. Not because you are bored or just don't feel like it. Any apathy you claim is in reality a mask to hide the joy you must feel because the game is not in your favor and you blame your whole team instead of looking towards yourself first. If you leave because your guild is putting together a ranked group, you are still rage quitting. And you are pretty pathetic. Not an opinion, a fact.

If you are victim of the Error code, nothing you can do so NOT a rage quit.


I am sorry, but a subjective statement such as yours is not a fact, it is indeed, as you quote, an opinion.


PS Try not to start sentences with the word AND.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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i rage quit all the time. like others have said, if i'm surrounded by idiots who are not playing the objectives i will quit out and desynchronize myself from them. theyll lose with or without me and i'll get some new random teammates who i dont care about at all. it's not about losing per se, because i will stay in games that are iffy and lose, as long as my team is trying and playing smart. if they don't care about playing objectives then i dont care about leaving them in that warzone.


i've been in games where people ragequit and get backfilled by pros who eventually turned the tide and ive been in games that were a loss whether or not anyone ragequit at all. IMO ragequitters either have no impact on the final outcome or actually do you a favor and let someone with skill and gear in.


i was in a voidstar a couple hours ago where a 12k non-recruit nubcake ragequit and a top tier operative healer backfilled his spot and we won. so ragequit or not it doesn't matter at all.

Edited by Rippeh
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I want to talk to ANYONE who has rage quit in this game, within the last two major patches, 1.2 and 1.3. This is a personal note to you all, and you know who you are. I understand the frustration of losing, we all have our bad days but there is no good reason to rage quit.

"But my team suck!" Big deal.

"They didn't listen to my plan." It happens.

"My guild needs my help with something." If your guild cannot respect the team you are on currently to wait, that is not a guild you want to be in.

What happens when you rage quit? The obvious is that your team is now down by 1. Of course, you forfeit all your medals, and you are penalized by being kept out of War Zones for an hour (not sure if this is implemented yet, I never rage quit so never suffered it if so).

You lose time, you lose medals and you lose bragging rights from recovering from a loss. I have seen MANY losing games suddenly turn around, for both teams. One team gets too arrogant and becomes blind to a weakness in their own movements, or your team finaly starts doing their jobs and pulling their weight. Either way, a point against you is not a loss to start with.

What it comes down to really, if you are going to rage quit don't queue at all. Just unsub too because you obviously cannot take loss very well and don't care how you impact a team. Frankly, it is a reflection of your own self and personal morals, just giving up like that.

Rage quitters need to leave the game or stop PVPing. Either way their days are numbered. How do you NOT rage quit? Just don't leave a losing War Zone. Take the loss, get your medals and deal with it. Be an adult and deal with the losses that eventually come up in your life.


get over it, i did as soon as i quit. its no big deal. so you were a man down, or u had to join a losing warzone. Its not like u literally died. I quit because you more then likely were having a get together with 3 of ur closest friends at east turret when we only had east. Im sorry that I didnt want to go to your tea party. But i have better things to do with my time. Well maybe next time you might actually show up in pvp gear and try and kill an enemy combatant. If not I will say goodbye once again.

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I don't mind inexperienced players. We've all been there and they gotta learn somehow. However, I happily quit any game where the team does not even try to play the objectives, proceeds to a mindless Zerg rather than use their brain and/or refuse to listen to any strategic advice.
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The only reason I leave a WZ is:

- I have a 500ms of server latency.


When I have this, I leave right when I join, so my team has the possibility to be filled again.

I leave because it's not fun for me to play like that and my team doesn't benefit from me enough.

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Quitters are pathetic and childish. Throwing temper tantrums by leaving. Those who do it to "troll" are also pathetic. And it is a fact not just an opinion because no one likes a quitter. You quit because something is hard or not going your way, and you look like the fool. That is fact. No one respects a quitter. Another fact is that no one likes it when someone rage quits during a war zone.

If you have 500 Ping that is along the lines of the Error code situation, you cannot play with 500 ping.

It is also a sign of a child when they resort to insults (low brow ones at that) when confronted with something that upsets them. Saying I have a low reading comprehension, case in point of the child I say.

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