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Are Mercs really that bad?


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Just got a BH to level 10 and trying to decide which AC I want to play.


I'm interested in doing a Pyro spec I believe because I would like to be more mobile (and burning stuff is always fun). I do intend on doing some PvP as I enjoy it as a way to pass time and break things up.


I see a lot of complaints about Mercs, yet I doubt I could throw a rock without hitting at least 5 Mercs at any given time. Are they really that bad? If so, why are there so damn many of them?

Edited by Wind_Chaser
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Just got a BH to level 10 and trying to decide which AC I want to play.


I'm interested in doing a Pyro spec I believe because I would like to be more mobile (and burning stuff is always fun). I do intend on doing some PvP as I enjoy it as a way to pass time and break things up.


I see a lot of complaints about Mercs, yet I doubt I could throw a rock without hitting at least 5 Mercs at any given time. Are they really that bad? If so, why are there so damn many of them?


If you wanna PvP go powertech you'll be much better off. Merc pyro can still be pretty gimpy. As far as PvE goes mercs are fine.

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What's sad is at one point in closed beta you could be a mobile ranged merc instead of sitting in one place spamming missiles as a easy target. They dumbed the stat system down, however, and now you have to deal with it. Too bad, it was actually fun once.
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We aren't bad at all. Our armor debuff is of great value to a raid group and we have high survivability in raids as well. With myself, the only complaint I would have about our ability set is that we have no interrupt to lend to the group.
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Just got a BH to level 10 and trying to decide which AC I want to play.


I'm interested in doing a Pyro spec I believe because I would like to be more mobile (and burning stuff is always fun). I do intend on doing some PvP as I enjoy it as a way to pass time and break things up.


I see a lot of complaints about Mercs, yet I doubt I could throw a rock without hitting at least 5 Mercs at any given time. Are they really that bad? If so, why are there so damn many of them?


Mercs are very decent in PvE which may account for their population still flourishing. IMO the negative aura surounding Merc is entirely PvP based.


Mercs(Bodyguard) in PvP for healing are fine, although they struggle to pull the same healing numbers as Sorc/Ops due to their focus on single target healing...You have to be a considerably more active healer to pull the same overall numbers as a Sorc/Op.


Merc (DPS Pyro)...The Spec considered "the best" for PvP is still vastly inferior to the PT version in mobility, and damage. Merc has more "casted" abilities that are key to the spec's proc based nature making it much more stationary....and through off talents and lower Proc chances on the specs RnG aspect Merc does less dmg then PT as well.


Merc (DPS Arsenal) this spec is a PvP nightmare...Does amazing single target dmg and has zero way to get it out if under attack. Everything in the spec is based off Tracer Missle...Dmg boost procs, debuffs, mitigation buffs....Everything. Now factor in TM is interuptable by every class in the game besides Merc/Commando (only class with no interupt) and you can see where this goes....Nowhere! Where you goin Arse? Nowhere, thats where!


Now there are the few that will say this isnt true and post screen shots of high numbers blah blah blah ( I suspect these people only have a 50 Merc, if they played another AC I really think they would realise where Merc is in the order a bit better)....If your on a great team you will fair much better...thing is so will every other class....your normal 350k goes to 500k plus...another class that usually pulls 450k is now 600k on that same team...either way Merc usually comes out behind the pack minus those few exceptional players running on a solid team. For the Masses Merc DPS is horrid in PvP.


If your not planning on playing Heals, and are set on DPS I would strongly suggest PT for you especially since Pyro and AP are both amazing DPS specs, and PT tank tree is very solid in PvE.

Edited by Soljin
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yes they are bad, i hate the fact that we are now the worst class in the game when it comes to pvp, while our flipside AC (powertech) is basking in glory for being so much better.

The arguement about playing healer and still being viable in pvp. no it's not. sorcs and ops can do it 10x better.

Roll a powertech and don't waste your time with a merc. i wished i had but didn't know merc would be gimped to the lower depths of hell in only a few months after release.

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Mercs can do fine in regular warzones, but in rated warzones you'll be shut down pretty often.


to go a step further:


any competent player or team, whether ranked or unranked, can effectively shutdown a well played mercenary, or at the least turn them into nothing more than a minor contributor in terms of objective-based, team play.


Mercenary can be played, very well.


other classes just do it better, faster, longer.


^^^DPS Mercs. not healer Mercs.

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