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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

We Just Want To Hear Something/Anything


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TOR's last update, Patch 1.3, was a little over a month ago. That's actually not that bad. What's bad is the community has an idea of what's supposed to come out this year (based on what we saw at E3) but we haven't even heard a peep about 1.4.


In fact we haven't heard anything at all aside from the Q&As which are essentially a joke. If they come out this week and said "here's what we're doing and here's a general time frame for 1.4" people would be more inclined to stay and relax. But because we haven't heard ANYTHING from the developers for so long they're getting pissed.


BioWare needs to fix the bugs that have existed since Beta, fix the extremely obvious little things around the game, and get some new content. But more importantly the devs really just have to say something to us.

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TOR's last update, Patch 1.3, was a little over a month ago. That's actually not that bad. What's bad is the community has an idea of what's supposed to come out this year (based on what we saw at E3) but we haven't even heard a peep about 1.4.


In fact we haven't heard anything at all aside from the Q&As which are essentially a joke. If they come out this week and said "here's what we're doing and here's a general time frame for 1.4" people would be more inclined to stay and relax. But because we haven't heard ANYTHING from the developers for so long they're getting pissed.


BioWare needs to fix the bugs that have existed since Beta, fix the extremely obvious little things around the game, and get some new content. But more importantly the devs really just have to say something to us.


Don't listen to the blizzard drone above ^^^


Devs are busy working on 1.4, just be patient. SWG Devs were silent like this when they were busy working on a big update.

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Devs are busy working on 1.4, just be patient. SWG Devs were silent like this when they were busy working on a big update.


And that went so very, very, very well! :D







Bioware should at the very least mirror Mythics level of communication with Developers letters every 3 months.

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Don't listen to the blizzard drone above ^^^


Devs are busy working on 1.4, just be patient. SWG Devs were silent like this when they were busy working on a big update.


I don't care what they're working on they just need to communicate with their customers.

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And that went so very, very, very well! :D







Bioware should at the very least mirror Mythics level of communication with Developers letters every 3 months.


ok Blizz is the same way when they are working on a new patch. Hell they wait 6-8 months inbetween patches.

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But more importantly the devs really just have to say something to us.


Just on a little note, the devs copy and pasting the same messages over and over, lots of people are sick of. I rather not them say anything to us if they are going to continue to copy and paste the same messages over and over, to me its straight up trolling.

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So much for the new community team with better communication, modern manager bla bla, it won't change something. It's some modern company style stuff tho, managers think of crap and get a lot of money for that. ^^


I'd like to hear more as well, but who's left to tell us? xD

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Why with this game does everyone think they're privileged so much so that they think they deserve to be told everything that's going on? None of us are. We'll get information when we get it, and when they're ready to share. Just deal with it.
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And that went so very, very, very well! :D







Bioware should at the very least mirror Mythics level of communication with Developers letters every 3 months.


Yep, it went over so well that they eventually set up specialized community reps for each of the classes in order to calm people down lol. You'd think game developers would learn, but it seems to be too difficult for them.

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So much for the new community team with better communication, modern manager bla bla, it won't change something. It's some modern company style stuff tho, managers think of crap and get a lot of money for that. ^^


I'd like to hear more as well, but who's left to tell us? xD


Just another Bioware lie to their customers, but who's counting.

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Why with this game does everyone think they're privileged so much so that they think they deserve to be told everything that's going on? None of us are. We'll get information when we get it, and when they're ready to share. Just deal with it.


Because we're the paying customers. Somewhere along the lines some gamers decided they don't deserve to be treated well, or even politely, by video game companies. While that may be ok for you, it's not for the rest of us.

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Why with this game does everyone think they're privileged so much so that they think they deserve to be told everything that's going on? None of us are. We'll get information when we get it, and when they're ready to share. Just deal with it.


I don't feel any more priviledged about being "told whats going on", than EA should feel about recieving my monthly fee...


If they don't want to communicate with their customers, thats their perogative. I won't lose any sleep. But at the end of the day, when i feel like this game is going nowhere fast, I can just cancel my sub.


My last days of Warhammer Online were very similiar to this.. Server mergers, lay-offs, no communication.. Wasn't that an EA game as well??


Its ok, theres a lot of MMOs to play these days.



Edited by Tic-
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So much for the new community team with better communication, modern manager bla bla, it won't change something. It's some modern company style stuff tho, managers think of crap and get a lot of money for that. ^^


I'd like to hear more as well, but who's left to tell us? xD


yeh this makes me laugh too. there was a shake up, a blog about being more communicative with personal bios etc and about 1 week where there were yellow posts everywhere and mingling.


Then silence. Since then 2 rounds of layoffs and no word from BW with what is going on. I dont see how anyone can put a positive spin on this. 'they are working hard' blah blah blah, they could be working on the fountain of youth and it wouldnt matter, bucause if i as a customer dont know then sorry but im looking elsewhere to spend my 15 bucks.


Thank god gw2 is out this month and if that sucks, then mop a month after. It just never ceases to amaze me that how much i hate wow i am considering buying mop because you take one look at MMO champion and you can sit there for an hour and read the interactions of the blues with the players. It builds interest, excitement and makes you feel like your input is valued.


You just have to shake your head and think how did a game with this IP, with that budget, and that time spent making it, to end up like this.

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Hey look at this! Another "Bioware doesn't communicate with the players" post! Its like the naysayers absolutely have to start a brand new thread about this topi everyday to ensure that the negative threads have as many posts and fill the front page as often as possible.


And once again, the original poster claims that Bioware isn't communicating with the players, but they conveniently leave out the fact that in the last 30 days, Bioware has announced a new planet, a new species, a new companion, new story content, a new warzone, a new operation, legendary weapons and armor and a level cap increase. Like seriously, all this information was released last month.


If you're not satisfied with the game, by all means voice your displeasure. But voice your displeasure with something concrete instead of just regurgitating the tired old "There's no content, Bioware doesn't communicate with the players, there are fundamental flaws in the game that still haven't been fixed drivel". To sit at your screen and constantly start threads about how Bioware isn't communicating with the players is sad because its not true.

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Hey look at this! Another "Bioware doesn't communicate with the players" post! Its like the naysayers absolutely have to start a brand new thread about this topi everyday to ensure that the negative threads have as many posts and fill the front page as often as possible.


And once again, the original poster claims that Bioware isn't communicating with the players, but they conveniently leave out the fact that in the last 30 days, Bioware has announced a new planet, a new species, a new companion, new story content, a new warzone, a new operation, legendary weapons and armor and a level cap increase. Like seriously, all this information was released last month.


If you're not satisfied with the game, by all means voice your displeasure. But voice your displeasure with something concrete instead of just regurgitating the tired old "There's no content, Bioware doesn't communicate with the players, there are fundamental flaws in the game that still haven't been fixed drivel". To sit at your screen and constantly start threads about how Bioware isn't communicating with the players is sad because its not true.


I would actually like some more info about the current events, than about white elephants.


Like some info what will happen to our characters if we don't transfer by the 30th. Or if we already have all slots filled on our destination server. Or why some non-destination servers are locked and others are not. Or when we get paid transfers so we can finally consolidate characters from different servers......


These issues are way more important to me than some nonsense about content for which they no longer have the artists or designers - since they fired a ton of their Austin staff in May and earlier this month.

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Hey look at this! Another "Bioware doesn't communicate with the players" post! Its like the naysayers absolutely have to start a brand new thread about this topi everyday to ensure that the negative threads have as many posts and fill the front page as often as possible.


If they stuck to the old threads, you'd be whining about "OMGNECROING". Shared discontent is not a conspiracy, nobody is out to 'control' the boards... apparently, not even the Mods.


And once again, the original poster claims that Bioware isn't communicating with the players, but they conveniently leave out the fact that in the last 30 days, Bioware has announced a new planet, a new species, a new companion, new story content, a new warzone, a new operation, legendary weapons and armor and a level cap increase. Like seriously, all this information was released last month.
Trade show and convention announcements aimed at bringing in new players aren't communication. Twitter links to interviews are certainly not communication. 'Playerbase Communication' is back-and-forth, which isn't happening outside of the Q&A. You'll find more regular BW posts on the DA2 forums.. which is just sad.


If you're not satisfied with the game, by all means voice your displeasure. But voice your displeasure with something concrete instead of just regurgitating the tired old "There's no content, Bioware doesn't communicate with the players, there are fundamental flaws in the game that still haven't been fixed drivel". To sit at your screen and constantly start threads about how Bioware isn't communicating with the players is sad because its not true.


So we have your permission (thanks, by the way) to voice displeasure, so long as it fits your standards and not just about "fundamental flaws that still haven't been fixed". Good point, that's just trivial. I'll let you get back to assuming it's the same 4 people making every thread.

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Why with this game does everyone think they're privileged so much so that they think they deserve to be told everything that's going on? None of us are. We'll get information when we get it, and when they're ready to share. Just deal with it.


Seriously. I can't believe people though BW was going to talk about the layoffs here on the forum. No company would do that.

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Seriously. I can't believe people though BW was going to talk about the layoffs here on the forum. No company would do that.


Of course not, but anyone who can count to 3 will figure out that promises about tons of new content and massive layoffs in Austin don't fit together.

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Of course not, but anyone who can count to 3 will figure out that promises about tons of new content and massive layoffs in Austin don't fit together.


And it still doesn't change the fact that BW isn't going to say anything in relation to people being let go. All the layoffs mean is that they aren't going to give specific dates until they're SURE. Which is...exactly what they were doing before the layoffs.


Honestly, people need to stop screaming for a written in stone release date the second something is announced. Odds are the BW people don't have an absolute date set anyway given how tricky MMO programing is.

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If they stuck to the old threads, you'd be whining about "OMGNECROING". Shared discontent is not a conspiracy, nobody is out to 'control' the boards... apparently, not even the Mods.


Trade show and convention announcements aimed at bringing in new players aren't communication. Twitter links to interviews are certainly not communication. 'Playerbase Communication' is back-and-forth, which isn't happening outside of the Q&A. You'll find more regular BW posts on the DA2 forums.. which is just sad.




So we have your permission (thanks, by the way) to voice displeasure, so long as it fits your standards and not just about "fundamental flaws that still haven't been fixed". Good point, that's just trivial. I'll let you get back to assuming it's the same 4 people making every thread.


See, you don't get to say communication isn't happening and then throw in the little disclaimer "outside of the Q&A". That's exactly what I'm talking about. There is a forum in place in which the players are avoided the opportunity to communicate directly with the developers. Yet each time the Q&A is mentioned, people run to their keyboards to say "the Q&A sucks/is a joke/they only pick the easy questions" etc. That's their response when someone points out that communication, the very thing they claim they want, is in fact happening. That's like saying "I never get to eat except when I get to eat". And I guess I just have a different idea of communication than you do because I consider news released from the developer team concerning the game to be communication and you apparently consider it to be a forum thread in which the developer spends X amount of time posting in direct response to everyone's comments on the boards.


Well if we're going to be all snarky and stuff, then I'll retort with: You're welcome. I aim to please. And thank you my friend, for informing me of exactly what I was assuming. I was unclear about my assumptions before but now thanks to you I've got it.:p

Edited by aurellian
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I would actually like some more info about the current events, than about white elephants.


Like some info what will happen to our characters if we don't transfer by the 30th. Or if we already have all slots filled on our destination server. Or why some non-destination servers are locked and others are not. Or when we get paid transfers so we can finally consolidate characters from different servers......


These issues are way more important to me than some nonsense about content for which they no longer have the artists or designers - since they fired a ton of their Austin staff in May and earlier this month.


This was actually addressed in the Q&A. Bioware has stated that they are working on infastructure to close all origin servers by the end of the summer and all remaining characters on those servers will be moved to available destination servers. They have also stated there are no plans to ever delete any characters even if you have all slots filled. They are working on a fix for this problem at present. They also stated there are no plans for paid transfers or transfers from one type of server to another at this time, but they're not ruling it out.

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