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Bioware 'Q&A' - What a joke


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Seriously, they have time to answer questions that no one could give a flying **** about, but when it comes to answering real questions, Bioware is nowhere to be found. The lack of 'news' in this game is appauling. The fact that Bioware's management team cant seem grasp that keeping secrets is detaching their community from the developers.


People only really come to the forums to post negative feedback now, with one to two posts occasionally being a positive note - how about you LEARN from this bioware, people want more then an occasional response from a Moderator saying "this is an known issue, i'm going to close the thread you spent time out of your day making"





It's becoming clear that people are responding to this topic without realising the kind of crap we're being fed by bioware. Here are 2 out of 5 of the questions they answered this week for your enjoyment.




What is the backstory of the seven pillars on Corellia commemorating the heroes of The Jedi Civil War in BTC 303 (Revan, Bastila, Carth, Canderous, Juhani, Mission, Zaalbar)? How did the people of Corellia arrive at the decision to build the pillars?


Hall Hood (Lead Writer): Monuments to these great heroes who saved the entire Republic were constructed on multiple Core Worlds after the war’s end. The motivations behind these memorials differed from planet to planet. Some were built by politicians cynically displaying their patriotism, while others were created by artists and refugees seeking to honor their saviors. Corellia’s pillars, like its many museums, were built as much for tourism as a sincere display of Republic solidarity. Trivia note: a beautiful monument to the heroes stood outside Coruscant’s Galactic Senate building for nearly three centuries, but was destroyed by Sith Empire forces during the planet’s sacking.

(Apparently this stuff is important in relation to the future of the game ^ which has had a lot of doubt cast towards it lately)





Question about Legacy! Under Character Perks -> Travel, at 1.2 there was buff for Sprint Speed but locked and now in 1.3 it was changed to Priority Transport. Why?


Will Wallace (Senior Designer): There were both internal and external balance concerns about allowing players to purchase upgrades to Sprint speed, especially as it related to advantages in Warzones. We don't want someone to feel like they have to have an optional purchase to be competitive in PvP. The Priority Transport perks were created as a replacement since they are beneficial for all players without upsetting the balance of the game.


Apparently here, common sense couldn't just prevail for this one user ^ - Hmmm why did they take out a feature they intended on releasing, and replace it with something more balanced. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

Edited by Nanglez
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Seriously, they have time to answer questions that no one could give a flying **** about, but when it comes to answering real questions, Bioware is nowhere to be found. The lack of 'news' in this game is appauling. The fact that Bioware's management team cant seem grasp that keeping secrets is detaching their community from the developers.


People only really come to the forums to post negative feedback now, with one to two posts occasionally being a positive note - how about you LEARN from this bioware, people want more then an occasional response from a Moderator saying "this is an known issue, i'm going to close the thread you spent time out of your day making"


Agreed. They might as well just scrap the Q&A. They refuse to answer real questions and all that does is p*** people off. They don't even bother with more than a handful of questions. It used to be 10, sometimes 15. Now it's a p***-poor token offering that's not even worth the space it was posted on.

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Seriously, they have time to answer questions that no one could give a flying **** about


When you say no one, what you really mean to say is that YOU don't care about them. Don't hide behind numbers, these questions actually came from players, so obviously someone cares about this stuff.

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When you say no one, what you really mean to say is that YOU don't care about them. Don't hide behind numbers, these questions actually came from players, so obviously someone cares about this stuff.


You can argue that there are MUCH more worthy questions to be answered, especially when you consider the state of a great many things in this game. The Q&A has turned into nothing more than a shameless copout.

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Well, they could just not do a Q&A. Would that make you feel better.


These Q&A's didn't just start happening 2 days ago. They've been around for a while. Most everyone knows what to expect from them. So why do you get upset? Just pretend they don't exist. You aren't getting your "Give me a developer outline for the next 2 years of this game" questions answered. Yet you rage every week? Seems silly.

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Well, they could just not do a Q&A. Would that make you feel better.


That's what I've already suggested. The number of threads and posts about this lately should be a totally conspicuous sign that they're doing community relations wrong. They are doing themselves and the community a disservice. The recent Q&As literally look like they were cobbled together in 5 minutes with wholly fabricated questions and responses.

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yea I am disappointed in the Q & A. I posted a question but it was an easy one just about if they were going to ever let us try on weapons like we can with armor. not a single question answered was worthwhile (some questions were, but the answers they gave were so vague) and their servers being so stable? yeah im sure they are, but the actual files on those noncrashable servers are still bug ridden.


None of their answers inspired hope for me in this game. They've had much better Q&A's but this one...what was the point? Hardly any communication in a long while and then this...5 questions..that's it? The answers werent even that long. I would assume answering those 5 questions took an hour or less to get info about and respond. (I could be wrong but the way it seems leads me to believe that.)


ok /end rant


Positive note: At least they responded I guess, and we'll get our server merge/transfer gifts very soon (I think).

Edited by BluBreeze
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When you say no one, what you really mean to say is that YOU don't care about them. Don't hide behind numbers, these questions actually came from players, so obviously someone cares about this stuff.


Hahah only someone as naive as you would assume a big corporation wouldn't do what it wants to portray it's own image how it wants.

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Frankly they could tell us they have five new expansions coming out all at once and you people would find something to complain about. Flame me all you want but at the end of the day you have no proof in any way shape or form that these questions didn't help somebody. You also have no right to bash them when in the end they still did post questions. You also do not have the right to tell them what to do with their forums. You also do not have the right or entitlement to the very character you play. You only have the right to the services offered which are covered by the $15 you spend on this game. You also do not have the right to demand certain company information pertaining directly to the implementation, patches, and or content that is coming in the future of the said game. maybe you all should read the terms and agreements you all willingly agree to when you decide to put forth the $15 price tag to play this game or any game for that matter. Proprietary information is not included in our agreement with Bioware, so the next time you think you are entitled to certain information, maybe you should understand the company involved regardless of the situation or how badly they want to tell you things they simply have an internal NDA that they must abide by. Facts are facts and i would challenge any of you to prove me wrong.
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Frankly they could tell us they have five new expansions coming out all at once and you people would find something to complain about. Flame me all you want but at the end of the day you have no proof in any way shape or form that these questions didn't help somebody. You also have no right to bash them when in the end they still did post questions. You also do not have the right to tell them what to do with their forums. You also do not have the right or entitlement to the very character you play. You only have the right to the services offered which are covered by the $15 you spend on this game. You also do not have the right to demand certain company information pertaining directly to the implementation, patches, and or content that is coming in the future of the said game. maybe you all should read the terms and agreements you all willingly agree to when you decide to put forth the $15 price tag to play this game or any game for that matter. Proprietary information is not included in our agreement with Bioware, so the next time you think you are entitled to certain information, maybe you should understand the company involved regardless of the situation or how badly they want to tell you things they simply have an internal NDA that they must abide by. Facts are facts and i would challenge any of you to prove me wrong.




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Seriously, they have time to answer questions that no one could give a flying **** about, but when it comes to answering real questions, Bioware is nowhere to be found. The lack of 'news' in this game is appauling. The fact that Bioware's management team cant seem grasp that keeping secrets is detaching their community from the developers.


People only really come to the forums to post negative feedback now, with one to two posts occasionally being a positive note - how about you LEARN from this bioware, people want more then an occasional response from a Moderator saying "this is an known issue, i'm going to close the thread you spent time out of your day making"


I agree, good to know someone thinks the same.

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Frankly they could tell us they have five new expansions coming out all at once and you people would find something to complain about. Flame me all you want but at the end of the day you have no proof in any way shape or form that these questions didn't help somebody. You also have no right to bash them when in the end they still did post questions. You also do not have the right to tell them what to do with their forums. You also do not have the right or entitlement to the very character you play. You only have the right to the services offered which are covered by the $15 you spend on this game. You also do not have the right to demand certain company information pertaining directly to the implementation, patches, and or content that is coming in the future of the said game. maybe you all should read the terms and agreements you all willingly agree to when you decide to put forth the $15 price tag to play this game or any game for that matter. Proprietary information is not included in our agreement with Bioware, so the next time you think you are entitled to certain information, maybe you should understand the company involved regardless of the situation or how badly they want to tell you things they simply have an internal NDA that they must abide by. Facts are facts and i would challenge any of you to prove me wrong.


Wow, if I could say the one word that comes to my mind about you when I read your post - well...I just won't go there.


I don't think people are demanding anything...I think the overall gripe is the lack of communication and yes $15.00 is not a lot of money. But, when you start adding up the amount of people who are not happy with Bioware at this stage you will find it will add to some serious money.


I also think we will hear how bad it is when EA provides their results soon.

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I'm irritated that the ask for questions about why something is the way it is, then ignore them.


Of course, now they probably can't answer those, since so many of the people who made the decisions have left or been laid off.


Don't get me started on all the questions they pick that could have been answered with a cursory google search.


Every week, I hope there will be one good question. And every week, I get frustrated.

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Frankly they could tell us they have five new expansions coming out all at once and you people would find something to complain about. Flame me all you want but at the end of the day you have no proof in any way shape or form that these questions didn't help somebody. You also have no right to bash them when in the end they still did post questions. You also do not have the right to tell them what to do with their forums. You also do not have the right or entitlement to the very character you play. You only have the right to the services offered which are covered by the $15 you spend on this game. You also do not have the right to demand certain company information pertaining directly to the implementation, patches, and or content that is coming in the future of the said game. maybe you all should read the terms and agreements you all willingly agree to when you decide to put forth the $15 price tag to play this game or any game for that matter. Proprietary information is not included in our agreement with Bioware, so the next time you think you are entitled to certain information, maybe you should understand the company involved regardless of the situation or how badly they want to tell you things they simply have an internal NDA that they must abide by. Facts are facts and i would challenge any of you to prove me wrong.


pretty sure paying the subscription fee grants us the right to comment on the forums and give suggestions and questions. whether or not they lsiten to us is another matter. But I'm pretty sure they made the Q & A so they could tell us stuff and satisfy us. We arent asking for everything to be revealed. We just want to know they are looking into it at the very least. Im sure the answers/questions helped somebody...but many other questions could have helped more people. And I would complain about 5 xpacs at the same time... thats just stupid lol. And right now if they came out with one I'd be like WHY? Fix the major issues in the current game before you release an expansion! lol. We have no right to tell them what to do with their forums? well duh, but if we don't like it then subscriptions will gradually dwindle. You are correct in our rights. But when there's less subscriptions that's how "tell them what to do". Our $15 puts our trust in them for their services, if they don't measure up to our standards we leave, simple as that.


Not arguing with you on our rights at all. Just saying it's worth a shot to suggest things to them. Maybe they'll listen, maybe not.

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I had high hopes for the Q&A post when it came out, but these days its just terrible. I am sure some people do care about the question they ask, I am just not sure they care about the answer they get when they get a pointless reply which doesn't actually answer anything. Also notice how we have gone from 15 questions to 5.
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pretty sure paying the subscription fee grants us the right to comment on the forums and give suggestions and questions. whether or not they lsiten to us is another matter. But I'm pretty sure they made the Q & A so they could tell us stuff and satisfy us. We arent asking for everything to be revealed. We just want to know they are looking into it at the very least. Im sure the answers/questions helped somebody...but many other questions could have helped more people. And I would complain about 5 xpacs at the same time... thats just stupid lol. And right now if they came out with one I'd be like WHY? Fix the major issues in the current game before you release an expansion! lol. We have no right to tell them what to do with their forums? well duh, but if we don't like it then subscriptions will gradually dwindle. You are correct in our rights. But when there's less subscriptions that's how "tell them what to do". Our $15 puts our trust in them for their services, if they don't measure up to our standards we leave, simple as that.


Not arguing with you on our rights at all. Just saying it's worth a shot to suggest things to them. Maybe they'll listen, maybe not.


I understand what you are saying, i am more or less speaking about the constant whiners not so much the people with valid questions grips and complaints. It just gets a bit old daily seeing the same whiners post the same junk and expect something out of it. Does that help explain my first post a bit better?

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I had high hopes for the Q&A post when it came out, but these days its just terrible. I am sure some people do care about the question they ask, I am just not sure they care about the answer they get when they get a pointless reply which doesn't actually answer anything. Also notice how we have gone from 15 questions to 5.


truth, though them acknowledging some serious, majority wanna know, questions would be very nice. Id take a vauge answer over no answer, though I would still be upset, it'd at least let me know they saw it and thought about it to some degree. They may actually really care and implement stuff we suggest, but their biggest issue is letting us know they are or at least making us feel like we are being listened to.


EDIT: so I thought you were quoting me and yourself..thinking you were the guy you quoted..im too tired to think straight, so what I said above may or may not make sense lol

Edited by BluBreeze
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Seriously, they have time to answer questions that no one could give a flying **** about, but when it comes to answering real questions, Bioware is nowhere to be found. The lack of 'news' in this game is appauling. The fact that Bioware's management team cant seem grasp that keeping secrets is detaching their community from the developers.


People only really come to the forums to post negative feedback now, with one to two posts occasionally being a positive note - how about you LEARN from this bioware, people want more then an occasional response from a Moderator saying "this is an known issue, i'm going to close the thread you spent time out of your day making"


you didnt even include what questions you wanted answered, complete waste of time.

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