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New to PvP what is a recommended newb class?


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Hi all


I am currently leveling up a Sith Sorc using the storyline and side quests only at the moment she is lvl33. I have never PvPd before so wanted to give it a try. Instead of jumping in with my Sorc I am thinking about rolling a new character and starting doing PvP at level 10 and only leveling using the Story and PvP. For just starting out in PvP can you recommend a class for a complete newb to play with to get te grips of PvP and the mechanics.





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If you want to have some low level fun in PvP i recommend a sniper/gunslinger. They are the overpowered ones in low pvp! I had a lvl 42 sniper hit a 4.6k ambush on me the other day...


Also very decent at 50.

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First of, if you suck, then it doesnt matter what toon you choose, the fact that you have no clue what your doing, and got **** gear from the start will make every class feel meh.


Secondly, since you need to go through the whole treadmill of learning the basics of pvp (and this apply's to all mmo's your going to play) You might aswell pick the class you find most interesting, if your good then your class wont matter much, if you suck, then you will suck no matter what you choose.





Oh yea 10-49 will suck more than fresh 50, since you'll be missing all your key talents for the majority for the time :<

Edited by upzie
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for dps, go vanguard assault/bounty hunter pyrotech - very simple "rotation"


for tank hybrid, assassin darkness/shadow mirror. - nothing is as simple/effective as vanguard assault, but this is fun to play. stealthy and such. guard ppl and places. taunt. cc.


healing isn't easy in pvp. you will be humbled cuz there's always (literally) a target over your head. but you'll die a lot less as an operative/smuggler healer. sorc/sage healers do the biggest numbers (assuming they stay alive) and have decent escape/cc abilis as well as great utility in huttball. mercenary/commando heals are rough. they're much more dependent on help from the rest of their op, and it's quite frustrating to not be able to get of the most basic cast because 2 or 3 different ppl are interrupting you, and your cc is worthless (another interruptable cast that goes on cd when interrupted). when your cds are up, though, you're king of the world for about 15 seconds or so.




Oh yea 10-40 will suck more than fresh 50, since you'll be missing all your key talents for the majority for the time :<


*minor fix* you fill your tech tree at 40.

Edited by foxmob
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Just go ahead and jump in with your Sorc. You're already comfortable with the key bindings and you know how to you like to play him. However if you're bored with the story line pick a class that sounds like it will be fun and suits your style of play. I wouldn't suggest rolling a new toon just because you want to be king of the pvp hill. You'll just end up frustrated. Just look at all of the whining on these forums by people who think that they're being screwed because they don't dominate. It's a game, so whatever you choose to do make sure that you have fun with it.
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I agree with the poster above. Go with the class your prefer to play. I've been pvp'ing with most of the classes and it it usually not about being what is "easier to play" but about what "playstyle I enjoy the most". All classes are fun if you know how to play them,
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Each class has a different role in PvP, and very different playstyles. If you want to learn to PvP, I'd recommend picking your favourite class and PvPing as much as you can with it until you get the hang of it. If you switch classes to PvP and become good at that class, that doesn't necessarily mean you're going to be good at your other classes. Pick one and master it. The only thing PvPing with other classes does for you is help you become aware of the PvP basics and watch how better players PvP with certain classes, both of which you can do with your current class anyway.


Also check out your class forums for the us and downs of certain builds in PvP.


In the end, you already play one of the easiest PvP classes. My Balance Sage is probably the easiest class I have even easier than me Gunslinger.


The only class easier I would say is PT Pyro/Assault VG for their near brainless rotations which involve the fewest skills of any class, only difficulty with them is staying alive long enough.

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Nah you should keep the sorc or roll a sage, they're the OP classes right now. From what I hear there's no CD on their sprint, bubble, slow, stun and cc so you should easily be able to kite the eight maras/pt'es on the other team. If you can't it's simply a L2P issue. Edited by MidichIorian
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Nah you should keep the sorc or roll a sage, they're the OP classes right now. From what I hear there's no CD on their sprint, bubble, slow, stun and cc so you should easily be able to kite the eight maras/pt'es on the other team. If you can't it's simply a L2P issue.


I highly encourage people to roll sage/sorc as well. It's so fun especially in PvP you get to kill people while running your *** away all the time... it cant get much better than that.

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It depends what you want.


More than likely, by 1.4 all current best Advanced class/spec (called FotMs for "Flavor of the Month) will be replaced (all FotMs are eventually).


You should always play a class that you really want to play. And don't be discouraged because you're new. Everyone was at one time.

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