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Am I the only one who can't play the original KotOR anymore?


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For me Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic will probably be my all time favourite game. I loved everything about it, but most of all I loved the characters.


I recently picked it up again, having played through The Old Republic for a bit of a nostalgia trip. Much to my dismay however I didn't seem to get into it as much as I thought I should have done. After giving it some thought I came to the conclusion that subsequent KotOR media has totally ruined the game for me and the characters.


Not all of it is Bioware's fault of course, the comic book KotOR being a total joke and ruining Malak's character beyond belief also has played a major part. But the game seems rather pointless, knowing what I now know.


(SPOILER ALERT: For anyone who's not played the original game). I feel like a total joke playing as the main character as you know the silly fate which awaits him. Going totally bonkers and getting totally trashed by 4 Sith characters later on. It feels like everything you do in that game is for nothing. I've heard many rumblings about Revan's appearance in TOR but it didn't bother me too much until I played KotOR again. Curious to know how others feel?

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You know, it's funny that you mention this,as I was thinking the same thing myself earlier today. In order to keep myself "in the mood", I started playing KOTOR 1 on days when the servers were down. But after a few days it was almost painful to play. In these days of "open world" and "sandbox" games, the limited and mostly linear nature of the maps in KOTOR 1 made the game seem very small. The dated graphics don't help either. I've seen some people posting about how the graphics in TOR are marginal at best (and maybe the are, I don't know, but after playing Skyrim for several months, I admit I was a little underwhelmed by them). But, hoo boy, plug in KOTOR and it will really be jarring. Yes, I know, KOTOR is, what? a ten year old game? So it's understandable, but still makes it hard to play for any length of time. Which brings up another question that I had been wondering. Did this game come to late? I think it's likely that a large majority of people playing TOR are people that played KOTOR 1 and 2. Like I said, nearly 10 years ago. There's an entire generation of gamers out there now that probably never played either of them and have no real motivation to play TOR now. I recently tried to get my younger brother to play KOTOR, telling him how great the story was and how much fun it was to explore "strange, new, worlds" (pun very much intended). His response? Nope. the "graphics were to lame". Opinions or thoughts?
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You know, it's funny that you mention this,as I was thinking the same thing myself earlier today. In order to keep myself "in the mood", I started playing KOTOR 1 on days when the servers were down. But after a few days it was almost painful to play. In these days of "open world" and "sandbox" games, the limited and mostly linear nature of the maps in KOTOR 1 made the game seem very small. The dated graphics don't help either. I've seen some people posting about how the graphics in TOR are marginal at best (and maybe the are, I don't know, but after playing Skyrim for several months, I admit I was a little underwhelmed by them). But, hoo boy, plug in KOTOR and it will really be jarring. Yes, I know, KOTOR is, what? a ten year old game? So it's understandable, but still makes it hard to play for any length of time. Which brings up another question that I had been wondering. Did this game come to late? I think it's likely that a large majority of people playing TOR are people that played KOTOR 1 and 2. Like I said, nearly 10 years ago. There's an entire generation of gamers out there now that probably never played either of them and have no real motivation to play TOR now. I recently tried to get my younger brother to play KOTOR, telling him how great the story was and how much fun it was to explore "strange, new, worlds" (pun very much intended). His response? Nope. the "graphics were to lame". Opinions or thoughts?


"Such insolence... such arrogance... must be PUNISHED!"



yea i ripped it off so what :p

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Its just that nostalgia effect. Like when I now watch Predator or go back and play GoldenEye :p Heck even when I revived my WoW account, sometimes they're best left as memories.

Dont get me wrong some games are truly timeless, but many of the greats arn't so great when revisited.

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The mechanics of older games are just severely outdated. While the story is amazing in my opinion for kotor, after playing through it a few times, the story just doesn't make up for the outdated mechanics because you've already sen what's going to happen. :p


I actually bought it on steam a month before SWTOR release and couldn't finish it.

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Graphics aren't so much an issue, as the direction which TOR went in regards to Revan. I mean the guy you play in KotOR is Revan, and knowing the fate which awaits you kind of ruins the whole game for you, in that it all seems really pointless, you know that this character you're taking through all the events turns out to be a total douche. He seemed alright in Maelstrom Prison but in the Foundry he is a douche.


I learned what happens in ME3 at the end, so I decided not to even bother playing it as it would ruin my memories of ME1 and ME2, although just knowing what happens still kind of ruins it for me. Maybe Bioware's just lost the plot in regards to story telling?

Edited by MrDhillon
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