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Bioware, please don't give up, we love TOR!


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Honestly, asking for endgame content ingame starts a war, people troll the **** out of you.


And they wonder why this game is going down in population at record levels, we get bored, we know what we want, we ask for it, we get no answer or acknowledgement, we try to talk to other people about it to spread its popularity so bioware hears about it, and get trolled relentlessly, so we quit.


"Down with Progressive thinking! We don't like innovation!"

"The worlds flat DON'T QUESTION ME!"

Edited by Daethorz
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Actually, your love or hate for this game doesn't mean a lot unless it translates into renewed subscriptions or cancellation of the same. Now that I mention it: There will be a Earnings Conference Call by EA next week. So could I PLEASE have my six threads about that......because the end game in this forum is getting repetitive and boring. Wait! Had that three months ago. Looks like this forum got me coming and going. Edited by ThrillInstructor
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Dear Developers,


we know that you met lots of troubles on the way of the game creation and we know that much more troubles will be met on the way you've chosen. We beg you not to give up and keep working with all the diligence to make your project shine. We love the game you've made. We want to play it. And we believe you can make it better. Please don't make us regret.


Thank you and good luck.



Forgive my english please


I am pretty sure that they have all the information they need to decide if the project was a success or a failure.

Posting random threads will change nothing.

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You have a valid point. But one thing I'd point out is that the MMO shelf life is not like it was years ago. There are so many games coming out all the time and the many, many games that have been out for ages that it's unrealistic to expect large groups of people to stay in an MMO for longer than 6 months. No game developer can churn out content at the rate the gamers burn through it (that's not to say that BW has churned out a lot of content: their updates have been few and thin).


However, that's not to discount that the people you played here with had genuine complaints and quit as a result. I think it's pretty simplistic to say "everyone in-game loves it, only the forums are bad". Certainly a dissatisfied customer is much more likely to make their voice heard than a satisfied one, but I think there are certainly a pretty good amount of people who were disappointed with TOR. It's just that I think most people that complain about a game will also be making complaints in the next one. MMOs are weird that way, they have to appeal to so many people and have so many different people playing the EXACT same game at once that no game will ever be all things to all players. And with so very, very many gaming options available people play one game for a few months and then move on much more so then they used to. They become much less invested in a game because a) they didn't spend 6 months just to get to the endgame in the first place and b) there are SO MANY OPTIONS. And lots and lots of games can be amazing as a new experience but quickly wear thin. And it's possible to hop from game to game to game now much more easily than you could 5 years ago because MMOs are constantly being released.



Yeah that's true, but most of them didn't go back to a game they thought was amazing, just they didn't like SWTOR enough (as I said for reasons mentioned 1000 times on the forum) to contiune playing it. :(


As far as I'm aware some aren't even playing MMORPGs at the moment.

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Gonna have to agree with most of what Daethorz said. This was the first game to actually keep me interested and playing till I finally reached end game. I dont care about raids but I do love PVP. Someone else had a thread about making planets accessible to all sides. If they did this and had it optimized better than Ilum, this would allow for some very nice invasion of the Sith/Jedi scenarios and breathe some life into this game. Atleast anything would be better than waiting on fleet for a queue to pop.


Like I said, I enjoyed this game this much, so I dont want it to fail. But I will be trying out other games (like GW2), to get some entertainment while they work on some additions for this game. I wont be playing both at once, but I would like to have something to come back to if/when I get bored/burned out on GW2. Any MMO I've played and it left an impression on me, or it felt like it had the potential to expand to something greater I still keep up with. Like FFXIV for example. It has the potential, but failed to deliver at launch. Doesnt mean I dont randomly check the official/fan forums of that game to see hows it doing. That also means I would like to have some hint that this game will be alive and thriving if I do decide to come back. But with the lack of communication from the devs, its making me worry a little.


PS: Another thing I hate is stating something you dont atleast check into as fact. Like Guild Wars 2 wont have any new content because its F2P. Or it will be P2W because its F2P. Unless buying a bit of entertainment value to drop cows on PVP to finish them in PVP is P2W... Lol.

Edited by Katsuragisama
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There is just no open pvp. So if you like pvp this game gets old. Warzones a ok, but i need to take my new gear out and fight outside with it.


There is very little for the RP players as well.


From a PvE perspective this game is really fun. Storylines are really fun.

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Yes do not give up. I know you don't have the community team too read this, but if on the off chance 1 of the 5 community team actually stumbles across this some late night when you can't sleep, because your worried about losing your job, remember not to give up.
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Nay sayers, forum optimists, fanboys can all say what they want but one thing seems fairly obvious at this point, this game hasn't met expectations. There is still plenty of people playing and rightly so but the real question BW/EA/LA and fans will be wondering is how many players will be left come it's anniversary? Looking at the long term future of this game and sacrifices are going to have to be made.. will they be able to continue creating a lot of new content and also have the funds for the voice actors/actresses? Things like that worry me the most.
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I can never seem to get attached to all these supposedly "Good" MMO's out there, the ones that aren't having problems and are doing good.

I always seem to like the ones that are likely to die or go f2p.




I don't wanna see swtor go aswell.

Edited by StinkyGIBLETS
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Don't worry, BW isn't listening to the vocal minority's criticism- after all, they do all their balancing with metrics- why care what the people paying to play the game think when you have a calculator and spreadsheets to do that for you?


And relax, soon enough the vocal minority will all be gone as they've promised- 6 and 3 month subs are running out soon, so those who liked the game pre 1.2 but hate it now will all unsub.


I gotta admit though- a game that had 1.7 million subs before patch 1.2 is now below 1 million and will drop below 500k after August. Since when is losing two thirds of your playerbase losing your vocal minority?


What do their metrics say about that?

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