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some questions about combat >.> and mara unnatural tanking


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welp,i have a lvl 31 marauder.....im not gonnna say what spec she is because that isnt entirely applicable,more on that in a minute



i do heroic missions,sometimes flashpoints with freinds.....we go to attack a group of enemy,i attack first,and then by the end of it..im the last person standing



now i think this is a problem possibly...i play a marauder cause i want to be what i thought the marauder to be..a savage,feral,crazed dual lightsaber weilding weirdo that stinks at tanking but htis like a freight train


but i actually get the marauder,do everything i can in the skill trees and mods on the armor to AVOID being able to tank


and it seems my efforts are working against me,despite trying to weed any tank capacity out...the game seems to be trying to force me to be a tank.....now if i remember correctly,a marauder is spost to be like a berzerker right?i dont wanna be a walking meat sheild for emporer`s sake!


and with the skill tree i split my points unevenly between all three trees...in an attempt to mitigate the tanking power



so i can only deduce that,from the game thwarting my efforts to be a kamikaze commando....that marauders were given an unnatural buff of some sort,that doesnt fit in with the game mechanics


for emperor`s sake,if i wanted to be a dang tank i wouldve picked juggernaut

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you aren't a tank.


you're level 31. and before 50 (and lets face it, a good portion after that) people usually dont have a clue how to play their classes, which includes, the tank you are with.


i dont think you understand me well......


and in the heroic mission i described,more than once through multiple battle...i was the only one left standing



in all reality i was doing everything i could to hit hard/go down first.....but despite my best efforts to not do so..i was surviving more fire,and sadly dealing out more damage...than anyone else in the group....


then after multiple times of this the group would just wait for me to hit first and draw aggro while the sorc healed me -.- for emporer`s sake i didnt want to be the tank,i was doing everything i could to avoid being the tank.....

Edited by Baphomet_x
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I really don't understand your thread...... what makes you think you are a tank?


the fact that i was the only one surviving and then eventually the group waited for me to attack and draw aggro,while the sorc in our party healed me



that fits the definition of a tank in my eyes.....but im not supposed to be a tank,and i dont want to be one....but it seems that compared to the rest of the group my mara was a veritable superwoman of sorts

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Maybe the people you are playing with arent geared or skilled right or THEY dont know how to play their class.


good point :/ im pretty sure with atleast some of them they were newer...and i do have a lvl 47 sith inquisitor...so my mara gets her own class buf and the inquisitor`s class buff



and i had spent a fairly large amount of money on mods from the gtn for some of my gear(atleast large relative to the amount of funds i had at the time)


it was a group that had 7 people in it though....some of them were higher lvl than me

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good point :/ im pretty sure with atleast some of them they were newer...and i do have a lvl 47 sith inquisitor...so my mara gets her own class buf and the inquisitor`s class buff



and i had spent a fairly large amount of money on mods from the gtn for some of my gear(atleast large relative to the amount of funds i had at the time)


it was a group that had 7 people in it though....some of them were higher lvl than me


Higher lvl doesn't always mean that they are better. I have a lvl 50 Sith/M and don't seem to have those problems. I also didnt have those problems at any lvl up to 50 actually.

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good point :/ im pretty sure with atleast some of them they were newer...and i do have a lvl 47 sith inquisitor...so my mara gets her own class buf and the inquisitor`s class buff



and i had spent a fairly large amount of money on mods from the gtn for some of my gear(atleast large relative to the amount of funds i had at the time)


it was a group that had 7 people in it though....some of them were higher lvl than me


If you were doing heroics in a group of 7 and people were dying, something is going wrong.

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i know XD and i was the only one that wasnt dying
So I guess that proves it isn't you and you are not a tank. It's the group or groups you are in is where the problem lies. Edited by KeepMe
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Perhaps not being a tank, yet diving in first grabbing all the aggro overworked your healer and drained their resources meaning they were unable to heal the tank when they got aggro, meaning they went down due to no healing and by the time the aggro got back to you the mobs were near enough dead.

Therefore you were possibly the reason your group were actually dieing before you.


The very face that you are the last alive means that the others were being hit, therefore you did not have all the aggro.


Something to think about before diving in next time ;)

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Perhaps not being a tank, yet diving in first grabbing all the aggro overworked your healer and drained their resources meaning they were unable to heal the tank when they got aggro, meaning they went down due to no healing and by the time the aggro got back to you the mobs were near enough dead.

Therefore you were possibly the reason your group were actually dieing before you.


The very face that you are the last alive means that the others were being hit, therefore you did not have all the aggro.


Something to think about before diving in next time ;)


Doing a Heroic with 7 people at that lvl and everyone dieing but him tells me that the parties he's in S***

I did Heroics with 3 people and 1 companion healer at that lvl and had no problems.

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Perhaps not being a tank, yet diving in first grabbing all the aggro overworked your healer and drained their resources meaning they were unable to heal the tank when they got aggro, meaning they went down due to no healing and by the time the aggro got back to you the mobs were near enough dead.

Therefore you were possibly the reason your group were actually dieing before you.


The very face that you are the last alive means that the others were being hit, therefore you did not have all the aggro.


Something to think about before diving in next time ;)


your idea might be valid if it wasnt for the fact that we had 7 people total...thats abit overkill for any situation so no one should of died regardless

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your idea might be valid if it wasnt for the fact that we had 7 people total...thats abit overkill for any situation so no one should of died regardless


Point still stands that if you are the last alive, you are not the one all the mobs are attacking.

If you have the aggro, how is everyone else dieing? Suicide?


I kid....and also agree that a party or 7 should be steamrolling any 'at level' missions.

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Point still stands that if you are the last alive, you are not the one all the mobs are attacking.

If you have the aggro, how is everyone else dieing? Suicide?


I kid....and also agree that a party or 7 should be steamrolling any 'at level' missions.


exactly,it was an at lvl mission


also...kamikaze commando means you are literally trying to die in such a way as to do the most damage possible in a short period of time


i was trying to be a missile basically,and missiles always blow up,destroying themselves in the process of blowing up everything around them



so i go in first and start attacking....but i did 4 things before attacking...cloak of pain,saber ward,and predation...and i hit my heroic moment and used legacy lightning storm (thats what drew the aggro)


so im slicing at the enemys right?i keep on getting "absorb" ticks when im attacked....then the others jump in (one of them was a juggernaut)...they start attacking....and they fall down one by one while im seeing green healing numbers pop up over them


did i mention none of them popped there sheilds?...anyways...they die...then out of all the weird things,the sorc trys to heal me for afew seconds,though i was at near full health...i thought "ok things are still going good i guess"...then the sorc breaks healing and rushes in to attack with lightsaber...and dies


then i finish off the remaining three enemys one by one

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...and i hit my heroic moment and used legacy lightning storm (thats what drew the aggro)


Can't heroic moment only be used when your companion is out?

Which companion was it? (could be a healer comp healing you, meaning you stay up longer) have you counted them as part of the 7 or were they an eigth character in the ops gorup?

Can you summon comps in an ops group? (not tried this so no idea) I know you can if a normal group is not full or if one member is far enough away.

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Can't heroic moment only be used when your companion is out?

Which companion was it? (could be a healer comp healing you, meaning you stay up longer) have you counted them as part of the 7 or were they an eigth character in the ops gorup?

Can you summon comps in an ops group? (not tried this so no idea) I know you can if a normal group is not full or if one member is far enough away.


it was a normal group until the weird group leader (not me) changed it to an ops group....then i got out jaesa for my comp.....

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You don't do enough damage to be a kamikaze. You're a warrior, not a slayer.


i define kamikaze as this


1.One who who fights in such a way as to ensure maximum casualty of perceived enemies and inflict widespread damage. Usually the attacker is motivated by a political cause and is willing to die in the process.


and i define commando as this




commando (plural commandos)

A small fighting force specially trained for making quick destructive raids against enemy-held areas


so there you have it,kamikaze commando

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You're NOT tanking if you're still alive and the healer and tank are dead. The healer is not doing his job while it appears the tank is. You just have a high survivability. That's it. If the tank dies first, he is doing is job while apparently the healer isn't. You're doing your job because you're aren't getting aggroe'd and dying first. Sounds about right to me. You should be able to finish off the mobs once everyone else goes down unless it was a total wipe.
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it was a normal group until the weird group leader (not me) changed it to an ops group....then i got out jaesa for my comp.....


sorry mate but I strongly suspect trolling (to be polite) here. Companions cannot be summoned in an Ops group. So tell me how can you use your Heroic Moment + Legacy Lightning Storm? It's BS.

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