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Annihilation Battle Awareness


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I've just recently hit level 40 on my Anni mara and got Annihilate and this is just an observation but it seems my awareness of the fight around me has gone out the window. That is to say that I'm finding it harder to pay attention to everything thats happening around me because with the addition of Annihilate's cooldown, making sure i have 5 rage when its CD is done, making sure i pop it off before Annihilator runs out (this is alot easier with 3 stacks of annihilator though), plus juggling all of my other CDs i just seem to be looking everywhere else but at the actual fight (this obviously only really pertains to boss fights).


Anyone else have this problem? And maybe a solution? Or does it just come with the spec?

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Yes, sometimes it's hard to see everything. I haven't played carnage in a long time, but I remember having also a few short buffs/procs that you have to be aware of in order to optimize damage. And yeah, that stack of anihilators is a pain to maintain, specially puting the 2nd one, since it's a close call before the 1st runs out.


Not much to do I'm afraid. The UI doesn't help either. The tiny tiny icons on bars are crap. Because is not only about your buffs, also about the bleeds on target. If your group has another marauder or ( DoT class for that matter) ... sheesh, is a mess... There's a thread in the Operations forum suggesting changes to the UI to make buffs and debuff easily recognizable


All I can suggest is keep playing with your UI editor, rearrange and position your quickbars with the most relevant abilities for annihilation priorities, like Deadly Saber, Battering Assault, Rupture, etc, but that's just common sense, nothing brilliant about it xD

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It just gets better with experience. I barely feel troubled watching all those cooldowns and timers at 50. But when I change to Carnage (something I've played very very little of) even though it has LESS cooldowns that I have to track, I find it takes a lot more of my attention. I'm just not used to the flow of it yet.
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It just gets better with experience. I barely feel troubled watching all those cooldowns and timers at 50. But when I change to Carnage (something I've played very very little of) even though it has LESS cooldowns that I have to track, I find it takes a lot more of my attention. I'm just not used to the flow of it yet.


My first level 50 was a carnage marauder way back on my old dead pvp server and yeah in the end it takes a lot less effort to keep track of once you get the hang of it. I am noticing i'm getting better at the annihilation line up, i think i'm just getting used to everything's cooldowns in relation to each other so i don't have to watch them nearly as close.


Thanks for the replies :)

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