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EA shareholders meeting: over/under 300k subs?


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I cancelled in feb and came back for 1.2 and then again in 1.3 to see if anything got better. Plus the forums are so much fun that its worth the 15 every few months.


Also did the numbers and it came to 435,500 subs. Which includes F2P accounts. So my number is lower than that but remember that includes all the people that came back to test 1.3 and the server merge so the averages are slightly on the high side because of that. So if someone said 350k I wouldnt agrue with that but anything over that then I dont know what people are looking at.


You need to get out more dude.


Keeping a sub just to post on a forum does not make you look cool and im pretty sure won't get you a girlfriend/boyfriend.


I'm also quite certain that the numbers you've been doing are wrong. 1 mil subs IMO and I sub to play the game.

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You need to get out more dude.


Keeping a sub just to post on a forum does not make you look cool and im pretty sure won't get you a girlfriend/boyfriend.


I'm also quite certain that the numbers you've been doing are wrong. 1 mil subs IMO and I sub to play the game.

he prob thought swtor was going to be great after the 1st month playing and got a 6 month sub like the rest of us suckers end off next month is when them subs run out so if these numbers come out before then and its down alot just think of the next set :p

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I'm going to go with 700/800k subs - likely we'll see another dip when GW2 comes out - Thinks will probably pick up again around a few months lately once the GW2 novelty has worn off and BW introduces new content around the holidays (assuming that happens).
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You cannot post on the TOR forums unless you have a active subscription. So the trolls you are trying to refer to did like the game enough to sub at one time. They post in hopes the game will get better and it will not for them unless BioWare pays attention to thier concerns. Just because a poster happens to disagree with your shining approval of TOR, does not mean they are trolling. :p


looking through the post history of some1 show quite easily who is troll and who is giving constructive feedback in the hopes to change the game for the better. when someone is starting hate thread after hate thread saying "the game is dead" "bioware and EA destroyed SWTOR" and so on, and so on. they are indeed a troll, and the poster you are quoting is quite correct about in-game community being far different. i haven't seen many trolls on nightmare lands


you don't have to be a troll, you don't have to be a fanboy, you just have to be a rational reasonable sort of person to realize this game is nowhere near as bad as some would make out

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You need to get out more dude.


Keeping a sub just to post on a forum does not make you look cool and im pretty sure won't get you a girlfriend/boyfriend.


I'm also quite certain that the numbers you've been doing are wrong. 1 mil subs IMO and I sub to play the game.


Did you fail reading? I dont sub just so I can post on the forums. I resubbed to check out the updates but the game is still terrible.


Your quite certain my numbers are wrong? Where did I make the error to make you believe that.


The 26 servers they have left barely hit heavy now and thats only a month after the merges to get everyone onto the same server since so many people quit before.


1 million subs :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:


Anything to back that up even remotely back that up besides you saying it. It doesnt even have to be an official statement but maybe something besides you just making up a number.

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Did you fail reading? I dont sub just so I can post on the forums. I resubbed to check out the updates but the game is still terrible.


Your quite certain my numbers are wrong? Where did I make the error to make you believe that.


The 26 servers they have left barely hit heavy now and thats only a month after the merges to get everyone onto the same server since so many people quit before.


1 million subs :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:


Anything to back that up even remotely back that up besides you saying it. It doesnt even have to be an official statement but maybe something besides you just making up a number.

Ahh well here's the thing other than BW no one can say the correct numbers so my 1mil plucked out of the air is as valid as your post im just more willing to accept its a guess.

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you don't have to be a troll, you don't have to be a fanboy, you just have to be a rational reasonable sort of person to realize this game is nowhere near as bad as some would make out


You are unrational and unreasonable to think a game is bad which "YOU" like? Who made you the deciding factor "WHO" is rational and reasonable based on a video game? :p

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Ahh well here's the thing other than BW no one can say the correct numbers so my 1mil plucked out of the air is as valid as your post im just more willing to accept its a guess.


No it's not. Read my post #208 in this thread for details as to why some guesses are better than others. Or are you saying me guessing 100 million subs is as good a guess as yours?

Edited by dandamanno
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You are unrational and unreasonable to think a game is bad which "YOU" like? Who made you the deciding factor "WHO" is rational and reasonable based on a video game? :p


i can't stand FPS, call of duty bores me to death, but just because i don't like it, doesn't mean i'm so stupid as to think its a bad game. just because you don't like something doesn't make it rubbish.


also who made me the deciding factor? think you'll find i did.:p

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i can't stand FPS, call of duty bores me to death, but just because i don't like it, doesn't mean i'm so stupid as to think its a bad game. just because you don't like something doesn't make it rubbish.


also who made me the deciding factor? think you'll find i did.:p


I allready knew your answer. :p I donot think TOR is bad. I think it failed for myself and others for the reasons a lot have posted. But even those who say it is bad, I would never think they are unrational. Unresonable maybe. Would depend on what they expected. The majority of the complaints about TOR are not unresonable IMO. And to stay on the topic, the pops on the servers reflect that for many, TOR has failed to live up to thier expectations. To go from over 200 servers down to like 26 or so...is a sign it is true for many.

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No they don't have to answer directly, if they feel it will effect the stock, and they didn't answer it for Warhammer, at about the same time in the life of the project. And with many of the same problems.


It's illegal to not answer or withhold the information. If an investor or shareholder asks, they have to answer by law or face jail time. Various government organizations and entities pour over corporate minutes from shareholders meetings looking for impropriety like this.


My guess is 1 million subs, with a 100k margin of error.

Edited by Temeluchus
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It's illegal to not answer or withhold the information. If an investor or shareholder asks, they have to answer by law or face jail time. Various government organizations and entities pour over corporate minutes from shareholders meetings looking for impropriety like this.


My guess is 1 million subs, with a 100k margin of error.


Yes and lawyers , politicians allways tell the whole truth. :rolleyes: They would have to answer, but a smart CEO knows "how" to answer.:cool:

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It's illegal to not answer or withhold the information. If an investor or shareholder asks, they have to answer by law or face jail time. Various government organizations and entities pour over corporate minutes from shareholders meetings looking for impropriety like this.


My guess is 1 million subs, with a 100k margin of error.


If they ask, they may very well not, for a varity of reasons.


(they've never said anything about Warhammer Online subs for years now, for example).

Edited by Goretzu
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You cannot post on the TOR forums unless you have a active subscription.


Not true, i thought so myself untill i cancled my subscription for a month, i didnt have any actie time on account and could not log in.


I could still post on the forums UNTIL i logged into the account area as i was going to screen shot where it says i had no time left on the account and asked to reactivate.


AFTER i went to the account section i was no longer able to post, BEFORE i went into that section i was

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Not true, i thought so myself untill i cancled my subscription for a month, i didnt have any actie time on account and could not log in.


I could still post on the forums UNTIL i logged into the account area as i was going to screen shot where it says i had no time left on the account and asked to reactivate.


AFTER i went to the account section i was no longer able to post, BEFORE i went into that section i was


Lol!! You could not login..so I would assume that was into the game. Now I wonder what would happen if after a website/forum maintenance , when you have to login to be able to post would that still happen? :) Sounds like a bug which they need to fix.

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Lol!! You could not login..so I would assume that was into the game. Now I wonder what would happen if after a website/forum maintenance , when you have to login to be able to post would that still happen? :) Sounds like a bug which they need to fix.


Naw, not a bug. This has to do with timed permissions. Depending on what you do u could get a few extra days until the permissions refresh. An orange explained this once.

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Lol!! You could not login..so I would assume that was into the game. Now I wonder what would happen if after a website/forum maintenance , when you have to login to be able to post would that still happen? :) Sounds like a bug which they need to fix.


Bioware actually responded to this previously. I don't have the exact quote, but what it boiled down to was the forum does not make you relog everytime you visit, so it stores your credentials and access for a while. So even after your gametime expires it may be a week or two before the forums want you to relog and recheck your status, so for that time you will still be able to post.

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No it's not. Read my post #208 in this thread for details as to why some guesses are better than others. Or are you saying me guessing 100 million subs is as good a guess as yours?


Unless you are an analsyt with access to the numbers you (anyone) have no idea. You think you know and thats fine but the shear amount of assumptions you are making means your guess no better than most. Opinions are just opinions. You have no facts. Well see soon enough, maybe yours it the correct guess but i would not bet any money on it.

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Unless you are an analsyt with access to the numbers you (anyone) have no idea. You think you know and thats fine but the shear amount of assumptions you are making means your guess no better than most. Opinions are just opinions. You have no facts. Well see soon enough, maybe yours it the correct guess but i would not bet any money on it.


I would not bet they will say 360k subs are the present figures. But from using the TOR server status and using those % figures, etc..I think it is closer to the real sub numbers. The figures they will say will not be the most accurate ones I am sure.

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I would not bet they will say 360k subs are the present figures. But from using the TOR server status and using those % figures, etc..I think it is closer to the real sub numbers. The figures they will say will not be the most accurate ones I am sure.


I think you're using the wrong words.


I think you're right that ~360k is the number of players who are actively playing the game (log in once a week, for example).


However, I think there are a whole lot more "subscriptions", which means something entirely different from "active players". There are the 6-months that people have walked away from. There are free trials that never close but aren't being played any more.


I think they could easily say 750k or higher if the question is "active subscriptions".

Edited by DarthTHC
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Just out of curiosity. Say they released the numbers and it was in the order of 1.5-2 million (only speaking hypothetically here). Would that shut the doom sayers up? or would they just conveniently ignore that? lol


They would ignore it and just claim that the number are being padded somehow.

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They would ignore it and just claim that the number are being padded somehow.


The server populations that are evident to all do not support 1.5-2M subscribers. The evidence would be contrary to the words. If you choose to believe the words, great. Some will choose to look for the definitions and assumptions behind them.

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I think you're using the wrong words.


I think you're right that ~360k is the number of players who are actively playing the game (log in once a week, for example).


However, I think there are a whole lot more "subscriptions", which means something entirely different from "active players". There are the 6-months that people have walked away from. There are free trials that never close but aren't being played any more.


I think they could easily say 750k or higher if the question is "active subscriptions".


I cannot disagree with your points. :) With the exception about the free trials. Surely they would not count those?

Accounts and subs are two different things.

Edited by Valkirus
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I cannot disagree with your points. :) With the exception about the free trials. Surely they would not count those?

Accounts and subs are two different things.


"Active accounts" (which are what are counted) are paying accounts, any accounts with free time, and usually trial accounts too (all counted within the last billing cycle, usually a month, of the date) in most MMORPGs

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The server populations that are evident to all do not support 1.5-2M subscribers. The evidence would be contrary to the words. If you choose to believe the words, great. Some will choose to look for the definitions and assumptions behind them.


I was answering a hypothetical question, learn English. You should also note that I have already made my prediction in this thread and it was not that high.


Actually the server populations that are evident support the remote possibility of those numbers (although its really unlikely). It all depends on the frequency patterns of play (because while most games run at ~10% 5% playing at peak is not impossible), the big unknown is how many people are still playing on the ~200 origin servers. If the destinations are hitting a 3k peak (higher numbers have certainly been seen) and the origins are getting a 50 peak and SWTOR is a 5% of subs at peak game then that is 1.7 million. Highly improbable but not completely impossible IMO.


But as to my answer later posts show how accurate it was:


I am going to book mark this thread and recheck it sometime in the fall when EA's real numbers will show up in the finacials that Ea cant hide anymore or fudge or inflate or use data outdated to show as current to their shareholders. Hrmmm maybe the first part of next year to get the correct numbers. Either way after the 6 th month subs are completely out of the system the real numbers wont show up on paper until somewhere around that time.


225-250k. But that wont be the number they give. They will word it to include trial accounts (probable by using the word accounts instead of subs or something like that) and they will include anyone who has cancelled their account with the intention to not renew but still have time left on their active account. Remember that its up to July 1st I think so that will include anyone that came back to test 1.3 with the server merges and all the free accounts that people dont have to cancel when they quit because its free.


If the numbers look good its because EA/BW are manipulating them ... its a truly pathetic tactic.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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