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Why not B2P like GW2?


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Very useful post with many facts and reasons backing it.


gw2 = dev's that kno how to make mmo's how to make their own engine that can change stuff on the fly without taking server down every other day, whos beta that was cpu capped was better performance than swtor today

only slight slow down was in WvWvW, how about a crafting system that u have to experiment with to get new items

how about muilti ways to lvl quest DE WvWvW how about lots of differnt starting areas fun mini games jumping puzzles


cant think why he said gw2= awsome tbh

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GW2 is very, very good. But it won't stop me from playing other games. I played a lot of GW1 and still maintained subs in other games.


But there has to be a reason to pay that sub. Sadly, SWTOR isn't ready for my sub money. And with all the new F2P games around, it's hard for any mmo to get my sub.


Still, I am open to coming back to SWTOR if they make a better endgame, one that is fun and has variety.


And if they ever put in real space combat, I'll definately be back to check it out. If it is as good as X-Wing / Tie Fighter, then I'll stay for a while.

Edited by --Grim--
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GW2 is very, very good. But it won't stop me from playing other games. I played a lot of GW1 and still maintained subs in other games.


But there has to be a reason to pay that sub. Sadly, SWTOR isn't ready for my sub money. And with all the new F2P games around, it's hard for any mmo to get my sub.

That's the point of the thread. But it turned into a GW2=awesome SWTOR=crap and viceversa. Sigh!

Many SWTOR players will play both GW2 and SWTOR because GW2 don't ask for a monthly fee so, like someone already said, is a win/win game for them. But many, like you, will cancel their subs and stop play SWTOR because is hard for them keep paying a monthly fee when they don't see reasons to do so. That is bad for SWTOR not only financially but in terms of community that becomes smaller. And a decaying community leads to dead of that game, no matter if it is p2p b2p or f2p. A game that only a handful of people plays is simply dead; example, Black Prophecy: f2p, only 1 server with light population.

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F2P is the worst model for the consumer. It ends up being more expensive than P2P because you can quickly rack up more than £10 a month's worth of garbage. Not to mention they always nickle and dime. Then there are the lockboxes you have to pay to unlock, which, interestingly, is some form of gambling, so not technically legal everywhere. Maybe someone should raise that issue.


You actually don't have to pay anything to unlock the lockboxes. Sure it's convenient to buy the keys but you can still get them out in the world if you go do so. That's your choice. So go ahead and raise the issue...because it's already been discussed many times, all it will show is basically the ignorance on your part about how the system works. You automatically assume that the cash shop has things you need in order to progress, but it doesn't. It's cosmetic and vanity...which is your choice to want or not.


Anything else in the store literally drops in the game. All you need to do is go get it.

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You actually don't have to pay anything to unlock the lockboxes. Sure it's convenient to buy the keys but you can still get them out in the world if you go do so. That's your choice. So go ahead and raise the issue...because it's already been discussed many times, all it will show is basically the ignorance on your part about how the system works. You automatically assume that the cash shop has things you need in order to progress, but it doesn't. It's cosmetic and vanity...which is your choice to want or not.


Anything else in the store literally drops in the game. All you need to do is go get it.


Stop. Logic isn't allowed on the TOR forums when it comes to GW2. People just want to spread misinformation and propogate an us vs them mentaity. It's a lost cause you can't even talk about business models without TOR trolls ravaging the thread lol.

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Stop. Logic isn't allowed on the TOR forums when it comes to GW2. People just want to spread misinformation and propogate an us vs them mentaity. It's a lost cause you can't even talk about business models without TOR trolls ravaging the thread lol.


Yea, it's blatant lies really. This whole thread is a comparison in business models, but when you do.. they misconstrue the reality of GW2's cash shop in order to make it out to be pay 2 win, which is far from the truth. Even if you spend all your money on all the vanity gear and boosts and keys, I will still be able to kill you in WvW or PvP. There is absolutely nothing you can buy that gives you an edge.


In fact, if Bioware decided to put real money price tags on their legacy perks, they would indeed have a bigger advantage store than GW and GW2 combined.

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So I'll go out on a limb and say that ArenaNET is in this business to make money. So if GW2, unlike GW1, won't have paid expansions, whatever they are called, just free content updates, then they must be counting on MicroTrasactions to fund development and server maintenance.


If they sell anything meaningful so far as progression in either PvP or PvE then it becomes pay to win and could get very expensive.


If they don't I personally doubt very much whether the income from their cash shop will generate enough revenue to make meaningful improvements to the game.


Unless you're trying to tell me that ArenaNET will be releasing updates and content out of the goodness of their hearts because they love gamers?


I'd rather pay a monthly subscription fee.





Left 4 dead and witcher 2

Both games continued and still continue to produce content and dlc for their games for free

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You're from the future? Could I have next weeks lotto numbers as well?


dont give them to him hes rich give them to me :D


also if u want this game to be more like GW2 then bioware better remove all the story and VO and let you grind ala wow cause thats what youle get.

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dont give them to him hes rich give them to me :D


also if u want this game to be more like GW2 then bioware better remove all the story and VO and let you grind ala wow cause thats what youle get.


u havnt played gw2 then lol

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When people talk about changing something about the game either they are assuming the game needs to be saved, or they dont enjoy parts of the game possibly due to it costing 15$ and justifying it on a monthly basis.


Swtor is a fun game, and it mostly plays as an alt game to really have fun with it, but the problem imo, is the game hinders in different ways for people to play alts by reaching certain obstacles preventing this option to be viable such as:


1. Having to create several characters and depend on rest exp to play to avoid doing side quests for every character.

2. Paying for legacy perks with hard earned cash that is only for one character and not for the legacy, and the legacy coming late in the game is another problem since people might have already played a lot of the game and not get to use the legacy perks... which would mean they might exhausted themselves more than necessary affecting their enjoyment of other content and not enjoying the journey as much.

3. PvP comms. There is a cap. People cant lvl with pvp alone. They have stop at a certain valor rank or give up wz comms which will be very useful for end game pvp gear. So they can get exp, but the valor rank is quicker than the lvling of the character so the valor rank will always be at the cap quite quickly... making a person lose wz comms and decide to not lvl by pvping with a fun bolster system.

4. End game - Raids are fun, and gear progression can be quick, but overall the end game is limited to warzones or raids, and that affects the motivation to play alts and of course to those who dont play alts, to stay subscribed to the game... so making end game better for single character players also makes playing alts better when they reach that end game... and if swtor decided to balance development by waiting it out by letting people play alts until they develop the end game more... that balance was off with lvling not being quick enough, or enough to avoid side quests when in certain areas.

5. Standard MMO expecations - swtor goes beyond in certain departments but in others can be improved, and when they dont meet standard expectations for MMOs and for pvp for pvpers then people will miss out on a fun game that has great potential... but the problem is, that potential can never be realized or even planned since it could be more of the same as planned by the devs which could be a problem following the WoW formula but not quite as well as WoW does it with thier FFA pvp server for example, or the design for questing areas.


So had they made these considerations then paying 15$ would not be an issue for as many of the players for what a standard MMO deserves that kind of money, and sadly, the huge cost of VO which makes the game great, is not even an expected standard for MMOs so its a cost to the development that does not really add to the MMO experience... but it does add to the game. So it seems a lot of people are more interested in a MMO expereince rather than a developed story to justify that $15.

Edited by VegaPhone
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Yes, I wanna bet. You should read the original interview, not a copy paste from the text made by joystick.com. Forbes isn't the source for games news and they even get the trouble to investigate the truth about this interview.


Damn we should've bet.

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B2P? Are you serious?!


This game is so good IT SHOULD have a sub fee and cash shop stock full of MTs.


There is NO game...I repeat NO game with the replay value of SWTOR.


What other MMO let's you make ALTS for endgame?


Until Bioware came along, NO ONE would play alts.


Thanks Bioware.


Everything is fine Bioware. Don't mind or listen to your "alarmist" operator.


There are no icebergs ahead.

Edited by Tiaa
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