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Please Help On gears for Watchmen PVE


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K guys, my guild is about to enter Hardmode EV/KP. I'm pure watchmen PVE build dps sentinel and loving every minute of it. Just need advice on the gears or mods that I need to work on for a stats. What is main goal for my main stats to shoot for me...Do I need accuracy and how much of it, or Critical chance etc. And what is my goal rotation purely for raids bosses on fights..I'm turning to you guys to be a better sentinel..Advices please.

right now my critical chance is at 23.3% on meele chance with smuggler buff..i dont know if i should bring that up to 25 or to 30% or 35 , and my accuracy is at 100%. A lost watchman sentinel looking for help...Thank you guys.!!!


sorry english is my 4th language..so bare with the grammars!

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you need accuracy; i would shoot for about 97% or higher. too little accuracy means you will miss the bosses in HM EV/KP. if you are full columi or better on gear this shouldnt be a problem. as I understand accuracy; 100% means you will not miss; anything over 100% will reduce the chance a mob will dodge your attack with its own skills.


Crit should be such that your crit chance (including raid buffs from smugglers) is around 35% or so. this appears to be where the dimishing returns kick in. i try to keep my crit rating between 300-350. for surge I try to keep that at 350-400 or around 76% +/-


I actually stack a lot of strength and a bit more power than most watchman sentinels. in my rakata/Black hole gear (fully augmented with the advaned might augment 22) my strenght right around 2000.


From all the research I have done main stats and power have a fairly linear curve without a DR; were as the rest of the secondary stats have some sort of DR.

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you need accuracy; i would shoot for about 97% or higher. too little accuracy means you will miss the bosses in HM EV/KP. if you are full columi or better on gear this shouldnt be a problem. as I understand accuracy; 100% means you will not miss; anything over 100% will reduce the chance a mob will dodge your attack with its own skills.


Crit should be such that your crit chance (including raid buffs from smugglers) is around 35% or so. this appears to be where the dimishing returns kick in. i try to keep my crit rating between 300-350. for surge I try to keep that at 350-400 or around 76% +/-


I actually stack a lot of strength and a bit more power than most watchman sentinels. in my rakata/Black hole gear (fully augmented with the advaned might augment 22) my strenght right around 2000.


From all the research I have done main stats and power have a fairly linear curve without a DR; were as the rest of the secondary stats have some sort of DR.


so 23% is pretty low then...also Strength = does that give me extra % Crit? and 2k strength that's insane...I've been modding my gears mostly power (....thats prob i'm only at 23% crit!!! and last thing sir..can u please give me your Watchmen build. Also, I'm still dont know whats a perfect rotation for watchmen, can you please enlighten me on that too! Thank You again for the reply!

Edited by Tethyr
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For Watchmen get your Strength around 1900 to 2000. Crit to 30%, Surge to 75%. Then stack power after you reach those stats.


97% to 100% accuracy is ideal


Yes Strength adds to all stats slightly bc it is your main stat.


Take Biochem for the Strength Stim, extra 100 Strength right there


As for build take everything in watchmen tree but the slow for cauterize and only 1 point in force cloak. In combat tree put 2 points in defencive roll. It will help your healers out a lot.


Rotation: leap, seering sabers (in the air), zealous strike, cauterize, merc strike. Use master strike when merc strike and zealous strike are on CD.

Edited by Toweleeeie
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Ok im seeing a bit of confused information being thrown around here so im gonna pitch in..


Accuracy - get to 100 %, not lower and not higher, it can be hard to get exactly 100 but try as close as possible. - This will mean that your special attacks (every attack except strike) will have a 100% chance to hit a boss target as bosses have 10% defence and your special attacks will have 110% accuracy, (110-10=100). Strike will have 90% chance to hit.


Crit chance - Critical rating has diminisihing returns meaning the more you get of it, the less you will gain from each point added. At full campaign/black hole gear im sitting at roughly 27-28% crit chance unbuffed with somewhere around 285 critical rating (cant remember exactly). Dont go above 300, as a Watchman with Zen and so much increased crit rating for burns in general we are better off stacking power.


Surge rating - Also has diminishing returns like crit chance. Get it to around 75 %


Power - Has no diminishing returns so get as much of it as you can after getting your other stats to the proper levels. Power adds 0.23 to your bonus damage per point. At campaign/black hole gear i have 900+ power.


Strength - Has no diminishing returns as to the bonus of damage however strength adds a small crit bonus as well, this does have diminishing returns however its so little that it is basically to be ignored. Get as much strength as you possibly can. Strength adds 0.2 to your bonus damage per point, to be compared with power (0.23).



this is the build i use: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501hZG00MZbIbRrRMfs.2


you can also try this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501hMMZRZbIbRrRMfs.2

if you want less damage taken from aoe as well as defensive forms helping you build centering at times.

(move the point from insight to steadfast if you want, your fine either way)


I hope i could be of some help, please tell me if something was unclear or if you have other questions :p

Edited by gunte
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Ok im seeing a bit of confused information being thrown around here so im gonna pitch in..


Accuracy - get to 100 %, not lower and not higher, it can be hard to get exactly 100 but try as close as possible. - This will mean that your special attacks (every attack except strike) will have a 100% chance to hit a boss target as bosses have 10% defence and your special attacks will have 110% accuracy, (110-10=100). Strike will have 90% chance to hit.


Crit chance - Critical rating has diminisihing returns meaning the more you get of it, the less you will gain from each point added. At full campaign/black hole gear im sitting at roughly 27-28% crit chance unbuffed with somewhere around 285 critical rating (cant remember exactly). Dont go above 300, as a Watchman with Zen and so much increased crit rating for burns in general we are better off stacking power.


Surge rating - Also has diminishing returns like crit chance. Get it to around 75 %


Power - Has no diminishing returns so get as much of it as you can after getting your other stats to the proper levels. Power adds 0.23 to your bonus damage per point. At campaign/black hole gear i have 900+ power.


Strength - Has no diminishing returns as to the bonus of damage however strength adds a small crit bonus as well, this does have diminishing returns however its so little that it is basically to be ignored. Get as much strength as you possibly can. Strength adds 0.2 to your bonus damage per point, to be compared with power (0.23).



this is the build i use: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501hZG00MZbIbRrRMfs.2


you can also try this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501hMMZRZbIbRrRMfs.2

if you want less damage taken from aoe as well as defensive forms helping you build centering at times.

(move the point from insight to steadfast if you want, your fine either way)


I hope i could be of some help, please tell me if something was unclear or if you have other questions :p


I have a Q.

Does the points into swift slash increase the damage of merciless slash as well or just slash?

Im 46 so im finishing up my build. wondering if i should move with that, or move into the combat tree for the accuracy bonus.

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My sentinel (to a T) for reference. With a rakata stim I'm sitting at around 2100 strength.



~1800 dps sustained on Ops Dummy


Opener: Leap, Overlead Sabers (in air), Zealous strike, Cauterize, Merc Slash, Master Strike, Cauterize (if proc)


My sentinel is still a WIP. I tinker with him all the time but so far I've had relatively good success with him

Edited by OMGitsCHARLIE
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Guys, ty greatly for all the quick response and very informative advices. If any other Watchmen sentinels want to put there input, will greatly appreciate. Ty for the watchmen build, definetly will be messing around with it. Ty again guys!
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I have a Q.

Does the points into swift slash increase the damage of merciless slash as well or just slash?

Im 46 so im finishing up my build. wondering if i should move with that, or move into the combat tree for the accuracy bonus.


No it does not affect merciless slash, and just to be clear it increases the critical hit chance of slash, not the actual damage ;)

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There is misinformation that Power > Strength


Always stack strength over power. There are several threads that explain why strength is better.




However, a common misconception which I am seeing a lot is that getting the highest strength possible is the best way to go at all costs.


If the tradeoff in other stats is the same as your increase in strength, then yes, stack strength.


However, as an example, never opt for an extra 12 strength if you're sacrificing 30 power. This seems to be done a lot with mods and is will not provide you with the top dps. Will you be flashy with your 2300 strength compared to someone with 2200? Yes, but you will also have lower dps than them if they have 300 more power than you.

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There is misinformation that Power > Strength


Always stack strength over power. There are several threads that explain why strength is better.


No one in this thread said that power > strength i believe?

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I cannot stress this point enough:


The BH Weaponmaster Gear is awful. It uses Guardian Armoring and Mods, which stack End over Str.


Buy Vindicator gear and pull out the mods, which can then be placed in orange/purple gear. You can even keep the set bonus this way.


The downside of this is that Vindicator gear stacks power, and you will also drop below proper accuracy, and be low on crit. Power isn't very useful for Watchman Sent, so you'll need to buy -some- WH BH gear. Look for the ones which have the Accuracy/Critical enhancement (the gloves, i believe).


Use Str augments, and nothing else.. save maybe a few accuracy if you need them. Accuracy is very useful for us, because it helps our offhand hit more, which has reduced accuracy naturally.


Do NOT wear the BH bracers. You can't wear the vindicator bracers, unfortunately, and the Sent BH Weaponmaster bracers are, in every conceivable way, horrible. Rakata far exceeds them.


If you want better bracers (and this is probably true for the belt as well), use orange and find/buy for extreme money Might Armoring 26, which is the Campaign equivalent. You can't use the armoring from buyable pieces, unfortunately, since it's set to a specific slot, but you can use the mods.


The BH earpiece is probably not worth it either - the stat drop is pretty significant.


The point : Whoever designed Sent BH gear had no idea what the hell they were doing, and seriously messed it up (Honestly, the armoring -says- Guardian Armoring. It's CALLED Guardian armoring. How stupid...)

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I cannot stress this point enough:


The BH Weaponmaster Gear is awful. It uses Guardian Armoring and Mods, which stack End over Str.


Buy Vindicator gear and pull out the mods, which can then be placed in orange/purple gear. You can even keep the set bonus this way.


The downside of this is that Vindicator gear stacks power, and you will also drop below proper accuracy, and be low on crit. Power isn't very useful for Watchman Sent, so you'll need to buy -some- WH BH gear. Look for the ones which have the Accuracy/Critical enhancement (the gloves, i believe).


Use Str augments, and nothing else.. save maybe a few accuracy if you need them. Accuracy is very useful for us, because it helps our offhand hit more, which has reduced accuracy naturally.


Do NOT wear the BH bracers. You can't wear the vindicator bracers, unfortunately, and the Sent BH Weaponmaster bracers are, in every conceivable way, horrible. Rakata far exceeds them.


If you want better bracers (and this is probably true for the belt as well), use orange and find/buy for extreme money Might Armoring 26, which is the Campaign equivalent. You can't use the armoring from buyable pieces, unfortunately, since it's set to a specific slot, but you can use the mods.


The BH earpiece is probably not worth it either - the stat drop is pretty significant.


The point : Whoever designed Sent BH gear had no idea what the hell they were doing, and seriously messed it up (Honestly, the armoring -says- Guardian Armoring. It's CALLED Guardian armoring. How stupid...)


How about the Black Hole gear that we can buy with 50-60 BH comm's each. Is it better to transfer the mods from the heavy armor gear to a orange/purple armor or buy the medium armor set?

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