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Pro-skippers, politeness will get you further


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Believe it or not, I am NOT against the ones that are social.


But, when some snotty fellow starts arguing that 3 players must wait so he can watch the same cutscene for the 100th time, well.. that`s asking for it.


He should clearly state his intention as soon as he enters flashpoint, because he IS a minority. Anything further is solely his fault for coming out as argumentative.


So, by all means, watch your precious cutscenes.. but not on Black Talon and be sure I know before we start the flashpoint. It is common courtesy, if anything.


well most time i see is 1 guy asking to skip and the three other are watching it but then again i only do normal becouse i dont care about endgame

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well most time i see is 1 guy asking to skip and the three other are watching it but then again i only do normal becouse i dont care about endgame


The vast majority of times I used the LFG tool, for HM FP`s... it was asked and expected to skip / spacebar, to finish the FP in the shortest time possible.


I have no experience whatsoever with anything lower than 50 and LFG tool.

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The vast majority of times I used the LFG tool, for HM FP`s... it was asked and expected to skip / spacebar, to finish the FP in the shortest time possible.


I have no experience whatsoever with anything lower than 50 and LFG tool.


It may be expected, but I think it's still a good idea to ask beforehand. It's the same line of thought behind rolling for gear. It's generally expected that a Need roll should be used if the item is a direct upgrade to the characer rolling Need but some people roll Need for their companions and others just roll Need just because they can. I just think the more you can clarify and straighten out before the run, the quicker and smoother the run actually becomes because then you don't have people fighting over loot rolls or whether or not to skip the dialogue.

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It may be expected, but I think it's still a good idea to ask beforehand. It's the same line of thought behind rolling for gear. It's generally expected that a Need roll should be used if the item is a direct upgrade to the characer rolling Need but some people roll Need for their companions and others just roll Need just because they can. I just think the more you can clarify and straighten out before the run, the quicker and smoother the run actually becomes because then you don't have people fighting over loot rolls or whether or not to skip the dialogue.


There is always a question when everybody ported to the Flashpoint. More or less a variation of "Speed run?".


AT that point, I personally assume that democracy rules take over : if 3 votes for yes or no, we go with the vote. If 2 vs 2, there will usually be a short timeframe in which there will be a try to convince the "non-spacebar" players. If unsucessfull, then we kinda go with the flow and be proactive. They usually skip half anyway (the cut-scene lovers).


But past the initial conclusion there is nothing more to be said. A decision has been taken and it is expected to carry it until the group disbands.


There are rarely groups in which the first decision is not agreed on, or they SHOULD try to. But the ones that don`t respect it, well... they have a point to prove; which they will with the next group.

Edited by Styxx
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There is always a question when everybody ported to the Flashpoint. More or less a variation of "Speed run?".


AT that point, I personally assume that democracy rules take over : if 3 votes for yes or no, we go with the vote. If 2 vs 2, there will usually be a short timeframe in which there will be a try to convince the "non-spacebar" players.


But past the initial conclusion there is nothing more to be said. A decision has been taken and it is expected to carry it until the group disbands.


There are rarely groups in which the first decision is not agreed on, or they SHOULD try to. But the ones that don`t respect it, well... they have a point to prove; which they will with the next group.


Yeah, you're right for the most part. I think the topic in general is about those who only do one or the other without any regard to what anyone may want. I think the best way to deal with a 2/2 split is then base it on the FP. If it's a relatively short one, then just go with the dialogue but if it's a longer one, then skip.

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Yeah, you're right for the most part. I think the topic in general is about those who only do one or the other without any regard to what anyone may want. I think the best way to deal with a 2/2 split is then base it on the FP. If it's a relatively short one, then just go with the dialogue but if it's a longer one, then skip.


Well, in all honesty, for a 2/2 split, there is really only one way to do it : be sensible, or apply common sense = don`t be a douche and don`t "take hostage" the flashpoint. It might work, or you just draw the 2 shortest tempers on the server and you got kicked.. or anything inbetween. Or, in plain english = think how you`d feel if you`d be in their shoes.


Luckily.. there are not as many "heroes" ingame as they are on the Forums... or I haven`t met them yet.

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Well, in all honesty, for a 2/2 split, there is really only one way to do it : be sensible, or apply common sense = don`t be a douche and don`t "take hostage" the flashpoint. It might work, or you just draw the 2 shortest tempers on the server and you got kicked.. or anything inbetween. Or, in plain english = think how you`d feel if you`d be in their shoes.


Luckily.. there are not as many "heroes" ingame as they are on the Forums... or I haven`t met them yet.


Agreed. The number of people who use the forums are significantly smaller compared to those who just play the game. "Forum Warriors" are typically just that and usually end up on my ignore list. I've yet to run into a rude and belligerent player in game (even in PvP) and I've been here since Day 1 of early access.

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Cutscenes are part of the experience and only add 5 or 10 minutes... if someone want to do it let them.


Also OP, you want a new way to piss them off? Start screaming to skip as well. Its freakin hilarious when all 4 people are in full caps trying to figure out whats going on. Even had a guy convinced it must have bugged or something. Not much of a stretch considering Biowares track record. :D


100% agree. Just think, if the kids took their time, they wouldn't have finished all 8 slots and be bored to tears for the Level 50 daily grind.

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You being one that refuses to spacebar against 3 that do is selfish too. It can go both ways.


Selfish: concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others.


Yeah, ok, I can see how non-skippers can be argued as being selfish, but lets further analyse. As I said before, most of the time I skip, seen it before, yadda yadda. However, unlike some ... I dont give people a hard time for wanting to see cutscenes for reasons mentioned before. I guess you can say I have some "regard" for others. Somehow I doubt your reasons for skipping have anything to do with "well the others want to skip too."


Im pretty sure you'd appreciate that if for whatever reason you woke up one day wanting to remember what Malgus says at the end of FE.



Also, that game experience you paid for can be found in Story Mode Flashpoints. When you refuse to spacebar as a minority, well, you are dictating how MY money are spent, by interfering with MY time.


I`ll reiterate: If you saw it 5 times already, well, you are arguing over principle and not over content. So, which one is it?


A) You and I both know the Spacebar harrassment happens in all modes. Either way 5 minutes watching cutscenes, and getting gear you need vs. 30 to an hour fighting through an FP you dont need anything from because dailies drop way better mods, I believe the answer is simple. Not to mention how Story Mode indicates nothing more than its difficulty.


B) Youre there for gear, comms , or other reasons. We have the added pleasure of wanting to enjoy the cutscenes. With us so called "selfish" people, everyone gets what they want, YOU on the other hand, want to block off others to save yourself a few extra minutes.


C) Youre playing a video game. Any way you look at it youre wasting time. That "youre wasting my time" argument is laughable at best, specially when you consider that all but one flashpoint has a grand total of about 5 minutes to it.


D) The cuts scenes are part of the gameplay. We arent watching a movie, we're playing and interacting with the characters, replying to there words, and competing against others to speak. It isnt just watching, its playing, which is why we're all here, to play the game. Not that it even matters since plenty of people like to watch things multiple times, be it movies, sitcoms, or pictures. And if youre participating in that enjoyment with others no one has the right to demand they skip it. When youre watching Star Wars for the 20th time with friends, do you demand they skip to the good action parts? Neither do I.

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people dont space bar? i tab out and do something else. Then they are waiting on me.....


People act rude or need on Bio alloy's? I ignore them and they dont get the priviledge to group with me again, simple as that.


Wanna watch the cutscene's and enjoy the story? Please, do that on your own time. You are in a random group of people who are trying to complete an objective together. This isnt you and your guild having a good ole' time. Wake up and play, or, dont que for group finder....simple.


Also, if you wanna watch the story, consider forming your own group in general chat?

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people dont space bar? i tab out and do something else. Then they are waiting on me.....


People act rude or need on Bio alloy's? I ignore them and they dont get the priviledge to group with me again, simple as that.


Wanna watch the cutscene's and enjoy the story? Please, do that on your own time. You are in a random group of people who are trying to complete an objective together. This isnt you and your guild having a good ole' time. Wake up and play, or, dont que for group finder....simple.


Also, if you wanna watch the story, consider forming your own group in general chat?


See, the 'form your own group in general to see the story' doesn't work because it's circular. One could easily turn that around back at you and tell you to 'form your own group in general if you want a fast run'. Not that I don't disagree per say, I'm just pointing out a fallacious argument.

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[snip]long post

There is a simpler solution and it involves far less talking : the first question "Fast run?". It will be followed by a vote and all 4 will run the FP as the vote decided : spacebarring everything or smelling the roses.


Further above a bit there are considerations how to deal with a 2/2 split.


For any "wise guy" there is kick.. end of story.

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I really love the way this has become.


Is it really so hard to be polite and respectful and find out how each person would like to do the flashpoint? What about those that want to roleplay in the flashpoint?


How difficult is it to find out beforehand and show a little respect and common courtesy. How come when it comes to you your time is more important than someone else? Everyone time is the same and just because you may think your time is more important is not true. Everyone time is the same.


You may get in groups that 3 want to spacebar and if so then you spacebar but the vote could also go the other way and if it is tied you have no right to stand there and argue and "try" to convince the others to your way of thinking.


Try a little common courtesy and respect. It works better than being a jerk about it and that is exactly what you are doing when you demand your way or tell someone to go form your own group. You don't have to group with them if you don't want to but you also have no right demanding the others see your way.


And just because you think the hard mode is for "speed run" doesn't mean everyone does.


Everyone time is important and everyone has paid to play the game the way they enjoy.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Believe it or not, I am NOT against the ones that are social.


But, when some snotty fellow starts arguing that 3 players must wait so he can watch the same cutscene for the 100th time, well.. that`s asking for it.


He should clearly state his intention as soon as he enters flashpoint, because he IS a minority. Anything further is solely his fault for coming out as argumentative.


So, by all means, watch your precious cutscenes.. but not on Black Talon and be sure I know before we start the flashpoint. It is common courtesy, if anything.


Right idea, 100% wrong application. Someone wanting to watch cutscenes is the DEFAULT. They should not have to state any intention to enjoy the cutscene (and perhaps see new responses than previous times).


If someone wants to Speed Run, THEY should be the ones to state their intention and get sign-off from the group. It is entirely encumbent upon the Speed Runners to ask. Speed Runners should NEVER expect that "speed run" is how a FP will be performed. This includes ASKING if bonuses or bosses can be skipped. Not demanding, not expecting. You'd be amazed at how much smoother things go with a little simple courtesy.


And for Yoda's sake, IF you do a speed run, AT LEAST WAIT FOR OTHER PLAYERS TO RELOAD/HEAL/SCAVENGE before you engage the next mob. And DO NOT start an attack immediately upon exiting an elevator UNTIL THE REST OF THE GROUP HAS ALSO EXITED THE ELEVATOR. Once you start an attack, other players are blocked from using elevators until an entire attack is over.


And you Speed Runners - ever heard of cc? Yeah, give the other members of your party the chance to use their cc's intelligently before you just leap into the fray. If I'm the Healer and you leap into the next full mob without giving the group a chance to plan and cc - OOPS, you don't get any heals. Everyone else will. After you die (and you will), I'll say "wow, imagine how much better that would have gone for you if we had cc'ed the group and you got heals?"


I don't mind Speed Runs and Spacebarring if someone asks nicely, but I'm tired of constantly playing catch-up to others who dash ahead while I reload my healer. If you don't want to wait for me, I kinda don't want to heal you. On the other hand, simple courtesy and cooperation has made MANY a FP, including Speed Runs, a blast to play, with the group all enjoying, "good game!"ing everyone and making Friend Lists for future runs.


Wow. Community! Who'd a thunk it?

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I had a PUG run today in Black Talon with a couple of what I'll describe as immature impatient obnoxious kids, screaming in chat for me (and the fourth guy) to skip the cutscenes. Even after a few seconds of video, we were generously showered with "skip, SKIP FFS" and "SPACE you *******", which always gives other people a nice fuzzy feeling inside.

Now, instead of perhaps trying with "Please, can we skip the cutscenes?", which I would have agreed to, the comments instead convinced me to make it a point to watch every single second of dialogue in the flashpoint, just to annoy those kids. And boy did it ever.


Sadly I've seen this impatient and obnoxious attitude become pretty common when doing flashpoints, as if skipping is viewed as must-do and expected. A lot of people don't expect people to want to watch this stuff, even though BioWare put it there for us to watch. I for one really enjoy this dialogue and watch it when I can, and will continue to do so in flashpoints far more times than just one. These (very well done) cutscenes do represent part of the default game that everyone has paid for. Some people have actually not seen this stuff yet and should be given every chance to. "But its just Black Talon!!! Skip FFS". Doesn't matter what it is, if someone enjoys it, let them watch. You can wait 3 more minutes to finish the flashpoint.


So you guys out there in a hurry for some reason, other people are far more inclined to skip the story stuff for you if you're not being a *ick about it :) And for those who act like those two kids and wind up in a group with me, bring plenty of popcorn. :p


Agreed - I rarely skips cutscenes no matter how many times I have seen them, it's part of the immersion for me. I will however skip when asked nicely to accommodate the rest of the group.



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Right idea, 100% wrong application. Someone wanting to watch cutscenes is the DEFAULT. They should not have to state any intention to enjoy the cutscene (and perhaps see new responses than previous times).


The DEFAULT is the crowd that got the most votes from the "Speed run?" question.. or "Spacebar?". Just pointing it out.


[EDIT] 2 players that paid 15 bucks : one wants to watch the cutscenes.. the other doesn`t. They are BOTH RIGHT. So, how do we decide? Well... we vote between the 4 players that make the FP, since the MAJORITY should decide anyway. If it`s split.. apply common sense, or /roll if you can`t live with it.


But if you decide to piss against the wind.. well... you might get your pants wet.

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If you want a "speed run" feel free to form your own group and do so, but if you are going to use the LFG and join a random PUG, then you should not expect everyone to share your priorities, and you should not expect a speed run. Also, you do have the option to drop group if someone in the group chooses to watch the cutscenes, or otherwise add time to the flashpoint, costing you "oh so valuable" time.


OTOH, this seems to be an issue that is important to a lot of people. Consequently Bioware should add

  • skip cut scenes
  • don't care
  • watch cut scenes

to the LFG preference. Sure, the folks who do not select don't care may have a longer queue time but this is preferable to getting into a group then quitting part way through.

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