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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Erickson talks: New Planet Makeb, Free to 15, tutorials and... the Yuuzhan Vong?


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I feel that this game is feeling too wow like recently which is a very bad thing. With the things Guild Wars 2 is offering for FREE (Except the one time transaction) I'm worried that Bioware doesn't have content to match it. WvW pvp is very fun and the pvp aspect of GW2 is very exciting. Destructible buildings etc. The PvE has events that directly effect the Realm you are playing on which is also a very fun feature that hasn't been seen in MMOs recently. All this new announced stuff for SWTOR looks like fun but doesn't seem to bring in anything new to the game. No true space combat, no effect on the worlds we play on any of it. As my only Subscription based mmo soon, (Still using an active wow account until october) I'm skeptical if I want to continue to pay to play a game that isn't offering more than what a F2P game can offer.


We'll have to see in the months to come I guess.

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Canderous seemed to reference them in extreme detail though.


He has as I mentioned in a previous post:


The Yuuzhan Vong have appeared at times during the Old Republic era, even once encountered by Canderous Ordo, just not on a massive scale like during the New Republic era. Had the author of the article mentioed about these small encounters before the events of SWTOR, we may've gotten a different answer than just "No" from Erickson.


The Yuuzhan Vong could still appear at some point in some form in a future update in SWTOR, maybe as a boss or NPC with some small story, but nothing like a massive invasion.


The Yuuzhan Vong have been encountered on multiple occasions before their massive invasion. To see them appear at least once in SWTOR would be great as they've never appeared outside the novels and comics.

Edited by Vitas
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In your opinion, while a bit more variety and more customisation would be nice the underlying armour themes are good in my opnion.


current armour designs are pure nasty. Not Star Wars worthy at all. A few are ok, some are satisfactory. but the majority like the Consular helms are throw up material as far as i'm concerned. That designer and the one who approved those designs should be shot by firing squad... Amy Beth Christenson created the best designs for a Star wars game that I have EVER seen. On that I am sure everyone would agree. She adopted Ralph McQuarrie's visions of Star Wars design very well indeed. I wish she worked on the designs for this MMO, but she's moved on to a different branch within Lucas Arts/Film.

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OK so then why were the Chiss added as a race when they weren't discovered until Outbound Flight crashed in their part of the galaxy? Oh yeah, because "the fans" demanded it, lolz.


It's a lot easier to color a human blue then to make a whole new race ;)

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current armour designs are pure nasty. Not Star Wars worthy at all. A few are ok, some are satisfactory. but the majority like the Consular helms are throw up material as far as i'm concerned. That designer and the one who approved those designs should be shot by firing squad... Amy Beth Christenson created the best designs for a Star wars game that I have EVER seen. On that I am sure everyone would agree. She adopted Ralph McQuarrie's visions of Star Wars design very well indeed. I wish she worked on the designs for this MMO, but she's moved on to a different branch within Lucas Arts/Film.


Amidala' headresses, the one worn with the red outfit particularly. As much as people may dislike the newer films the themes of SWTOR clothing certainly are in the spirit of the films.

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It's a lot easier to color a human blue then to make a whole new race ;)


Many worlds and species over the years have either been forgotten or rediscovered, the Chiss is one of them. Additionally there are aspects of the Star Wars universe which still have yet to be explored. Whilst what is written now we take in as fact, we must also presume that there is yet more to be established.

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Amidala' headresses, the one worn with the red outfit particularly. As much as people may dislike the newer films the themes of SWTOR clothing certainly are in the spirit of the films.


Amidala's extravagant outfit was designed for royalty. And certainly not for fighters of any kind. Saying it is ok for your character to wear such monstrosity because it is in the spirit of the films does not make it feel like Star Wars. The helms are a rotten design along with many other un-appealing outfits. As for the other HORRID designs that are shall we say WoW inspired, should never ever be allowed to continue in the life of this game. End of story. Hopefully the Developers understand now that it was a mistake and we don't like it. So go back to the drawing board, and create something with the information we provided that we do like to see. Yes it will take time but at least they won't continue. The Force unleashed 2 for some was either great, or awful, but those costume designs were certainly in the spirit of the films, and appealing.

Edited by xorcist
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“We’re not experimental Star Wars people,” Erickson explained. “We must have sat down and watched Empire Strikes Back every other day for months when we were putting this game together.


Read more: http://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/star-wars-the-old-republics-lead-designer-talks-about-new-planets-free-to-play-and-the-yuuzhan-vong/#ixzz21VwlN3zI



That quote is a little disturbing. There are books on Star Wars as well. Are they really admitting, they know Star Wars based off watching the very early movies, repeatedly.

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“We’re not experimental Star Wars people,” Erickson explained. “We must have sat down and watched Empire Strikes Back every other day for months when we were putting this game together.


Read more: http://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/star-wars-the-old-republics-lead-designer-talks-about-new-planets-free-to-play-and-the-yuuzhan-vong/#ixzz21VwlN3zI



That quote is a little disturbing. There are books on Star Wars as well. Are they really admitting, they know Star Wars based off watching the very early movies, repeatedly.


Well I'd imagine they would've played some of the games and read few of the books. Belsavis first appeared in the novel "Children of the Jedi" and Dromund Kaas first appeared in the game "Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith".


A lot of authors have said they've used Wookieepedia for straight forward facts when looking back at the lore, I'd assume to compensate for the time it would take for Lucasfilm to get back to them about the continuity. The devs and writers could themselves use it to help get a broader idea of what they could include:


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“We’re not experimental Star Wars people,” Erickson explained. “We must have sat down and watched Empire Strikes Back every other day for months when we were putting this game together.


Read more: http://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/star-wars-the-old-republics-lead-designer-talks-about-new-planets-free-to-play-and-the-yuuzhan-vong/#ixzz21VwlN3zI



That quote is a little disturbing. There are books on Star Wars as well. Are they really admitting, they know Star Wars based off watching the very early movies, repeatedly.


What disturbs me is that I am not sure that Bioware watched the same movies as us when I look at some of the in game armor....

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There is a line in this article:


The HK-47 character is already in The Old Republic, as a boss in one of the game’s Flashpoint missions, but “Allies” will allow players to recruit a newer model of the HK line as one of their companions, pending the completion of an extensive quest line.


Do they mean it should appear before 1.4 or it should have been in game already, but something's gone wrong?

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There is a line in this article:


Do they mean it should appear before 1.4 or it should have been in game already, but something's gone wrong?


Originally HK-51 was intended for 1.3 as shown in the in-game file leaks. However it and also new new dailies and flashpoints were moved to 1.4 because heaps of people were demanding for Group Finder and Ranked Warzones.

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They dont even have RvR yet =(


Yeah, that is a bit of a stubbling block. :(


But I'm hoping that at this point it's as easy for them to impliments RvRvR as it is to redesign an Ilum RvR basin that is actually fit for purpose.

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Originally HK-51 was intended for 1.3 as shown in the in-game file leaks. However it and also new new dailies and flashpoints were moved to 1.4 because heaps of people were demanding for Group Finder and Ranked Warzones.


I thought it was sort of funny that they still called 1.3 "Allies", lol.

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I'm not too worried about BioWare drawing from a narrow group of sources to make TOR.


You know the Dashade? Good ol' Khem Val? I had originally thought that BioWare cooked his species up for the Sith Inquisitory story. However, I happened across some books from the old Star Wars d20 game and decided to skim through the alien anthology, and bam - there they were as a playable class. The same with the Colicoids and the Killiks.


The more I read into the backstories in TOR, the more I realize that they've drawn from sources in Star Wars I didn't even know existed.


Just saying.l

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