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Marauders.. Cmon now (tryin 2b constructive)


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That's really not my fault, you can't blame the Marauder. You should not be using stuns on them unless GBTF is up. If its not you should be slowing and kiting them . . . and even if the stun is not up what else is there






Take your pick, all these work perfectly.


But THIS IS THE POINT, man. There's not a single other DPS class in the game that you have to specifically prepare a stun for. There's a lot of QQ about Vanguards/Powertechs but you don't have to save a stun for a specific ability of theirs.


Also, you basically tell me that DPS Guardians should just run away from Marauders. Kiting, LOSing isn't really an option for us. We're also a pure melee class but we get nothing that compares to Force Camouflage and Guarded by the Force. Nothing. Less damage, worse survivability: does that make sense to you? Against me, nobody has to prepare their stuns for one specific ability. They just have to kill me. Not exactly difficult, see, as I don't have an invincibility button and cannot disappear.


I can't even take away 90% of melee and ranged accuracy of the opponent.

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But THIS IS THE POINT, man. There's not a single other DPS class in the game that you have to specifically prepare a stun for. There's a lot of QQ about Vanguards/Powertechs but you don't have to save a stun for a specific ability of theirs.


Also, you basically tell me that DPS Guardians should just run away from Marauders. Kiting, LOSing isn't really an option for us. We're also a pure melee class but we get nothing that compares to Force Camouflage and Guarded by the Force. Nothing. Less damage, worse survivability: does that make sense to you? Against me, nobody has to prepare their stuns for one specific ability. They just have to kill me. Not exactly difficult, see, as I don't have an invincibility button and cannot disappear.


I can't even take away 90% of melee and ranged accuracy of the opponent.


Honestly, everyone knows a Guardian shouldn't be 1v1ing a pure dps melee class a Marauder . . .

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Its the sheild, everything else about he marauder is ok. I think the 99% shield should have been a jug ability, and they can have the jugg's invincible ability. Their effects sure seem backwards to me.
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Honestly, everyone knows a Guardian shouldn't be 1v1ing a pure dps melee class a Marauder . . .


I do it all the time just to test myself. You'd be shocked how often you can win as Guardian once you learn to time your stasis, push and most importantly, awe...


Insta Awe after cammo has owned so many marauders ive lost count :D

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I do it all the time just to test myself. You'd be shocked how often you can win as Guardian once you learn to time your stasis, push and most importantly, awe...


Insta Awe after cammo has owned so many marauders ive lost count :D


Least someone knows how to counter...

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Why is there so much focus on 1v1? I've decided it's an ego thing. Nobody likes to lose, and there's no more obvious humiliation than losing that kind of a fight.


In a multiple player brawl, though? Ranged DPS can reach out and hit any of 5 targets at will. You can pick the melee opponent closest to death, finish him off (free his opponent) and move on to the next.


If you are playing pvp to beat one guy, you're doing it wrong.


I say this as a 50 sent AND commando.

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These kinds of posts make me sad. Have you ever thought that the issue is not with Marauders themselves but with either the class your playing or with game mechanics?


For a game to be balanced, be enjoyable and to express variety, it must use the "rock paper scissors" philosophy.


Every class is given a version of Rock, Paper and scissors.


What that means is if a class is given range, all melee classes must be given a gap closer. The gap closer can be slightly increased passive speed, temporary speed boost., leap, pull, temporary stealth, doesn't matter.. Just as long as the gap closer exists. If there is NO gap closer then the ranged class will always beat the melee class. In essence the ranged class is bringing a Nuke instead of a rock and the fight is not balanced. To balance a game correctly you look at every single class ability and you compare that to any opposing class and you ensure that the respective class has the means to counter.


Look at the Marauder




Have you ever tried playing lowbie PVP without camo? It's a freaking joke. All a sniper, Sorc has to do is knock you back and root you and your screwed. You can't leap, you can't move. Without Camo you are screwed. This is why Marauders have Camo and why it has such a short cooldown.


Cloak of Pain

Refreshes when attacked but drops off if not attacked after 6 seconds. Most classes can counter this so easily 1v1 it's not funny. Jug can force push and then wait 6 seconds to attack. Sniper can knockback, root or flashbang. Sorcs can knockback, root or speed run away. Assassins can stealth, Operatives flashbang or stealth. Ever tried killing a marauder without their cloak of pain? They drop like a sack of ****. The only spec worth a damn without it's cloak of pain is annihilation because its bleed heals slightly offset the damage.



This talent exists for 2 reasons. RAVAGE and Ambush! It's countered by snipers/other melee classes with the billion knockbacks and stuns or by using any force or tech attack instead of a ranged or melee attack.


Undying Rage

This is the only talent I'll agree on that is not necessary. It has no purpose but to extend a fight that you're about to lose. Saying that, it is no less unfair than Snipers hunker down ability or Vengeance Jugs 10K heal or Vengeance Jugs 85% DR in Soresu on Leap and immunity to stun.


Guardians don't have Force Camouflage. They can be knocked back, rooted etc.


Cloak of Pain/Rebuke. Don't attack the Marauder/Sentinel for 6 seconds you say. Yes. Then there's another 5 seconds for Guarded by the Force/Undying Rage. Allow me to ask: what is the Marauder doing during all this time? Picking flowers? Colouring books?


Obfuscate/Pacify. Why can't I nullify your Master Strike then? I am a melee class as well. I'm eaten alive by Snipers, too. I just can't do anything about it. Why?


Vengeance Juggs 10k heal... nice. I'd like to get that one. Focused Defense heals you for 3% of your maximum health every second as long as 1) you're being attacked, 2) you have Focus. That means that in an ideal scenario, at the end, you healed yourself for 6k. Not 10k. And it doesn't generate Focus like Rebuke, it EATS it up.


85% damage reduction after leap? HOLY CRAP I WANT THAT TOO. It's a 15% damage reduction plus Soresu improves your ARMOR RATING. Also screws your Focus generation which screws your damage as a Vigilance/Vengeance spec.

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But THIS IS THE POINT, man. There's not a single other DPS class in the game that you have to specifically prepare a stun for. There's a lot of QQ about Vanguards/Powertechs but you don't have to save a stun for a specific ability of theirs. .


That's actually incorrect. My Assassin is an off the wall hybrid. I can tell you flat that if you don't save your "stunbreak." You are going to eat a 12K damage attack. Also you will want to save your stun for a weaker version of the same attack as it will still hit for 7K+ damage.

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Its the sheild, everything else about he marauder is ok. I think the 99% shield should have been a jug ability, and they can have the jugg's invincible ability. Their effects sure seem backwards to me.


Indeed, considering the description of the two advanced classes it's slightly weird that Marauders/Sentinels have a talent that makes them IMMORTAL. Every 90 seconds no less.

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i have a guardian and a sage and i gotta say after i learned how a sentinel plays, like what key skills to watch out for and what situations they are likely to pop their cooldowns, i dont have a problem with them at all.


the pure dps class with so many utilities and defensive skills i find interesting tho.

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Honestly, everyone knows a Guardian shouldn't be 1v1ing a pure dps melee class a Marauder . . .


Honestly, the Guardian should be given the tools to effectively duel a Marauder as both are pure melee classes. But it's not even a competition at the moment. If you spec tank then you can CC the **** out of them and survive until you get help; if you spec DPS, you run away. Unless the Marauder/Sentinel in question is crap. That is of course a distinct possibility.


I said it time and again: there are two pure melee advanced classes in this game. One of them has better survivability and better damage at the same time. That is simply not fair.

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Slorac Seriously???



Jugs don't have camo because they have stupid defensive cooldowns and ontop of that can easily stance dance between DPS and Tank forms to shrug off attacks. What?? you never thought to do thatt?? awwwwwwwwwww



You don't get obfuscate/pacify because of the above and also because you have force push!


All jugs get the 10K heal. If you don't know how to do it.. too bad so sad.


Vengence jug gets 85% DR on leap + enraged defense for 4 seconds while in Soresu.


Summary, All you just proved is that you don't know how to play your own class.

Edited by JackNader
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Its the sheild, everything else about he marauder is ok. I think the 99% shield should have been a jug ability, and they can have the jugg's invincible ability. Their effects sure seem backwards to me.


Indeed, considering the description of the two advanced classes it's slightly weird that Marauders/Sentinels have a talent that makes them IMMORTAL. Every 90 seconds no less.


Yeah it would make the juggs more of a tank than they are now, they're not as tough as they aught to be in my opinion. And It would also fix the complaints about marauders.

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You have a CC breaker.

You have a resolve bar which might be full.

The stun might be on cooldown.


Most importantly: you might have been forced to use the stun to have any chance to survive the crazy damage BEFORE Guarded by the Force. Which pretty much makes it an "I win" button.


This guy gets it.


Here's a short play for you folks. Only two characters: Player and Forum Hero (FH)


Player: ZOMG This marauder is destroying me with Gore-> uninterruptable, rooting Ravage

FH: Stun him


Player: Now he's got this 20% damage reduction that refreshes every time I hit him, but if I don't hit him I'm going to lose

FH: Stun him


Player: He just reduced my white damage accuracy to 10%, I can't hit him.

FH: Stun Him

Player: But I'm out of stuns, and he's white-barred anyway, so....

FH Stun him


Player: Now he's invincible

FH: Stun him

Player: Well, you're some help. Actually I rooted him and I'm trying to kite, but he leapt to me, and he's going to town again. I've used all my cooldowns and a medpac, but I think I've almost got him. Nope, he Force Camo'd.

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If tanks had GTBF, it's not just him that's invincible.... Person he's guarding basically gets it too.


Extremely incorrect. Guard splits damage in half to each player and then takes mitigation etc. into account. So the tank would not prevent anymore damage than it otherwise would have.

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I don't think the OP has these full War Hero geared toons he claims to have. Especially the sniper cause they own marauders. I mean, my sniper makes short work of them so you must be doing it wrong.


Marauders are fine and I'm getting tired of people calling for nerfs on other classes because they do not know how to play their own class.

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I don't think the OP has these full War Hero geared toons he claims to have. Especially the sniper cause they own marauders. I mean, my sniper makes short work of them so you must be doing it wrong.


Marauders are fine and I'm getting tired of people calling for nerfs on other classes because they do not know how to play their own class.


Lol, i wish u were on fatman. I'd show you my three war heros. And my sniper is one of the best on the server and thats not jus my opinion. Anyway im speaking on this in terms of two full war hero classes, marauder and sniper. not my sniper attacking ****** mars. In the end you say we counter? how? knock backs? Marauders have unleashed, camo, 99% dmg reduce shield that negates these effects. And I agree so much with the guy that is pretending to talk to the forum hero... Yeah i guess stun everytihng is the answer? wrong the answer is the 99% shield puts them over the top and many agree with this.

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I also think its funny like i said in my original post before anyone replying that the only people disagreeing with this post is the marauders/sentinels themselves. that tells you something. but the sad part is nothing has been done about in months when its a common fact.
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I can stop all of the nerf whining for everyone in one fell swoop.

Unnerf my scrapper. Gimme back my burst.

Maybe then everyone will have an equal chance.

Maybe the healer will go down instead of healing on forever.

All of these posts crack me up.

When they gutted Scrapper they took one of the rock/paper/scissors away and opened up this whole can of worms.

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Also its sad when the general consensus is snipers counter marauders (which isnt 100% true) but the point is... thats all!? thats the only class that is best against a marauder? what about all the other classes that i guess the marauder counters? how many is that? all other class? Lol.
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There's no need to nerf anything. Instead, buff the classes who need it: sorc everything, Sin DPS, and merc dps


Edited for you viewing pleasure.


And yes, mara/sent needs a nerf to survivability with CD's. Only non tank class that can go into a 1v3 and last for a minute, kill one of them, and still not feel OP. I have nothing against the buffs to damage, it is their job to get close and eff people up and that shouldn't change. The problem is, you only get one stun on a player before resolve is full and I can't eat a full ravage/master strike, but I have to have CC left over for when I can't attack them for 6 seconds without their shield resetting or while they are reducing damage by 99%. This doesn't even mention the 25/50% straight damage reduction too. Only reason sniper/gunslinger can beat them is because you can never get close enough to do any damage (unless you have a 4 second camo on 45 sec CD that doesn't break on damage and makes you completely invisible or an ability to increase party movement speed...).


In short, keep damage high and stop making them live forever.

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