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Ok, ok. I am the most pragmatic laid back kind of guy you could ever wish to meet. But even after 8 PvP losses on the hoof, even my patience is tested. The last two matches I spent pretty much rooted to the spot. Full WH spec, highest hit 5.5K, total damage 250K, no kills.

There is no amount of "L2P" that can protect you from a really good opposition. So, I can not play very well, perhaps. But surely this is a game, it is about fun. If really skilled players can make mince meat of you to the point you can not even get a kill, something is not right.

I am not having fun any more.

Bring back Doom. I was University Doom champion 2 years on the trot. Where did I put that 486?

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Biggest issue with resolve is that it starts going away shortly after it is maxed, which means you are losing it's effectiveness even while stunned. That is just stupid. If you get mezzed and it maxes out your resolve, you can sit there doing nothing until it is gone. How that makes sense to the dev team is amazing.


Other than resolve, snares and roots not having any kind of diminishing returns are a huge problem. Being permanently snared/rooted just sucks. Certain classes just get a ton of snares/roots, when the other side is full of those classes, the game is more frustrating than fun.

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You guys can banter all you want about resolve.

The fact of the matter is this


CC is handed out like candy....it should be in the tech trees.. The once that issue is fixed ...your toon isn't allowed to be affected by the same CC twice based on the cooldown +30 seconds of the ability you were hit with regardless if its been broken or stayed on till full effect.


Problem solved ..remove resolve ..hell maybe the game will run faster without the super retarded resolve meter which no one pays attention to anyway because if its grape your dead anyway. The Mod system is stupid also...how can you have class balance if everyone can have the same amount of hit points as anyone else give or take 2% for tech tree abilities...well how bout that...pick the best DPS or best CC class and have 26 28k hit points. There is no downside to being DPS class...hell most of them have better armor ratings than the guys wearing heavy armor which why would they even put different armor types out there when Mods can make it even steven.. light doesn't mean light armor in this game all it means is you wear a poop colored robe or a black zoro cape..who came up with idea lol ignorant.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I saw a video of some chap who was stating, for about half an hour, why he quit SWTOR. There was one pretty good point he made. In WoW, classes have a unique CC, something only they can do. Perhaps if the CCs were reduced to one unique ability per class like a Sith Choke or Commando Concussion and the CC breaker removed, that may change the dynamic enough to focus more on combat than sat waiting to die.

From my further research I can now confirm that one Jedi and one Scoundrel can incapacitate me, on full resolve, and kill me (23K HP) without me being able to react. Even with CC breaker. Happened last night in Huttball. (CC, leave for resolve to increase, another CC, break, now on full resolve, med pack - full health, choke (cant react), dirty kick (cant react) and one other I could not make out (could not react), dead.)

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NIce troll attempt. You do nothing but exasperate the situation. You have not played every class in WZ's unless you dont have a job. If you do they are not fully geared thus not a measure on how a class actually stands against another fully geared class. WoW has counters to all CC, this game has one maybe two if you have a healer. WoW has diminishing returns, thus after x cc's you can no longer be cc'ed. WoW you break cc when damaged unlike this game. AND DONT SAY YOU DO because you can take all incomming damage from another source while being force choked. Furthermore you cannot LOS stuns unless they are on a cast and those are very very few indeed.


Overall this isnt a qq post this is a post to examine how awful resolve is and how the concept should be thrown away.


Oh ya I forgot I have been cc'ed while being full resolve. I watch it happen time and time again.


If you are a heal spec commando then you are similar to my heal spec bounty hunter. I have videos of this toon playing as a healer and its kind of like a tank class. Look at some of my videos when I play wicked wanda.


Seriously things get better with more expertise. Personally, I find it better to keep the following in mind.


1. AOE shield, when available use it. Apply it to yourself and anyone near you. Keep in mind activating it also releases heat.

2. Watch heat, save cleanse and free heal for yourself.

3. Whenever you can, use your low heat/high dmg abilities - electro dart, rail shot, tracer missil (might be the name, its the one with a cooldown.)

4. Alacrity helps get your heals off fast, it also helps with your flamethrower, ditto with power shot. Use them after you heal to boost your alacrity.

5. Mara doing his channel thing on you? Concussion shot him. 9/10 will not interrupt because they want to let it go to full channel. If he cancels it, he loses and you can knock back with jet pack. Afterwards, kite him with rapid shots and strafe.

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Why you care about roots as a Merc is beyond me. You have a cleanse and have to sit still to do your better damage, so using your CC break on roots and snares would be idiotic.


My experience with a full war hero dps operative and a full war hero heal bounty hunter is the same.


o A dps trooper/bounty hunter is an easy kill for a dps operative where as a healing trooper/bounty hunter is nearly impossible. The only healing heavy armor types which are easy kills for my dps operative are the ones in dps gear and/or the ones who are a hybrid spec.


o A dps operative/smuggler is easy to kite, avoid as a bounty hunter healer. They may get the opening on you from stealth but you can withstand their damage long enough to gain range and then kill them. Once their acid blade wears off from their opener, they can not regain it unless you allow them to get close enough to backstab you. They are only dangerous if they open from stealth and you are already weakened. In that case, they are playing appropriately. ie. they are preying on the weak and easy kill as they should since they need to come out of stealth, kill, get out of combat and return to stealth quickly.

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I swear this crap is totally broken on the Commando. I have been hard stunned and only have a quarter of my bar filled where as I cryonade someone and thier bar becomes half filled. The resolve system as a whole is still horrible. Its beyond frustrating to pop my cc break at full resolve, try to run away a bit and heal yet be subjected to all sorts of snars that cant be cleansed off. Further more I love when I have my shield up and get force choked. I wish I could force choke the **** out of the moron who thought that was a great idea. Anyway Resolve is still broken just like all the people who already unsubbed from this game have been saying.


Try popping your shield when one more CC will fill your resolve and you have your breaker or try using it after you achieve full white bar.

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Try popping your shield when one more CC will fill your resolve and you have your breaker or try using it after you achieve full white bar.


Yeah, think you missed out on the "incapacitating mezz you can't clean without a healer that ignores resolve" bit. I did do my research....

Think your other comment was right though, need a team of people working together, Commando is part of that team. Not really something you can solo like you can as stealth.

Still, every time I get hacked off in a warzone, I hang up my Bentley keys and take the wife's Evo Zero for a scream.

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Yeah, think you missed out on the "incapacitating mezz you can't clean without a healer that ignores resolve" bit. I did do my research....

Think your other comment was right though, need a team of people working together, Commando is part of that team. Not really something you can solo like you can as stealth.


you cannot be mezzed with full resolve, period.

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No I am not wrong. I have been electrocuted while having a full resolve bar, choked with a full resolve bar and whirlwinded 3 times in a row with no effect on resolve. I understand how resolve is supposed to work. It is very broken right now and to try and say other wise is either ignorant or a troll attempt. Hell there was just a patch that made sure everyone's "stun breaker" worked properly.




Resolve is a very bad mechanic unless you have very little lag, the more lag you have the worse Resolve becomes.


This is why you see people looking at a FULL RESOLVE BAR and still CCed to death.


And you can not make a video of it as the lag prevents this from working correctly. Resolve is affected by LAG!


Another way to put this is Resolve is not designed to take into account any lag.

Edited by Metalmac
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Will post video when I can be bothered.


Unless you mean the mezz/stun that PUTS YOU INTO THE FULL RESOLVE, no.. You can't. and please do post the video.


But if you really mean the one that puts you to the full resolve, yes. That happens and that is supposed to happen. When you get the second stun/mezz that puts you to the full white bar (full resolve) the stun or mezz will still be effective. But you can use cc break at that point and enjoy about 16 seconds or so of the full resolve cc-immunity.

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If lag is affecting your front end so much as to show such great disparity in actual cause and effect, then you should not be playing the game anyway. You should be calling your ISP or getting tech support from elsewhere.



Resolve is a very bad mechanic unless you have very little lag, the more lag you have the worse Resolve becomes.


Resolve's fine, even on the bad days where my latency would go over 600ms. As mentioned above, if the lag goes above that, then it's not resolve that becomes the problem, but the game itself being nigh unplayable.


This is why you see people looking at a FULL RESOLVE BAR and still CCed to death.


Actually, the reason why people see themselves getting CCd to death despite Full Resolve Bar, is the same as why some people see Elvis when they're full of crack.




And you can not make a video of it as the lag prevents this from working correctly. Resolve is affected by LAG!


You cannot make video of it because it simply does not happen. Video capture programs have nothing to do with net lag. If you see it happening on your front end visually, it records it.



Another way to put this is Resolve is not designed to take into account any lag.


He swings, he misses... !! :rolleyes:

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If lag is affecting your front end so much as to show such great disparity in actual cause and effect, then you should not be playing the game anyway. You should be calling your ISP or getting tech support from elsewhere.





Resolve's fine, even on the bad days where my latency would go over 600ms. As mentioned above, if the lag goes above that, then it's not resolve that becomes the problem, but the game itself being nigh unplayable.




Actually, the reason why people see themselves getting CCd to death despite Full Resolve Bar, is the same as why some people see Elvis when they're full of crack.






You cannot make video of it because it simply does not happen. Video capture programs have nothing to do with net lag. If you see it happening on your front end visually, it records it.





He swings, he misses... !! :rolleyes:


What happens in the game is not always what you see on the screen. Go ahead and deny that, you miss also.


I am a retired programmer and lots of stuff is going on that you never see on screen, they are called bugs.

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What happens in the game is not always what you see on the screen. Go ahead and deny that, you miss also.


I am a retired programmer and lots of stuff is going on that you never see on screen, they are called bugs.


Recorders record only what happens on your screen, not what is not on your screen, which is something anyone with any programming experience knows...

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Recorders record only what happens on your screen, not what is not on your screen, which is something anyone with any programming experience knows...



So your point was to agree with my point?


Back to the subject of Resolve, it sucks.

If a system never kicks in like it is designed to then it sucks so Resolve sucks.

If a system only works sometimes then that system design sucks, so again Resolve sucks.


People complain about Resolve as it is a horrid design that is unreliable by design.

Staring at the Resolve bar all day is pretty bad design, a Diminishing Return system would work better.

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i support this.


i'm rank 93 at the moment and i've pvp-ed ALOT over a long period of time. My entire guild is a pvp guild and we've seen it happen over and over. The resolve bar is often broken. There have been many times where it has shown a full bar and yet I've been stunned.


The resolve system just doesn't work like its supposed to. For e.g I've been choked and then stunned at the same time filling up my resolve bar instantly. While those two stuns happen, someone else throws on another stun and the duration of that stun is added onto an already full resolve bar meaning I had to sit through the first two stuns and then wait for the third stun to fall off before i could get free. If resolve even worked, it would disallow the third stun from affecting the player.


This is correct.resolve is broken but the devs as always dont care.Thing you are talking about happen to alot of us all the time.

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Only issues i have with resolve is the fact that roots dont effect it. A good coordinated team can root lock someone for quite some time.


A good coordinated team focusing on someone means the rest of the team is free to retaliate and have easier time on the remaining team.

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Only issues i have with resolve is the fact that roots dont effect it. A good coordinated team can root lock someone for quite some time.


Those roots/snares can all be cleansed, sounds like your Ops/Merc/Sorc's arent doin their jobs right.


Even Stuns and Mez's can be removed.

Edited by Scotland
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