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Canon ten most powerful Jedi and Sith.


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Much like the other Top 10 SIth and Jedi thread, but with a twist, you have to bring up canon reasons why this person is at your chosen rank.


But even more interesting, this is excluding ALL movie characters, every last character seen in the movies cannot be included in this list, mainly because we already know who goes where when they are included.


(Minor exceptions are for example: Battle Master Cin Drallig, he is seen once for like five seconds, so does not count.)

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Caedus could very well be No.1.


But, as I said, to make a list, you need canonical facts backing up your argument./




Lightsaber Skills:


Took on multiple Jedi and Battlemaster Kyle Katarn and outfought them. He even managed to nick a few hits on Luke, which is pretty impressive.




He was an extremely strong person in the Force. Very good at Force Influence, able to make powerful Force-Users with all their resistance and powerful will, obey him. He could heal himself on the spot and adjust his body to get use to the enviroment.


He Achieved Oneness. He could Absorb Energy and deflect it. And he could render himself so that he was extremely difficult to sense in the Force. Solo was able to force his mind into that of another through the Force, imposing his will through the Force. (As seen when he helped his mother with landing the Millenium Falcon. Boomshackalaca!)


He learned Shatterpoint, and you should read the novel "Shatterpoint" to see just how awesome that ability is. Able to see the weakness in pretty much everything.



Thats my reasoning behind Caedus, I'll make top 10 list of both jedi and Sith in a couple hours...



P.S. Wookieepedia is an OK source right?

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Break it down into the eras, starting from the origins, we have the likes of: Muur, XoXaan, Ragnos, Sadow, Pall, Ductavis


Then around 4000 BBY you have the likes of Revan, Nihilus, Treya, Exar Kun, Zym, Satele Shan, Sunrider


Then around 1000 BBY you have Bane, Zannah, Coven.


Then around 0 BBY / 1 ABY you have probably Starkiller..


After that, Caedus.


Of course this is my opinion and I may have missed people out :)

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Nihilus will always be on my list of bests.


He destroyed entire planets with his will feeding on the force of all things in contact with it.

he could feel force sensitive creatures throughout the galaxy.

He lifted the Ravager out of Malachor V and held it together. (yoda lifted a measley x-wing)

And he made himself immortal by Storing his mind in his armor.

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"Kallig was able to channel the Force and adapt it in ways that suited a variety of needs, including subduing, stunning or killing of foes. Kallig was also an astonishingly proficient user of Force lightning. The young Sith was a proficient lightsaber duelist, utilizing either a standard lightsaber or a double-bladed lightsaber in combat. Kallig could combine skills with a lightsaber with mastery of the dark side, allowing Force Lightning to be channelled through Kallig's scorching lightsaber.

Proof of Kallig's power was demonstrated when Khem Val, the former servant of Tulak Hord, became one of Kallig's companions despite many powerful Dark Lords avoiding Khem Val while imprisoned in stasis due to the Dashade's Force immunity and record for killing and devouring even some of the most powerful Force sensitives.


The immediate aspiration for the young, powerful Sith apprentice and eventually Lord was ascension to the Dark Council. Kallig's strength in the dark side was enough to completely overpower a Dark Council member of Darth Thanaton's caliber. During their duel with Thanaton, Kallig demonstrated the ability to use Force deflection to fend off Force lightning, such as when Kallig effortlessly swatted aside Thanaton's Lightning attacks. Telekinesis was among the young Sith's talents, such as when Kallig threw Darth Thanaton clear across the Dark Council chamber. The Sith Inquisitor's telekinesis was also able to halt Darth Thanaton's lightsaber strike and force the experienced Sith Lord to his knees.


Kallig was immensely proficient in the use of Sith Magic, particularly the long forgotten Force Walk ritual to draw strength from multiple Sith spirits in order to explosively augment their power in the dark side. Their tremendously increased powers through the use of Force Walk was enough to overpower a Sith Lord as strong as Darth Thanaton. Kallig was also a proficient user of the Force Storm (weather), using it in combat against a variety of his enemies and attackers. The young Sith was also capable of using Force drain and used it to drain opponents while invigorating the young Sith and allies."




well,i would include her in the list. (from the trailer,canonically female)


""A Jedi who was stronger in the Force at four when I was fifteen?"

―Master Yuon Par regards her padawan's strength and innate power

Trained as a Jedi Consular, the Barsen'thor was a master of wielding the Force and had at least minor proficiency with a lightsaber. The Barasen'thor knew the Shielding Technique, applying it to remove Sith corruption or harmful effects of a target. This Shielding Technique was used primarily to deal with a dark plague created by Terrak Morrhage, and the Barsen'thor could indeed remove the harmful effects of the plague from its victims. The Barsen'thor also could use it without the need of sacrificing all his life force, as the former user of this technique had to sacrifice his or her life in order to successfully defeat Morrhage and his plague. The Barsen'thor also had enough telekinetic ability to rip through a blast door the size of a two-story building without any special help. Finally, the Barsen'thor could use the Force to detect cloaked enemies and use a Force Push strong enough to stun the First Son.

The Barsen'thor had at least a minor proficiency in wielding a lightsaber, and could apply kinetic combat and Force use while duelling. The Barsen'thor was skilled enough to defeat Nalen Raloch while only a Padawan, Lord Vivicar, as a knight, and numerous Children of the Sith Emperor such as Augin Blaesus, Darth Lachris, Darth Minax and the First Son as the Barsen'thor."




and also him,he is very powerful too. (from the trailer,canonically male)

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Nihilus will always be on my list of bests.


He destroyed entire planets with his will feeding on the force of all things in contact with it.

he could feel force sensitive creatures throughout the galaxy.

He lifted the Ravager out of Malachor V and held it together. (yoda lifted a measley x-wing)

And he made himself immortal by Storing his mind in his armor.


Nihilus is cool, but on my list he sits in the top 10 but later than 5...

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Marka Ragnos

Darth Caedus/Jacen Solo

Naga Sadow

Cade Skywalker

Darth Krayt



By the logic of Nihilus that stupid guy from Force Unleashed is also one of the best, he couldn't just rise and hold together a ship, he could tear one or two out of orbit and bring it crash down.

Edited by Selvec
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I am yet to see actual full lists yet.


We have yet to see your list



Darth Caedus



Lightsaber Skills:


Took on multiple Jedi and Battlemaster Kyle Katarn and outfought them. He even managed to nick a few hits on Luke, which is pretty impressive.




He was an extremely strong person in the Force. Very good at Force Influence, able to make powerful Force-Users with all their resistance and powerful will, obey him. He could heal himself on the spot and adjust his body to get use to the enviroment.


He Achieved Oneness. He could Absorb Energy and deflect it. And he could render himself so that he was extremely difficult to sense in the Force. Solo was able to force his mind into that of another through the Force, imposing his will through the Force. (As seen when he helped his mother with landing the Millenium Falcon. Boomshackalaca!)


He learned Shatterpoint, and you should read the novel "Shatterpoint" to see just how awesome that ability is. Able to see the weakness in pretty much everything.



2. Exar Kun



Lightsaber Skills:


Master of Niman and skilled user of Jar'Kai


Force: With his artiacts, he was pretty much on Ultra Steroids. He drained the life out of an entire Race and could smash stone walls with burst of Energy.


As a Spirit he was crazy strong. Able to make students obey him and was going to turn everyone Dark-Side and have them recreate his body so he could return. As a Spirit he managed to kill several students.


3. Nihilus


Lightsaber Skills: Was a near match for the Exile in a Duel. He had learned some of the greatest ancient Sith Teachings.


Force: He fed on The Force Energies to make himself stronger. Devouring planets and people, and it seemed like Meetra Surik was the only one who could resist that ability at that time. He was like Sidious, a Nexus in the Dark-Side. Drawing people closer to Death and making them weak everytime he spoke. He knew Sever Force.


And he picked up the Ravager with the Force...


4. Darth Plaeguis


Lightsaber: There is nothing official on his lightsaber skill, but he was talented...


Force: He could create life and manipulaten Midi-Chlorians.


He was also a Genius on the level of Sidious's Geniusness.


5. Sion


Lightsaber Skills: Held his own against the Exile for a While.


Force: He was Immortal, using his pain and hatred to regenerate his decaying body. If it hadn't been for his feelings for the Exile he would still be alive.


There is my top 5...

Edited by BrandonSM
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No movie characters huh? OK then. I don't really know where to place certain individuals. but I'm sure someone is going to have Revan at the top of their list:confused:


Revan when he was a Jedi Knight was nowhere near the Top 10, Darth Revan wasn't close either, and Reborn Revan isn't even a Jedi or a Sith any ways, so I really don't get why.

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Vitiate without any doubts. And then there is the whole sith triumvirate - Traya, Nihilus and Sion. They all had some very impressive and unique powers of their own I suppose.


You forget Caedus and Exar Kun both of them were extremely powerful Force Users, Caedus was almost a match for Grand Master Luke and Exar Kun doesn't even need an introduction.

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