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Solo playing and heroic quests


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I'm coming back to swtor for some pew pew laser action and was wondering if there is any classes that wil be able to do most if not all heroic quests solo from the beginning with the right spec and companion. Edited by Idrin
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well... any class can solo the whole lvling but heroics are heroics because you can't kill them alone... well heroics 2+ can be soloable but with problems and 4+ heroics thats impossible with any class or spec or companion
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Constructive, but not what I was looking for. Anyway, It's to late. You're stuck with me for now.


I apologize. I am not trying to be rude but there is a reason it is called massively MULTIPLAYER. If you want to do the MP content then you need to group up. If you don't want to then you should probably just leave the game cause none of the end game content is solo friendly.

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I apologize. I am not trying to be rude but there is a reason it is called massively MULTIPLAYER. If you want to do the MP content then you need to group up. If you don't want to then you should probably just leave the game cause none of the end game content is solo friendly.


There is lots of people who prefer to play solo in MMO's. I'm one of them. I've read that people can solo heroic quests with the right spec and companion. What I'm not sure about is if this applies to when you're leveling up or the upper tier of the leveling.

Edited by Idrin
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I've played most classes and without a doubt the stealth classes such as operative or scoundrel are easiest with regard to soloing heroics. Some require just flicking a switch and it's easy to do them daily and collect orange mod able gear or mods for the companions. Some planets are a lot quieter than the starter ones and can be frustrating thinking your missing out on gear from heroics... So having the option to solo some them is handy
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I apologize. I am not trying to be rude but there is a reason it is called massively MULTIPLAYER. If you want to do the MP content then you need to group up. If you don't want to then you should probably just leave the game cause none of the end game content is solo friendly.


Go get ganked by a Marauder. MMO is not only about grouping. It's about economy, and it's about playing against other players as much as playing with them.



As for the OP, my Marauder soloed almost every H2\H2+ he could find during levelling - equal-level, or slightly below missions. Sage also works because of flexibility and Lift. Just turn off AoE attacks on your companion - they often break it. I also found Sawbones scoundrels to be very forgiving as far as soloing heroics goes, especially when paired with an up-to-date tank companion. Tank Shadows are also decent once you pick up some more advanced Kinetic talents for Force regen, extra armour and self-healing.


As far as endgame goes, I can solo H2\H2+ daily quests on a Vigilance Guardian, Annihilation Marauder, Darkness Sin, hybrid healer\TK Sage.



So yeah - the choice is pretty broad - most classes can do 2+ without too much trouble. H4 almost always requires at least 2 players.

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Go get ganked by a Marauder. MMO is not only about grouping. It's about economy, and it's about playing against other players as much as playing with them.



As for the OP, my Marauder soloed almost every H2\H2+ he could find during levelling - equal-level, or slightly below missions. Sage also works because of flexibility and Lift. Just turn off AoE attacks on your companion - they often break it. I also found Sawbones scoundrels to be very forgiving as far as soloing heroics goes, especially when paired with an up-to-date tank companion. Tank Shadows are also decent once you pick up some more advanced Kinetic talents for Force regen, extra armour and self-healing.


As far as endgame goes, I can solo H2\H2+ daily quests on a Vigilance Guardian, Annihilation Marauder, Darkness Sin, hybrid healer\TK Sage.



So yeah - the choice is pretty broad - most classes can do 2+ without too much trouble. H4 almost always requires at least 2 players.


Thank you. That's the type of response I was looking for. Looks like I have many choices then.

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Yup. You can pick virtually any AC. Each AC has at least one spec that will allow you to solo H2\H2+ with proper companions.


Legacy powers further improve your chances. Heroic Moment Legacy abilities allow you to utterly decimate stuff. Legacy of Unity\Sacrifice also helps a ton if you need that extra push.

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I found the Shadow worked quite well for me once I got my healer companion. You can stealth through to objectives or tank tougher mobs while your healer heals you. You can also snare kite, since your force abilities have a small range.


The sage seemed good with a tanking companion, too.


Good luck :)

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Just to add 2 cents, yes the Sage (balance DPS spec) soloes heroics 2+ just fine, and several heroics 4, although not most of them. (Ie those were you HAVE to fight 4 or 5 gold elite enemies per group are not going to end well, unless you go in there when they are much lower level than you (but still green so you get exp as opposed to grey)


I'm not sure if flashpoints are doable though, have never tried ::ponders:: but they can be 2-manned. I may have something new to try just now, heh.

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wondering if there is any classes that wil be able to do most if not all heroic quests solo from the beginning with the right spec and companion.


Yes and no.



If you're the same level as the quest, you're pretty much going to die horribly in HEROIC 4s, but you might be able to scrape through HEROIC 2+ quests if you're pretty butch.




*Some* of the HEROIC 2+ quests can be done pretty well with a companion if you're a bit over-level (say 3 to 5 levels over). Many of the HEROIC 4 quests (and I think all of the 2+ quests, maybe?) can be done with a companion if you're a LOT over level (10+ levels) and the quest is gray and gives almost no experience. But, heck, you can solo some flashpoints and world bosses with a cracked out level 50...


So, yeah, you can totaly do the 2man and 4man heroics solo if you're willing to do them much later on for almost no XP.



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I don't agree with what some have said here.


If you're an experienced player with multiple level 50's with Operations experience, then yes you probably can methodically finish most Heroic 2's at your level and a few Heroic 4's a level or two above them. That's if you have deep pockets for the best gear at your level and/or Legacy items equipped.


However, if you don't fall into the above category forget soloing darn near any Heroic 4 until it's grey and pretty much worthless to do and a waste of time. You might be able to get through a few Heroic 2's, but if it has a champion boss at the end forget it.


It's not impossible, but it would be extremely difficult for casual players to do those sorts of things.

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Yes and no.



If you're the same level as the quest, you're pretty much going to die horribly in HEROIC 4s, but you might be able to scrape through HEROIC 2+ quests if you're pretty butch.




*Some* of the HEROIC 2+ quests can be done pretty well with a companion if you're a bit over-level (say 3 to 5 levels over). Many of the HEROIC 4 quests (and I think all of the 2+ quests, maybe?) can be done with a companion if you're a LOT over level (10+ levels) and the quest is gray and gives almost no experience. But, heck, you can solo some flashpoints and world bosses with a cracked out level 50...


So, yeah, you can totaly do the 2man and 4man heroics solo if you're willing to do them much later on for almost no XP.




I don't agree. You can solo most H2/H2+ if you go about them strategically. Even the missions that require you to kill x number of baddies can be done. It'll just take longer. Most Heroics have patrolling mobs. These are single targets that wander the area. If you take them when they are by themselves, you can do it over and over. You should beware, though, if you fighting another group that a patroller doesn't wander in and join the fight. Also, you might have to wait for your abilities to cool down. Bring lots of Med Packs.


Heroic 4's will be tough unless your a few levels higher, but even then, you can do them if you play smart. I'm not against groups, but I've solo'd a Sh*t-ton. It's definitely possible with EACH class. Most companions are designed to bring balance (they tank if you heal, they heal if you dps, etc.). Set their abilities correctly, and send them in first, etc.

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Lots of information here.


I ended up with a Sorcerer. Level 16 now and I've had no problem with HC2+'s so far. I almost made it through Black Talon solo, but I had to throw in the towel on the optional mechanical champ right before the last Jedi boss.

Edited by Idrin
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Go get ganked by a Marauder. MMO is not only about grouping. It's about economy, and it's about playing against other players as much as playing with them.



As for the OP, my Marauder soloed almost every H2\H2+ he could find during levelling - equal-level, or slightly below missions. Sage also works because of flexibility and Lift. Just turn off AoE attacks on your companion - they often break it. I also found Sawbones scoundrels to be very forgiving as far as soloing heroics goes, especially when paired with an up-to-date tank companion. Tank Shadows are also decent once you pick up some more advanced Kinetic talents for Force regen, extra armour and self-healing.


As far as endgame goes, I can solo H2\H2+ daily quests on a Vigilance Guardian, Annihilation Marauder, Darkness Sin, hybrid healer\TK Sage.



So yeah - the choice is pretty broad - most classes can do 2+ without too much trouble. H4 almost always requires at least 2 players.


I'm not involved in any of this but thank you for the kind answer. This is how you build a community, not like what that other person was doing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Basically it sounds as if it's time for them to have a solo option for all game content for those who want to solo and for those who want to go MMO can continue to go MMO. I personally feel as if their would be more players if most people weren't deterred by the fact that most of the good content is basically restricted to groups. Why not make use of your companions. Let a person carry 1-3 companions on a mission with them. At least you know that group is available 24-7 it's kind of a pain to have to wait and see who's online that you can group with you may group with a person today but may not be able to find them again the next day or when ever you go online again. I'm sure they can come up with a solo option in a patch by the time the Fall rolls around
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All the H2 are probably soloable on level by any class. And most of the H4 could be solo'd while green, up to Belsavis. It's really just a matter of being methodical and using all of your abilities. The real issue is that these missions become very time consuming without the backup of other players. H2's that take 10 minutes with a buddy, take 25 minutes to solo, for example.


I'm leveling with a partner right now (player tank & healer, dps companions), and we've had little difficulty doing all the 4 person content up to red reaper. Collicoid is the exception because of it's 4 person stage. 2 manning 4 person story mode FP's is not quite as difficult as hard modes with a 4 person group.

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Yup. You can pick virtually any AC. Each AC has at least one spec that will allow you to solo H2\H2+ with proper companions.


Legacy powers further improve your chances. Heroic Moment Legacy abilities allow you to utterly decimate stuff. Legacy of Unity\Sacrifice also helps a ton if you need that extra push.


Not completely. go grab a Jedi Guard or syth Juggernaut and try H2+ on them. they can do a few...but it's very tough. i agree with the advice on classes that have stealth/CC/maneuverability options. This is pretty much:








the PT/Vanguard or Juggernaut/Guardian can do SOME, but they're lack of CC and lack of healing abilities is their weak point. Personally, i like the flexibility of the Op/Scoundrel or Shadow/Assasin, but any of the above and you'll do fine

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  • 1 year later...

In my slighly biased oppinoon, I recomend Jedi Shadow/Sith Assassin if you want to do the game solo. I only do solos as well--due to nothing but bad experiences with ppl from the group finder. (A lot of people use the flshpoints to grind for gear. They are for the modt part rude, and treat inexperienced players horribly. They want to get the mission done ASAP so they can collect their loot and move on to the next flaspoint.)


My main character is a 55 shadow. With a healer companion (Tharen) and with her tanking armor on, (156 and heavy on the shields/absorb) she can tank her way through most level 55 H2's, and most level 45 H4's. With a bit of ninja action she can do some lelve 50 H4's if there's not too big of a boss at the end--but usualy that's a bit much for her. She can takle some lower level world bosses--if you don't mind a LONG fight. For other missions I switch-out her armor and weapons for someting lighter but more powerfull. This character can take a lot of dammage for a squishy, but also has some versitity.


Doing the game solo takes longer and is a lot more challenging--which is the way some people like to play the game. Also, you can move at your own pace. You can take the time to explore, to smell the metaphorical roses and to kill the monsters.


I noticed that a few of the more recent missions I completed adjusted its difficulty to group size. I hope to see more of that in the future.

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I have done a few a few Herioc 2's greens a few leveles below with my Sniper, its doable if you plan well. But I dont think is easy to do them with a ranged DPS, unless you have healer companion. You have more chance as a tank with healer companion combo. I recently had a go at one green heroic 2 on Hoth and could do it apart from the fact I had a kill a champion which is extremly hard on your own even with a good stim active using Heroic moment and medpacks. I Came close once but could not get him. I think the general limt is two golds together on your own.


My Sniper only has a droid CC which does not help that often since there are many more non droid mobs than there is droids for the most part, so having long Organic CC is very helpful. Heroic 4's I would not even attempt while leveling, the repair bills would be imense. Sure you can do them once grey no problem as at that point you take next to no damage so just grind them but you get no XP unless you are desperate for the comms It not worth the time it would take.:rolleyes:

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Basically it sounds as if it's time for them to have a solo option for all game content for those who want to solo and for those who want to go MMO can continue to go MMO. I personally feel as if their would be more players if most people weren't deterred by the fact that most of the good content is basically restricted to groups. Why not make use of your companions. Let a person carry 1-3 companions on a mission with them. At least you know that group is available 24-7 it's kind of a pain to have to wait and see who's online that you can group with you may group with a person today but may not be able to find them again the next day or when ever you go online again. I'm sure they can come up with a solo option in a patch by the time the Fall rolls around


I've wondered why they haven't done this anyway....I skip a lot of stuff because I REFUSE to deal with the "nice, charming, patient, & helpful" (sarcasm alert :rolleyes: ) ppl in group finder.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I have done a few a few Herioc 2's greens a few leveles below with my Sniper, its doable if you plan well. But I dont think is easy to do them with a ranged DPS, unless you have healer companion. You have more chance as a tank with healer companion combo. I recently had a go at one green heroic 2 on Hoth and could do it apart from the fact I had a kill a champion which is extremly hard on your own even with a good stim active using Heroic moment and medpacks. I Came close once but could not get him. I think the general limt is two golds together on your own.


My Sniper only has a droid CC which does not help that often since there are many more non droid mobs than there is droids for the most part, so having long Organic CC is very helpful. Heroic 4's I would not even attempt while leveling, the repair bills would be imense. Sure you can do them once grey no problem as at that point you take next to no damage so just grind them but you get no XP unless you are desperate for the comms It not worth the time it would take.:rolleyes:


Some heroic 2+s are just too hard for sentinels unless they have uber mega gear with shoulderpads that you could park a sandcrawler on. The heroic "Engineer's tale" was a nightmare for me, I could do it after dying once per mob of 3 or 4 but the damage is just too much, I was level 49 and OS, ZS, Cauterise, Master striking and rebuking and sabrewarding where possible, and force stasis/kick. I ZS when down on focus, I use a medpack when down on health, I then use guarded by the force at death's door (That's a Godsend, saved me many a time) and still I can't stop dying.

I had good gear and couldn't find anything higher on the Galactic market in terms of armour and strength/power. I was playing with Doc who was geared up too (as far as light armour will go) with emphasis on power and cunning for healing. Perhaps I should focus on alacrity for healing speed etc, I'm not sure.


Has anyone got any advice on how to play as a sentinel with Doc in heroics? Sorry, don't mean to sound whiny about getting killed, like I need a Whaaaaambulance but i really want to improve.


Thanks in advance.


PS Bioware has produced a great game, I don't care what people say, the scale of it is awesome (I am an MMO noob though)

Edited by sabretruthTiger
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