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"Spoilt princess" - which class story?


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As the title suggests, I'd like to know your opinions on which class archetype plays "spoilt princess" best in terms of available dialogue options and class story.


My current observations are as follows.



Consulars can be all superior and preachy - but not really "spoilt".


Warriors do have their entitlements, but they seem to be too... "serious business", forceful and authority-wielding. Granted, played only Male warrior extensively.


Knights, well, are Knights. Calm and seemingly peaceful, even when they're politely expressing their desire to violently murder the person, their family and their pet hamster.


Inquisitors - big question so far for me. Played a male DS Sin, but haven't found anything that would qualify as "spoilt princess" material.


That leaves what - Agent? They are indeed classy and can be a bit pouty if certain choices are made, but they seem to be too down-to-earth.



So... opinions? Suggestions?

Edited by Helig
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Jedi are out, due to their general philosophy.


Agents are out, as their entire thing is selflessly doing the dirty work.


Smugglers are possible, haven't played much of their story but there's room for some narcissism and manipulation in there; nice little rich girl rebelling to a life of petty crime has some potential too.


Not played SW but it seems like it's more a war-based thing, being a warrior. Inquisitor is all about manipulation and narcissism, killing and killing until you get their way but you'd need to ignore the whole 'being a slave' thing at the start (or is that just non-humans?)


So, Smuggler would be my choice

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Hmm, interesting.


Though I do happen to have a female Smuggler, and the whole storyline kind of leans towards the charming "scruffy-looking nerf-herder" attitude to the character. However, I levelled her quite some time ago, picking the most obvious humor lines. Could have missed alternative character development options.


About Jedi - Bastila was pretty much the "spoilt Jedi princess", as Carth would characterize her. So I wouldn't dismiss this type of behavior entirely.

Edited by Helig
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Sith warriors are practically royalty during their questline, so that's a good choice.


Not sure about that. Warrior seems to be all serious business. Forceful, intimidating, entitled. At least that's the way I experienced my first character of this archetype. More of a Samurai than a spoilt princess, tbh.

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Not sure about that. Warrior seems to be all serious business. Forceful, intimidating, entitled. At least that's the way I experienced my first character of this archetype. More of a Samurai than a spoilt princess, tbh.

I play my female sith warrior quite spoiled, don't take anyone serious and such things... most decisions I made a quite light sided, so regardless how spoilt I think my character is I still play her like nobility. Sure, I would have prefered a true noble class for the republic, but BioWare had failed me on this (how could they not see that the Leia/Padme Star Wars fantasy deserve its own class?).

Edited by Drudenfusz
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I play my female sith warrior quite spoiled, don't take anyone serious and such things... most decisions I made a quite light sided, so regardless how spoilt I think my character is I still play her like nobility. Sure, I would have prefered a true noble class for the republic, but BioWare had failed me on this (how could they not see that the Leia/Padme Star Wars fantasy deserve its own class?).


Hmm... You actually may be more right than you know. Watched some female SW cutscene clips and what the... The male sounds completely and utterly different.


I experienced Consulars of both genders, played male Knight and additionally watched female Knight clips, saw extensive Agent action, and I can say that the VAs sound relatively similar in terms of pacing of speech and tone of voice. Male and female Warrior? Wow. Heaven and earth.


As for the Noble archetype - at least it makes more sense than Imperial Agent class as far as classic SW role models are concerned.

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Hmm, interesting.


Though I do happen to have a female Smuggler, and the whole storyline kind of leans towards the charming "scruffy-looking nerf-herder" attitude to the character. However, I levelled her quite some time ago, picking the most obvious humor lines. Could have missed alternative character development options.


About Jedi - Bastila was pretty much the "spoilt Jedi princess", as Carth would characterize her. So I wouldn't dismiss this type of behavior entirely.


That was Canderous, not Carth.

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Id say an Inquisitor would be close since you can be a ******** whiny brat a lot of the time, and theyre all about making others do their work for them(well not in practice). But I think it will be difficult because every class is the leading role in their story, you cant cry to daddy to get what you want - assuming thats the kind of spoiled princess you mean. Zash(your master) is pretty "motherly" though.


I know my Scoundrel could be pretty sarcastic and flippant but it was more being a jerk than acting spoiled. Same with my Juggernaut and Operative, youre either a "Yes" man or youre a dick. Maybe a Trooper? I know you can be pretty whiny about a lot of things but I never explored those dialogs.

Edited by Achromatis
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Id say an Inquisitor would be close since you can be a ******** whiny brat a lot of the time, and theyre all about making others do their work for them(well not in practice). But I think it will be difficult because every class is the leading role in their story, you cant cry to daddy to get what you want - assuming thats the kind of spoiled princess you mean. Zash(your master) is pretty "motherly" though.

Being called a slave doesn't fit well with the wish of playing as a princess.

Edited by Drudenfusz
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Being called a slave doesn't fit well with the wish of playing as a princess.


Well, she could have originated from nobility.


Inquisitors do seem to, in fact, as we find out in the Dark Temple


Perhaps her family was cast down from glory and her ancestors were made slaves.

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As the title suggests, I'd like to know your opinions on which class archetype plays "spoilt princess" best in terms of available dialogue options and class story.


My current observations are as follows.



Consulars can be all superior and preachy - but not really "spoilt".


Warriors do have their entitlements, but they seem to be too... "serious business", forceful and authority-wielding. Granted, played only Male warrior extensively.


Knights, well, are Knights. Calm and seemingly peaceful, even when they're politely expressing their desire to violently murder the person, their family and their pet hamster.


Inquisitors - big question so far for me. Played a male DS Sin, but haven't found anything that would qualify as "spoilt princess" material.


That leaves what - Agent? They are indeed classy and can be a bit pouty if certain choices are made, but they seem to be too down-to-earth.



So... opinions? Suggestions?


On the republic side I would go with the smuggler, I've played her as a spoiled little sister in my legacy -tree and it worked very well. Things doesn't always go as she planed, but then life wouldn't be any fun, right =)


On the imperial side the Sith Warrior fits very well for me at least.


But then it also depends on how you play your little spoiled princess so to say. My smuggler wasn't a spoiled princess in the way of nobility, she was simply the youngest one, got good gear and credits from mom and dad. Due to her sunny disposition she was just the pet of the family pretty much. My Sith Warrior is a spoiled princess much more in the way of coming from a noble line, being used to getting things the way she likes them. But she doesn't have the same levity as my smuggler. She is much harder, Korriban does that to one I guess.


That's how it felt for me at least, give it a try and see how it fits for you =)

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Hmm, interesting.


Though I do happen to have a female Smuggler, and the whole storyline kind of leans towards the charming "scruffy-looking nerf-herder" attitude to the character. However, I levelled her quite some time ago, picking the most obvious humor lines. Could have missed alternative character development options.


About Jedi - Bastila was pretty much the "spoilt Jedi princess", as Carth would characterize her. So I wouldn't dismiss this type of behavior entirely.


LOL, I remember that. The funniest part was her responds as not being "spoilt" but not saying she wasn't a princess.

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