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Soo uhh...This happend to you?


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Thought I would share a sad, yet rather funny story. Surpisingly this happened twice to me today.


Was doing some warzones and just recently specc'd carnage to give it whirl, I'm sure most of you are aware of the skill unbound which greatly increses the movement speed of predation. If you trigger this ability and grab a speed buff there is no doubt you can move pretty fast. Needless to say, I was accused of "Speed hacking" when activating this ability by fellow imps. I think one of two times I actually grabbed the speed buff .The first fellow said he said recorded footage of me doing it and second guy I think was jsut a sniper that was made I cloaked and ran out of range. Ironically the guy who sent in my "hacking" video was actually a marauder. How sad, he wasn't even aware of his own talent options....


Has this happened to you before? I find it funny how quick people are to call "omg HAXXORZ" without even having knowledge of class mechanics.

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I'll admit, before I had my own marauder and saw someone pull this off I also became (wrongly) suspicious of the Mara moving so darn fast. Now? - I'm loving it on my own Marauder. xD


But yeah, it's probably indeed a lack of knowledge of the class talents causing it. And because I made the same mistake I usually explain the mechanics gladly to others who do accuse me of it. :)

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This is why I'm EXTREMELY hesitant to call hacks.


For example, did you know that BH Tanks have a movement buff very much like predation?


also, did you know that bounty hunter healers can make themselves immune to interrupts for a while? Not many people know because not many people play as one.

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