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Game is Boring, Sorry


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list why this game is better yet struggling to survive and a 10 year old game still has better overall numbers.



this game is not strugeling at all. I honestly do not understand why people are thinking this???

The fleets are full. theire people everywhere. and if u do not believe me check this.


the subs are over 2 mil again... I do not care even if wow have 20mil. the game is in my opinion far better then wow. and if u do not find that. why are u even here posting? shoo and go and play pandamania!

Edited by hages
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this game is not strugeling at all. I honestly do not understand why people are thinking this???

The fleets are full. theire people everywhere. and if u do not believe me check this.


the subs are over 2 mil again... I do not care even if wow have 20mil. the game is in my opinion far better then wow. and if u do not find that. why are u even here posting? shoo and go and play pandamania!


Necromancy sometimes is required, srry about that.


Anyway, I would say that I do preffer the Theme of this game over WoW, while wow is leagues above swtor when it comes to "game" terms, it is uncontested the only really successful MMO, better game design simply beats everything else, less greed also helps.

SWTOR f2p is laughable, it's there just to harass you on how cool it would be if u subscribed and if you don't HAH, WHIPLASH! And yet, I am a subscriber without anger issues...


So basically what I wanted to say is that the game is quite dull, but as I'm used to face entertainment as temporary, and I never go for long term subbing into MMOs, I'll be done before I get bored, but tis still a shame that a franchise with such potential get's wasted on such a bad Game Designer that just can't even level with SWG, mimics WoW in a poor way, such way that he even didn't bother at adding basic essential features like macros, effective grp finder for world quests, and most importantly open world maps, and than leaves the f2p system at the mercy of marketing fat pigs seeking money...


Of course none of the above will make me hate the game, as a SW fan I will like the game despite any issue, it's just that I won't like it in long term, soon or later I'll get sick of it and probably won't ever come back, just as happened with me in relation of other MMOs.


And I would like to finish this saying that both KOTOR games are superior to this one in every single factor except for engine and graphics, yet the company behind is the same. Not a surprise coming from Bioware, since DA2, ME2, ME3 were just as badly designed if compared to it's prequels, as I've once said and will keep saying as some sort of mantra, anything EA touches rots...

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And I would like to finish this saying that both KOTOR games are superior to this one in every single factor except for engine and graphics, yet the company behind is the same. Not a surprise coming from Bioware, since DA2, ME2, ME3 were just as badly designed if compared to it's prequels, as I've once said and will keep saying as some sort of mantra, anything EA touches rots...


Can I have your stuff?

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