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Hey I just tried to create a spec for the first time. Its supposed to be a PvP combat spec. Tell me all what you think about it please.




Thanks alot :)


Move the points from jedi crusader to displacement. Its one of the best talents in the combat tree for PvP.


Then move the points from master focus into Valor, you dont really benefit that much from a buffed master strike in PvP and the points in Valor is needed regardless of what spec you're using or what purpose it is for.

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At first glance it isn't bad, you have all the main points.


A couple of things though, first stagger. Because Combat has the chance for three roots total, it's kind of a waste of two points there when you can put those two points into displacement for another 3 second root. Stagger would be more useful for the other two specs because it's low enough for them to take and still put 31 points in their trees.

Just going by math, 2 points for 1 more second or 2 points for a new root of 3 seconds.


You also may have too many points in insight for my tastes. Apart from Stasis and Sweep (which are both really situational for Combat specs) the only force attack we use regularly is blade storm. Most of the time you will have Combat Trance up for the 100% crit chance on that anyway. One point may be sufficient here, though I personally didn't put any here.


Lastly, Valor (in the Watchman tree) is really good for busting out the transcendence often. Before I took it I was still feeling pretty good about how fast I was building centering, but since I have taken two points here it's made a noticeable difference. Seemingly every time I look down I am at or near a 30 stack.

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Ah sorry. Look at the skill Immaculate force and the one next to it, Combat Trance (that's also the icon on your buff bar that tells you your next Blade Storm has a 100 percent crit chance).


Anytime your Ataru form proc hits, Combat Trance procs. Meaning they are both passive proc talents, not instant abilities.


Anyway, yeah looks good. I personally like two points in Master Focus but it's certainly not a make or break skill for the spec.

Edited by Ridickilis
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for your second spec, take the point o of insight and put it into master focus.


you mean have 0 in master focus?

I think its worth it tho because I think that master focuse hits like a truck and doesnt cost any focus so upgrading it would be epic.


Also is it better with 2 points in focused slash and 2 in master focus?

Like this http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc/#501GRrRRrrdGzZMZ0M.2 ?

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Generating focus would seem like a good thing, but by endgame you already get a lot with the other things. Plus I don't use rebuke at all in my rotation. Plus fights don't last that long often, so haven't it be used every 3 seconds is a bit of a waste.


And as Ridickilis explained, it is the reason why I don't put any in stagger. The only time I need my enemy to stand still is when I use master strike, and I get that specced in Debilitation. Otherwise I have a few other moves to slow and CC them.

Edited by MasterFeign
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From the first respec you do there is a 7 day timer that starts till it resets the price.

Also my question for everyone here - What's the purpose of Dual Wield Mastery when none of our moves actually attack with the offhand besides Master Strike? Even then, the lack of accuracy and the fact that the off hand doesn't benefit from bonus damage just doesn't seem to justify points into this. (I'm not sure if it's just me, but I've never noticed an offhand strike during Master Strike, just the Ataru form hits) For those that are wondering about Blade Rush, Precision Slash, Zealous Strike, etc - They just require two lightsabers, they don't hit with both of them unfortunately. Which leads to another gripe I have with this advance class in general, but this isn't the place for that.


Also for leveling you'll want points in Watchmen First and use Shii-Cho so you can spam Slash and build Centering quickly for Zen so you can spam slash even more. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc/#501ZZbc.2 . From there start going into Combat with Jedi Crusader and Dual Wield Mastery. Unlike Blade Rush, Slash can proc offhand attacks, and you'll want to use Rebuke when it's up because it adds to your DPS and reduces incoming damage. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc/#501GZZbc.2 . From here Combat doesn't really add anything to substantial to PvE content until the the third and fourth tiers. Might want to spec some into Focus until you can start hitting those tiers http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc/#501GZRMRrZbc.2 . Anyways, these are just suggestions for when you're leveling. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc/#501RGbRRr0dZZbc.2 When you can use Bladestorm or attain Ataru form is when your burst will really start to increase. You can start using Zen's Ataru Effects and do 2 Slash in 1 second (actually 1.5 because of lag give or take a few tenths of a seconds). Also you can guarantee Bladestorms a critical hit with a shorter CD and cheaper cost. Combine with Precision you can even take down heavily armored targets with relative easy. Anyways I wish you a fun and action filled leveling experience (^_^)

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What's the purpose of Dual Wield Mastery when none of our moves actually attack with the offhand besides Master Strike?


Citation needed.


Umm yeah, I'm pretty sure the offhand damage gets added into the main damage of our attacks. Most of our attacks even state "Attacks with both weapons if duel wielding".


Things that don't are those that specifically state "delivers attack with main hand" such as dispatch or crippling throw. Blade storm I would guess doesn't either because it's not really a weapon attack it's a 'force wave' attack.

Edited by Ridickilis
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That is the spec I swear by in ranked pvp.

Keep in mind it's not the 'best spec', but it's the spec that suites me best.


With my gear it gives me 101% acc which is why i didn't take any points in steadfast.


Put the 1 point in jedi crusader because combined with the point in recompense I found that the uptime of my rebuke in battle's has been getting close to 80/90%, so it's quite some focus i gain from it.


To me having 3 x a 3 sec root is a no brainer, against some sorc builds or good kiters in general it can be just the few extra seconds you need.


Also I'm all for having MS hit as hard as possible, as often as possible. Hence the points in master focus.


And finally: never put points in 'Insight'' in combat spec, the 1 force attack you use regularly (bladestorm) should have 100% crit chance when you use it anyway.

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