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power, and the off hand sword.


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For anyone that cared.


I tested this by attacking the testing dummy with full gear on. Then attacked again with everything off except my two swords.


my offhand hits were the same damage.



are you sure?


as far as I know, offhand should be 33%?? of primary damage.. however, if what you have said is true then offhand is basically just 33% of your weapons..

I do believe you btw, just wondered if you were 100% sure.

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are you sure?


as far as I know, offhand should be 33%?? of primary damage.. however, if what you have said is true then offhand is basically just 33% of your weapons..

I do believe you btw, just wondered if you were 100% sure.


Offhand is 30% of damage on that specific offhand weapon (66% if talented)



OT: It's already known that power does not affect it in any way, only the hilt in the offhand + skill points determine it.

And yes offhand does benefit from crit, surge & accuracy.

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In other words, it's a stat-stick


It's what I hate about it (T_T) It's not a true dual wielding class, the two lightsaber requirements is really just like any other weapon requirement. Replace it with techsaw and you pretty much have the same thing @_@

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In other words, it's a stat-stick


Not entirely. You still get damage from it and you can modify it to some extent, crit, surge and accuracy. Its just easier to scale this way. It all comes down to balance. How do you balance a jedi with 2 sabers versue a jedi with 1? How about a gun based class that uses 1 blaster verus 2? If the dual wield classes didn't scale somehow, there would crazy inbalance.


Other games balance dual wield classez with classes that are 2 handed weapons. Notice there isn't any 2 handed type weapons in swtor. pole arms and sabers are the closest thing but don't function the same.


People complain but when you really look at the system from a balance point of view, it's a good idea that works.

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Offhand is 30% of damage on that specific offhand weapon (66% if talented)



OT: It's already known that power does not affect it in any way, only the hilt in the offhand + skill points determine it.

And yes offhand does benefit from crit, surge & accuracy.


Does the offhand weapon not benefit from power bonuses even on the enhancement component and color crystal built into the offhand lightsaber itself? Or is it just power bonuses from other equipment besides the offhand lightsaber that don't apply to its damage? Just looking for clarification. I have no idea how to examine these numbers properly in-game. :(

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Does the offhand weapon not benefit from power bonuses even on the enhancement component and color crystal built into the offhand lightsaber itself? Or is it just power bonuses from other equipment besides the offhand lightsaber that don't apply to its damage? Just looking for clarification. I have no idea how to examine these numbers properly in-game. :(


Basically your Mainhand weapon benefits from every strenght/power/crit/surge & accuracy point on every piece of gear


Now for your offhand (to keep it all in line with other classes) they made it so that power/strenght don't count for it.

The 'base' damage of the offhand weapon is determined by the level of hilt you put in to it.


Let's compare a offhand that has full Rakata mods (ie. Crystal/hilt/Mod/Enhancement) to one that has only a rakata hilt & no other mods.


Both will have rakata item rating( which is 140)

And in both cases your offhand 'base' damage will be the same, 66% of 306-459.

Ofcourse it would be stupid to use a 'empty offhand', but if you purely look at base damage of the offhand, it will remain the same.


Now if you look at your character sheet ingame, and hover over both your mainhand & offhand dmg (probably listed as primary & secondary)

You will see that for the mainhand(primary) the dmg is calculated by base: base dmg + bonus dmg= primary dmg

Whereas for the offhand (secondary) it will state something like: ''base dmg * offhand modifier= offhand dmg''


Now since your offhand attacks are counted as 'normal' attacks when they hit, they will benefit from a higher critical & surge rating.


And if you hover over your accuracy you'll see that secondary (offhand) attacks have something like 67% base accuracy. So increasing accuracy will make your offhand hit more often as well


TL: DR offhand is affected only by it's own Hilt + overall accuracy, crit & surge. Not by power & strength

Edited by Stealios
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Power and Strength only affect the damage of your attacks through your bonus damage (and also the critical bonus from Strength, indirectly).


Main-hand attacks do a base amount, plus a percentage of the main-hand weapon's base damage, plus a (different) percentage of your melee bonus damage. The exact contributions vary for each ability.


Off-hand attacks do a smaller (by 30-66%, depending on skill points) percentage of the off-hand weapon's base damage, and that's it. Off-hand attacks otherwise have zero base damage, and receive zero benefit from your damage bonus. They do benefit from increased accuracy, critical chance and critical multiplier.


And by the way, there are equivalents to "two-handed" weapons in the game: double-bladed saber, tech/electro-staff, sniper rifle and assault cannon. These have a higher base damage than an otherwise identical "one-hand" weapons (lightsaber, blaster rifle, blaster pistol, etc) of the same rating. When the reduced damage and accuracy of off-hand attacks are taken into account, dual-wielding should be equivalent to using a "two-handed" weapon (e.g. Sniper with sniper rifle vs. Gunslinger with two blasters, or Merc with two blasters vs. Commando with assault cannon).


My theory is that dual-wielding works the way it does to keep mirror classes balanced, and because the alternative (making the off-hand weapon do a larger fraction of the total damage) would lead to unacceptably larger variability due to misses and avoids.


In TOR's system, Main-hands probably do 90-95% of the damage and essentially always hit, and off-hands do the remainder and miss frequently. That limits the variability of damage greatly compared to the alternative where each does equal damage with some miss chance. With that kind of variability, there would be a significant difference between, e.g., Commandos and Mercenaries or Gunslingers and Snipers.


Putting it another way, the design of the game with mirror classes requires that dual-wielding is essentially a cosmetic feature.

Edited by LagunaD
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Hmm... if power and strength are slotted into your off-hand lightsaber, do those bonuses apply towards your main hand weapon? I would think that they do, but this thread has me wondering.




Yes, they do. Basically you can see the stats on your offhand just like a generator or a shield or any other 'non-weapon' offhand.


The only difference (as mentioned multiple times before) is that you can actually do damage with your 'weapon-offhand' as well. This ''Offhand damage'' = ''Base damage offhand'' x ''Offhand Multiplier''*



*Crit chance, surge & accuracy affect the amount of hits, criticals & critical damage, however base damage will only depend on item rating (which is determined by the level of the hilt, and only by the level hilt)

Edited by Stealios
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