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Ok so only been doing pvp for about 2-3 months now. I play a SW Jugg immortal spec. Going against pubs purely sucks. Getting stunned for 15-20 seconds is a pure nightmare when unleash is down seems like it never ends. Any ideas for getting out of the stuns?
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Ok so only been doing pvp for about 2-3 months now. I play a SW Jugg immortal spec. Going against pubs purely sucks. Getting stunned for 15-20 seconds is a pure nightmare when unleash is down seems like it never ends. Any ideas for getting out of the stuns?


Personally I get out of stuns by respawning.

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Personally I get out of stuns by respawning.


ahahahahaha +1


Dude you get stunned rooted whatever if you have used your breaker then BL.


I use my breaker on the 4 sec stuns only because you know if they hit you you are going to break free on the 8 sec stuns, you come straight out of it, kinda fuzzy logic but it works for me, kinda. The respawn thing works everytime though xD

Edited by revgd_freeze
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Ok so only been doing pvp for about 2-3 months now. I play a SW Jugg immortal spec. Going against pubs purely sucks. Getting stunned for 15-20 seconds is a pure nightmare when unleash is down seems like it never ends. Any ideas for getting out of the stuns?


1. Only use your breaker when your Resolve bar is white

2. Never attempt to Rambo (run into a 1v2+ situation where you are the 1)

3. Ask your healer to cleanse the roots/snares/mezzes (Don't have a healer? Try throwing up a guard on one and follow him around)

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Video of the 15-20 second stun please o.O


Probably a double out-of-combat mez while his cc breaker was on cooldown, which lasts 16 seconds.


If you're solo guarding a node while the other team has two nodes, then this can happen without necessarily making any mistakes, so don't say L2P. Unless you didn't call for help, which is a mistake.


Also, a carnage marauder can control someone for 3 sec (charge) + 3 sec (deadly throw) + 3 sec (ravage) + 3 seconds (choke) + 6 seconds (intimidating roar) = 18 seconds, although you are obviously not really "stunned" for the first 9, and the last 6 will break on damage.

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Same with an immortal juggernaut spec: 4 second force choke + 6 second intimidating roar = 10 second stun from a tank spec. The resolve system has been broken for a while. I, and many others, have made logical arguments as to how to fix it and why it needs to be fixed but so far Bioware has not responded with anything. Personally I think if you fixed the resolve system and the stun-locks and added roots to being an actually crowd control (which it is) warzones would be a lot more fun (imagine people actually having to fight one another rather than being stunlocked the entire time!) But that is just my opinion.
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Same with an immortal juggernaut spec: 4 second force choke + 6 second intimidating roar = 10 second stun from a tank spec. The resolve system has been broken for a while. I, and many others, have made logical arguments as to how to fix it and why it needs to be fixed but so far Bioware has not responded with anything. Personally I think if you fixed the resolve system and the stun-locks and added roots to being an actually crowd control (which it is) warzones would be a lot more fun (imagine people actually having to fight one another rather than being stunlocked the entire time!) But that is just my opinion.


Resolve is fine, working as intended, not bugged. L2P. Bioware responds all the time to people who qq about roots. Kiting/anti-kiting, how many times do they have to say it. Not our fault you don't read the Q&A.


Sorry buddy but you're wrong. I didn't say stunlocking was a good idea, just that it could be done. If you want to waste all your crowd control on someone, that's your bad move (unless you are griefing someone in a match where your team clearly outclasses theirs, in which case it's just hilarious).


Good luck capping an objective because you wanted to prove that "they'res 2 much cc!!!11!" or "resolve = broken"


Sorry to answer a rant with a rant but at least mine had ¶'s

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