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What spec are most Sent's going for Ranked?


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What spec are most sent's going for ranked?


I'm doing good with watchmen now, but I just feel that our burst is low.


But at the same time, i'm at least doing damage even when I'm stunned/rooted and kited away a bit.

just curious on what others are doing right now.

Edited by avpan
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On my server, this is one good rated team running with a combat/carnage marauder, and are doing really well. So EVERY team thinks that combat/carnage is a must.


... but what they don't understand is that team is using that speed to move 3-4 amazing DPS players around faster.


What happens when every other team is trying it: They don't have anywhere enough DPS, and they try stupid 'fake left, go right tricks', and The Picard Maneuver, and etc. It never works, and they just end up getting roflstomped.



Any spec of Sentinel is capable for rated. Just make sure that the team you are going in with has enough DPS to win their fights.

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No they are not. Sents have had little tweaks since launch and people said they stunk at launch. The op classes got brough down a notch or two and are now on par with everyone else.


yes we are. no matter how you deny it, we are OP. i rolled one because i got tired of getting facerolled by marauders/sentinels in PvP. now i'm having the time of my life facerolling others. even in recruit gear, i can burn down a war hero heavy armor or healer no problems. and it doesn't require a lot. things get hard? move away with camo.


we are OP. let's enjoy it while we can.

Edited by noodlehaus
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Combat, you want at least one, the speed is easily the difference in a close match, it lets you get nodes first, lets you get the first ball in huttball, not to mention allows for much faster shifting of forces and ball running. It's also a huge help for your vanguards and healers who are usually kiting most of the time.


As to concerns of your team overcommiting because of the speed, thats more of a communication issue, you just have to practice getting used to the speed. Also avoid using valorous call for when you know your team really needs it such as once your team has overcommited. When you are close to wiping a group save up your centering so you can have trans ready to go.


Combat also provides a lot more roots which can be used to chain root people, great for many situations in ranked.


Combat may not be necessarily the best dps but it provides huge support for your group no one else can. It still can put up very solid dps numbers and big burst, it's also still a very good solo class that can very quickly break off and 1v1 for a vulnerable node.

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What spec are most sent's going for ranked?


I'm doing good with watchmen now, but I just feel that our burst is low.


But at the same time, i'm at least doing damage even when I'm stunned/rooted and kited away a bit.

just curious on what others are doing right now.


Watchmen are good simply for the instant 30 centering boost which can be used to get the movement speed boost, which in Huttball can cause a nice early score.

They're also very much progressive DPS, in which we start fights slow but once dots are burning and you hit Merciless Slash and Crippling Throw, you'll find that you start to see health literally fly away, ESPECIALLY if your dots burn critically.

Always his Zen if you ever get it, the amount of damage from the dots is drastically different.


That been said, 8k Force Sweep crits are mouthwatering.

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Either spec is fine really and will get you into a ranked group because sentinels are picked mainly for the speed boost.


However I think the most useful spec for ranked is Combat spec. Vanish removing roots / slows [vs snipors], Transcendence giving 80% movement speed bonus [compared to 50% in other specs], two roots [Master strike and Crippling throw] and huge burst capability [Zen Blade Rush + Precision slash].

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All specs have there uses in ranked.

If you have 2 sents i think best way to go is to have a combat and a watchman to get the advantage of both specs. Focus is even good when used right and you hvae another decent dps to finish off the dmg.

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The different specs have different roles.


Are you the main assist for your team? Go combat. Burst and control are key to sucess in this role.


Are you locking down the other teams healers or solo guarding a node (this should be a stealther at all times but sometimes you get stuck over there) Go watchman. Extra interrupts and self heals.

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The different specs have different roles.


Are you the main assist for your team? Go combat. Burst and control are key to sucess in this role.


Are you locking down the other teams healers or solo guarding a node (this should be a stealther at all times but sometimes you get stuck over there) Go watchman. Extra interrupts and self heals.


This.....speed buffs besides, Watchmen is great for locking healers, grav round commandos (or merc version) or any dps that relies heavily on cast bars.

Combat is better for taking down melee who don't cast much, ironically Combat Sents are great for taking down Watchmens

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any spec works for sents/maras. it's a total faceroll class right now.


go & L2P lol, you'll realise you're just bad, not so much that VG's/Sents/Tankasin's are as OP as you may like to think they are. Dependant on the player also but if your having issues with either of the above, just /Quit .

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go & L2P lol, you'll realise you're just bad, not so much that VG's/Sents/Tankasin's are as OP as you may like to think they are. Dependant on the player also but if your having issues with either of the above, just /Quit .


i'm a sentinel and i'm doing the facerolling, that's why i know we're OP. you need to L2read.

Edited by noodlehaus
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