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Why side with the Empire?


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An interesting reflection indeed. For me it was about playing IA. I wanted to be an AGENT, the extended arm of the government doing the dirty work behind the scene. Much like Sam Fisher. If there were a republic agent, I would have gone republic. Smuggler you say? Sorry, I'm a sucker for RP so agent it is.


I've been pondering the thought about good vs evil since it's so much more distinct in SWTOR than in WoW. One could argue that Alliance is good and Horde is evil, but both sides comit atrocity to furtherl their own goals, as well as showing true acts of honor and kindness. I'd say that the noblest race are the tauren and humans are among the most wicked.


In SWTOR, the Empire is pretty much a totalitary government mirrored somewhat by any given dictatorship on our own world. Free thinking is a blight in the eyes of the rulers. I actually had a hard time playing through the starting zone as a Sith warrior, since their actions go totally against my own personal moral, and I tried to play as a "true Sith".


I keep this in mind when playing my agent. I play her as a loyal tool of the Empire who still isn't afraid of questioning the motives of the employers, and she definately despises the Sith way of life.

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Unlike NK, anyone can rise to the point of being the one holding the gun.


Even a slave (Sith Inquisitor story line is literally about going from being a slave to a lord).

Is not the sith inquisitor force sensitive? If so, it's about birthright just as much as being the son of a king... It is NOT a story of Joe Everyman rising up from the gutter due to his own hard work.
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Because the Republic side is not nearly as goody two shoes as one might think. Especially the Jedi quests. You're just as much a bad guy as the sith, you just don't execute as many defenseless quest targets.


Plus, I've always like the "bad guy" side of the coin. It feels FAR more realistic and believable than the other side.

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Well... I always liked the "you rebel scum" going on in the older movies :D


And of course, who didn't yell "Now witness the firepower of this fully ARMED and OPERATIONAL battle station!" followed by evil laughter and a good ammount of force lighting into the npc who dared attack you! Well I did... several times :p

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Honestly, when I saw Ben-Hur, I couldn't understand why Charlton Heston's character couldn't just get with the program and help the Romans. They were bringing real advancement to some smelly backwater, and he gave them nothing but grief for it.


I play an agent, and while he's not what I'd call a "good guy", he's certainly not "evil" in that emo kid, angsty sort of "look at my piercings and tattoos" sort of way. He's about efficiency and discipline and advancing the interests of the Empire. It's not like the rest of galaxy plays nice.

Edited by PibbyPib
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Well... I always liked the "you rebel scum" going on in the older movies :D


And of course, who didn't yell "Now witness the firepower of this fully ARMED and OPERATIONAL battle station!" followed by evil laughter and a good ammount of force lighting into the npc who dared attack you! Well I did... several times :p


LOL... I love the line in Return of the Jedi when the emperor says "So be it....Jedi". So, whenever I watch any movie or when someone says "So be it"... I always say "Jedi". Hehe... ^^

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Because most of us in the real world live under the Empire rule, so it only seems fitting to play as Imperial. If you love America you would play Empire too.


Ninja political QQ on the SWTOR forums?


and, BTW, it's "Fuk yah! 'merica!"


Get it right.

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I have friends on both sides. It came down simply to better story lines on the empire side.


This is coming from someone who was always the "good" guy/side of any mmo I've ever played. I honestly had no intention of going empire at first.

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Jedi are evil. They masquerade control and power through peace and freedom speeches that are nothing but lies, they don't free slaves, they don't help the weak, unless if told by the republic to do so. They also allow a lot of republic corruption and still stays faithful.



At least the Empire is true to their speech. Republic is all about corruption.

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As you can see by this forum, the vast majority of the population secretly wishes they were evil.


No they don't, 99% of "evil" empire players would turn tail and cower in a corner if the consequences of their actions didn't happen in just a safe environment.

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For me, I enjoyed trooper but wasn't a fan of the big gun the healer version gets, so I tried the BH mirror and was very pleased to see I could still be a good guy despite working for the empire most of the time.


I'm sure a lot of people revel in being truly vicious and evil, as the story allows, but at every turn for teh BH there's an option for compassion ( let the mark go and lie about it) - when it's deserved. I'm nearly at the last rank of light points.


For me a lot of the evil choices would just feel forced and go against my personal instincts. It would just feel like work trying to choose the evil option, especially when it benefits people I'd rather see punished.


I can however see the draw of someone wanting to play with no rules and no repurcussions for their attrocities as a Sith would, but I also didn't like feeling that I was bound and forced to choose answers that went against my intuition on the Republic side as well.


Luckily BH is the perfect fit as you only have yourself and whatever you decide your moral code is to answer to. I find it a lot more freeing than any of the other classes I've tried on either side.


For me its the exact opposite. To me it would feel forced for a lot of light options.

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The ships are newer and more luxurious. Even the light side vendor at the imperial fleet is all nice and serene. By contrast, the republic ships are all dingy. Even, your personal starship looks second hand.


The imperial side is about your personal rise in relation to the galaxy. If you survive, having your own planet or your own destroyer would not be impossible. On the other side, excluding the smuggler, your essentially a soldier.


Nothing belongs to you on the republic side. Taking the personal ships for example. 3/4 of the imperial ships belong to the player, while 3/4 of the republic ships belong to the republic.


Man the republic ships are dingy. :D


Last but not least. "Peace is a lie"

Edited by Soulji
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