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49 Twinks in PvP


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I don't do it and have not done it. That being said I don't have a problem with those who chose to do it. If the lvl 50 bracket didn't suck so badly for new players this wouldn't be happening on the level it happens now. BW should focus more on fixing why folks are doing it and worry less about them actually doing it.

The WH grind is bs and I for one wont do it on another toon. I have two lvl 50's and am personally done with their stupid WH grinds. I will not participate in lvl 50 pvp with another alt until things get better in that bracket. In 10-49 I can have fun on any toon any time. Not the case at level 50. Even with gear some builds become obsolete.....so twinking is understandably favored. This is a balance problem not an exploit problem. Frankly I'm amazed it took so long to become fashionable.....:confused:

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Yeah they happen. The ones who do it say that PvP at 50 is an unbalanced mess and gear imbalance and blah blah blah. I find it funny they are just scared to loose what advantage they have.


I find it funny that players think level 50 PvP is gear imbalanced, so they twink their level 49 characters with crafted epics and augments. Derp.

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Umm, you sure about that? I thought you needed at least one medal to get any kind of comm, coin or xp. The only thing one could get in this situation is a 'free win' towards their daily pvp quest.


I wont go as far to quote him, lol but im pretty sure thats what happened, maybe he got the win in under 10 mins medal i dunno.


Good catch though I didn't even think about that

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Fatman server presents, real pvpers of genius.

'real pvpers of geniuuuus'


Today we salute you, mister really really really low level noob pwner.

'mister really really really low level noob pwner!'


Fully organized, you sit at the top level of your bracket and crush people who are still trying to decide which AC to take.

'don't pick commando'

You brag about your kills like a bunch of frat buddies who just got a cheerleader to come to your party, a cheerleader named Darthselenagomez.

'I swear I thought she was level 19, officer!'


You ripped expertise mods from enough weapons to fill every piece of gear, because no advantage is too great when you're facing someone who bought the game yesterday.

'who's the tough guy now?'

But wait, after level 49 it is over- the level 50 nooblets proclaim. Not to worry. You've found a way to beat the system by ducking out of the match like some kind of Houdini at the last moment.

'stick it to the maaaaaan!'


So crack open an ice cold shockfrozen water mister noob slayer, because your dedication to maximizing yourself against players who can't tell a guardian from a sage is why you put the win, in twink.

'mister really really really low level noob pwner....'



Took me a minute to dig this up but its still the best post I have ever read on this forum.

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Took me a minute to dig this up but its still the best post I have ever read on this forum.


First off..+1000 internet points to you for finding this LOL

Second, I know we have some talented ppl here, I challange someone to do the audio for this bud-light parody post of awesomness.

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There is nothing wrong with Twinking... I have beaten 49 twinks on my lvl 30 toons. It's a L2P issue. They have an advantage but it's really not that big. They can get like 96 expertise? What does that amount to in dmg reduction and dmg increase?
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First off..+1000 internet points to you for finding this LOL

Second, I know we have some talented ppl here, I challange someone to do the audio for this bud-light parody post of awesomness.


You know I found a place threw stumbleupon that had 100's of the parodys and I think they took requests....let me try and get that as well.


challenge excepted.

Edited by cycao
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There is nothing wrong with Twinking... I have beaten 49 twinks on my lvl 30 toons. It's a L2P issue. They have an advantage but it's really not that big. They can get like 96 expertise? What does that amount to in dmg reduction and dmg increase?


I haven't done this, so I'm not positive the exact expertise number off the top of my head, but I believe the lvl 40 PVP weapons have 25 expertise on one piece. Scatter that across all your orange gear pieces and you're looking at 200-300 expertise. Bolster is also affected by how good your gear is based on your level. So a level 20 in purple 20 gear has better stats than a level 49 in level 45 green gear (you'll notice your HP drop in warzones after going up a level if you don't change gear). Add in the advantage of more abilities and a level 49 with max expertise, purple gear, and augments will have 2-3x the advantage over 95% of people playing (equal to if not better than the difference between augmented WH and recruit, with the difference being recruits will eventually close that gap by acquiring gear).

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You know I found a place threw stumbleupon that had 100's of the parodys and I think they took requests....let me try and get that as well.


Actually, its good except for this: "'I swear I thought she was level 19, officer!'"


That is slightly clunky.

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Report.If they do get to 50,hunt them down with your augmented warhero every warzone against them.Beat them in 1v1 on low level pvp,feed on their tears.


LOL, every 47-49 I've leveld has been maxed out in that bracket. My sin for instance, was lvl 45-49 purple in every slot in every mod and augmented with 49 purples.

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Don't really see the problem. I deck out all my alts as they're leveling. They have the best gear available to them because I have biochem, cybertech, synth and armormech. If you're too lazy to craft your own gear or too cheap to buy some, then that's your bad.


Yeah I do this too, but what they are complaining about is people who do this at 49 with all the lvl 49 purp 124 rating gear and then aug it and never level again...which is pretty lame tbh.


Its fun to be the king for a minute, but seriously, leaving WZs to avoid xp and remaining king forever is pretty weaksauce. I love me some 10-49 pvp much more than the 50 bracket, but that still doesnt justify making a top power twink and taking all the competition out and basically turning the 10-49 wzs into the same ole gear >>> everything you see at 50.


I love being lvl 46-49 bully, but only for a short while.

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Leveling alts i reckognize a growing number of fully augmented level 49 twinks in PvP who leave before the match ends to prevent XP gain.


What do you think about that?


Is that an exploit?

Should i report it?


Or accept it?


Can't blame them. The 10-49 bracket is way more fun. I thought about doing this myself and I regret not doing it. Now I am stuck in the 50 bracket unless I want to re-roll. The 50 bracket is way too zergy. High burst damage diminishes the strategy and positioning game of the game. TTK is very short.... or not short enough: As I make my way to fully augmented WH, I can walk around with impunity when faced against undergeared foes. Feels cheap and lazy. Matches are decided by the gear levels of the respective teams. People quit when they see undergeared PUGs; hell, I do sometimes.


By contrast, in the 10-49 bracket, no one player can completely dominate, TTK is longer so you have time to run for cover and maybe heal up, and you don't feel like it's spawn-die-spawn-die-spawn-die and so on.


Don't get me wrong, I love PvP in this game. I play it almost exclusively to the exclusion of PvE. But the lowbie bracket, from level 10 to level 49, is, in my opinion and for my preferred playstyle, way more fun. I look forward to my next re-roll and taking my time with it. I wish I had a way t0 enjoy the "feel" of the 10-49 bracket, without an unfair advantage, post level 50.

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I have one of these. 49 assault vanguard fully modded out and augmented with purples everywhere. So much fun. Thanks to legacy gear, already 3 pc WH, will be 5/5 WH + BM accessories when I eventually do decide to ding 50. Good times!
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I dont understand why this even matters. They dont get comms or xp or credits. They just get to win and not always.


And once you get to 50 you leave them behind.


They are someone who knows they arent good and makes the decision to be a big fish in a small pond.

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Shameless and cowardly are the first two adjectives that come to mind. The only thing I question is how can you tell if a member of the opposite faction is actually leaving before the match ends, unless you have an alt on the other side and have seen this behavior from said person. It could be that 49 is just leveling through pvp and It really does feel like an eternity to level once you get around 47-49.




Umm, you sure about that? I thought you needed at least one medal to get any kind of comm, coin or xp. The only thing one could get in this situation is a 'free win' towards their daily pvp quest.


Dauntless I- 10 min victory

Dauntless II- 9 min victory

Dauntless III- 8 min victory

Dauntless IV- 7 min victory

Dauntless V- 6 min victory

Dauntless VI- 5 min victory


Those could certainly do it. Especially since you receive all of the ones you qualify for. Also I'm not sure if you need to get a medal to receive comms or exp.

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I have one of these. 49 assault vanguard fully modded out and augmented with purples everywhere. So much fun. Thanks to legacy gear, already 3 pc WH, will be 5/5 WH + BM accessories when I eventually do decide to ding 50. Good times!


This doesn't even make sense. You cannot purchase WH or BM gear before level 50, and it is not possible to save up enough coms to get to 5/5 WH when you reach 50.

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This doesn't even make sense. You cannot purchase WH or BM gear before level 50, and it is not possible to save up enough coms to get to 5/5 WH when you reach 50.


What he means is he has a main getting this WH armor, rip out the mods, and mail them across while these mods are in legacy gear. However you still can't equip them until you're level 50 because all the BM/WH mods are level 50 to equip.

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I haven't done this, so I'm not positive the exact expertise number off the top of my head, but I believe the lvl 40 PVP weapons have 25 expertise on one piece. Scatter that across all your orange gear pieces and you're looking at 200-300 expertise. Bolster is also affected by how good your gear is based on your level. So a level 20 in purple 20 gear has better stats than a level 49 in level 45 green gear (you'll notice your HP drop in warzones after going up a level if you don't change gear). Add in the advantage of more abilities and a level 49 with max expertise, purple gear, and augments will have 2-3x the advantage over 95% of people playing (equal to if not better than the difference between augmented WH and recruit, with the difference being recruits will eventually close that gap by acquiring gear).


Ah ok, I was going off of lower level weapons. You can only apply 6 enhancements also. So at 25 a pop that's still not much - 125 Expertise. I always have the best gear for my alts. I can craft almost all the purps for cybertech, armormech, armsmech and artifice. So Having the best for my level is never an issue. So the only advantage that a twink has over me is that 125 expertise, which equates to:


Expertise 125.0

PvP Dmg Boost 3.12%

PvP Dmg Reduction 3.03%

PvP Heal Boost 1.68% .


Are people really going to complain about 3%? Chances are if that player went thru the trouble of twinking his toon, he is probably a better PVP'er than you and would have whopped you regardless.


Note: I'm not directing my comments at anyone specific, just saying.


Also, if they won you the game, who the hell cares if they leave to not ding!?

Edited by Asukaa
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I've been messing around with alts recently and I found that if you make purple hilt/barrel plus whatever random blues you can make (Overkill whatever usually works fine) you're quite competiitve against the full purple level 49 guy. You don't necessarily need a purple weapon (though it'd certainly be good to have) but you definitely want a purple hilt/barrel.
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