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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

We need macros !


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And by that, i especially refer to the new LFG system.


I play a tank, and as the tank, i hold the most "power" since if i leave it basically kills the group (on my server, other roles wait 20 minutes for a new tank, maybe 10 for a new healer). As such i can usually dictate how i want things done. I know this will sound evil, but i have a decent history of playing a tank in MMOs, and i know how to do my job and don't trust PUGs, especially DPS since healers seem on average more mature, to know how to do theirs (too many bad DPSers has killed my faith in PUGs over the months and years).


As such, at the beginning of the Flashpoint, i like to point out a few rules, like "if someone wants to Scavenge all the droids, wait for them" or "let me pull" or "if someone doesn't want to spacebar their way through every cut-scene, that's okay" But that's a lot of things to type for each FP, especially since DPS has a tendency to run in and start hitting things before i even have time to finish a sentence.


I remember in the days of WOW, i could spam a few indications, asked if anyone had questions, and we'd be on our merry way. It was simple, it made for better groups, and i had a blast.


All in all, i would really appreciate a "macro" function, if only for chat functions.


if there already is a macro function that i havnt found, then im going to look absolutely stupid :D

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While that is a decent suggestion to save a bit of time, Zormingash is absolutely right. Simple text macros should be available to the players, even if scripts, addons and so on are not wanted by the designers. They are very useful for the situation described above, for giving raid encounter info and for various social and RP situations.


So count me in for wanting the ability to create hotkeys with a text macro. Should be an easy addition that will be utilized by many players.

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While that is a decent suggestion to save a bit of time, Zormingash is absolutely right. Simple text macros should be available to the players, even if scripts, addons and so on are not wanted by the designers. They are very useful for the situation described above, for giving raid encounter info and for various social and RP situations.


So count me in for wanting the ability to create hotkeys with a text macro. Should be an easy addition that will be utilized by many players.


I can get on board with this.

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And by that, i especially refer to the new LFG system.


I play a tank, and as the tank, i hold the most "power" since if i leave it basically kills the group (on my server, other roles wait 20 minutes for a new tank, maybe 10 for a new healer). As such i can usually dictate how i want things done. I know this will sound evil, but i have a decent history of playing a tank in MMOs, and i know how to do my job and don't trust PUGs, especially DPS since healers seem on average more mature, to know how to do theirs (too many bad DPSers has killed my faith in PUGs over the months and years).


As such, at the beginning of the Flashpoint, i like to point out a few rules, like "if someone wants to Scavenge all the droids, wait for them" or "let me pull" or "if someone doesn't want to spacebar their way through every cut-scene, that's okay" But that's a lot of things to type for each FP, especially since DPS has a tendency to run in and start hitting things before i even have time to finish a sentence.


I remember in the days of WOW, i could spam a few indications, asked if anyone had questions, and we'd be on our merry way. It was simple, it made for better groups, and i had a blast.


All in all, i would really appreciate a "macro" function, if only for chat functions.


if there already is a macro function that i havnt found, then im going to look absolutely stupid :D


id vote kick you from the group for thinking your better than everyone else and thinking your special, then id change forms and tank in my dps spec on my Jug, becuase heroic flashpoints are just really that hard.

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On a differnt note what are the chances that the devs that said no macros were part of the lot that are now unemployed due to lack of player base?


Furthermore, im going to follow this thread just to see if we can get a dev responce. It would really be nice too see more stuff in game we as paying consumers want.....

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If combat macros come in then I'll just cancel tbh, I had enough of 1 button macro kings in Rift who thought they were amazing players because they could parse with 1 button.


Macros which would allow armor swapping I fully support but anything to do with macro botting combat isn't needed in TOR.

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If combat macros come in then I'll just cancel tbh, I had enough of 1 button macro kings in Rift who thought they were amazing players because they could parse with 1 button.


Macros which would allow armor swapping I fully support but anything to do with macro botting combat isn't needed in TOR.

If you have a programmable mouse/gamepad/keyboard etc. you already have the capability to put together simple macros. This includes the Star Wars branded devices from Razer.

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