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Second Character


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So I finally got into some game play with my girlfriend and we've been having a blast. I ended up on a Juggernaut and she went Sorcerer. The game is just so much fun. Looking forward to what happens now that we actually made it to the fleet. There's just one tiny problem, I have nothing to do when she's not around, and she's not that big into PvP.


So I guess the simple solution would be to make another character for solo play, right? That puts me back at square one. I kind of wanted this character to be of the republic seeing as I already have a character on the empire. Being that I will also engage in PvP as well as solo a lot, I kind of want to lean towards ranged characters here. Is my thinking on track? Assuming it is that pretty much leaves me with a Trooper or a Smuggler. Is there anything I should be concerned about when choosing between the two. The only thing I really have to go by now is that Cover system, which is making me lean towards a Trooper, because getting set up in cover during PvP sounds like a mess to me. Beyond that I also have to consider advanced classes I know nothing about:p.

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Try and think what else you want in a character:


Do you want to be able to heal or tank in any way? Or would you prefer to be pure DPS? Do you want a character that is capable to stealthing?


Also think about storyline and general class feel.

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This is another area in which I am torn a bit. After doing some reading I narrowed it down a little further. not much, but a little. Here's what I got so far.


Commando or Gunslinger


Gunslinger is closer to what I was looking for in the beginning, straight ranged DPS with blasters, and I get to wear a sweet slouch hat. The only issue I can forsee having with a character like this is the cover system. They seem HEAVILY reliant on it and, like I said before, it sounds messy and likely to result in death because I find myself in a dead zone with no crates to hide behind or something, plus I've never had to deal with such a system, so I can tack on a nice learning curve. Still, it can't be any harder than tanking, and I'm going to have to learn that eventually too...


I'm having a hard time feeling the commando out to see where he stands and what he does. I know he can heal as well as DPS, which adds more to the game, but beyond that I can't really tell much. From what it looks like to me I trade my cover for a nice suit of armor which might be easier to deal with in combat, although I'm not too sure about this one. Beyond that I can't really tell much. Most of the threads i see mention Combat Medic, which is an option in the future, but I'm not going to lie, I kind of just wanted to shoot stuff :p


To sum the other classes up I've pretty much ruled out the Scoundrel and Vanguard (for now) based on stealth and melee respectively. Simplifying the whole thought process, but there you have it. The whole thing has also tempted me to make a Sniper, but they're with the empire :(.

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The cover system can be used anywhere. I've got a level 50 sniper, and if you take cover where none is available you'll just crouch in place with a sort of mini shield brought up in front of you.


While the sniper might be an empire character, the storyline is definitely worth it.


Incidentally, I'm currently levelling a commando as well and quite enjoying it so far. I got the ability that let's you shoot people to heal them and did an esseles run with it which I quite enjoyed.


basically, just think: Would you prefer a heavy cannon and heavy armor or medium armor and dual wield pistols?

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I have a 50 commando and I loved it I was speced with gunnery and it was really easy for both PVP and PVE just grav round the crap out of everything than demo round and high impact shot. Also I found the story for the trooper was great and having heavy armour is a plus.
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My Commando is only lvl 31 and my Gunslinger only 16 so take what I say with a pinch of salt but in terms of PvP, the Commando kinda needs to set up somewhere and stay motionless for a relatively long period as most of the big nukes (especially in gunnery) need to either cast or channel, for this reason if you want to stay at range and do damage then the Gunslinger requiring cover isn't much of an issue when compared with the Commando.
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This is another area in which I am torn a bit. After doing some reading I narrowed it down a little further. not much, but a little. Here's what I got so far.


Commando or Gunslinger


Gunslinger is closer to what I was looking for in the beginning, straight ranged DPS with blasters, and I get to wear a sweet slouch hat. The only issue I can forsee having with a character like this is the cover system. They seem HEAVILY reliant on it and, like I said before, it sounds messy and likely to result in death because I find myself in a dead zone with no crates to hide behind or something, plus I've never had to deal with such a system, so I can tack on a nice learning curve. Still, it can't be any harder than tanking, and I'm going to have to learn that eventually too...


I'm having a hard time feeling the commando out to see where he stands and what he does. I know he can heal as well as DPS, which adds more to the game, but beyond that I can't really tell much. From what it looks like to me I trade my cover for a nice suit of armor which might be easier to deal with in combat, although I'm not too sure about this one. Beyond that I can't really tell much. Most of the threads i see mention Combat Medic, which is an option in the future, but I'm not going to lie, I kind of just wanted to shoot stuff :p


To sum the other classes up I've pretty much ruled out the Scoundrel and Vanguard (for now) based on stealth and melee respectively. Simplifying the whole thought process, but there you have it. The whole thing has also tempted me to make a Sniper, but they're with the empire :(.



you don't like chiss? :(

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