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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is TOR on an upward trend?


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You may be right about ignoring the effect of pandas on SWTOR, but that hides the real reason this game will never hit WoWs reported numbers. Most WoW subscribers play on game cards in Asia, which inflate their numbers. If there is any doubt who WoW's main playerbase is MoP answers the question.


I couldn't tell you if the Asian game time playing population makes more money for Blizzard than the sub customers in NA/Europe. But looking at their actions, it is clear that Blizzard is targeting players in Asia, which makes me think that NA is not their prime market, or at least not a market they are looking to expand in.


That or they figured MoP would help them in Asia while not having the same negative reaction in NA/Europe that people are reporting, though I'm not sure how well that reaction represents the playerbase as a whole. BTW I played WoW once in BC, this is just an observation that is so consistently overlooked that I feel compelled to point it out.


This is also why SWTOR or most other MMOs will never reach those numbers. The game is made for NA/European customers without much of a presence in Asia. It's actually shocking to see a business ignore that demographic in their calculations about profitability with the BRIC crap that's being shoved down everyones' throats.


Now I'm assuming bioware looked at WoW's numbers and used this to gauge how much they could invest in development as a result. But I figure they must have done this considering how much they spent on the game.


I think this game has a lot to fear from GW2, based on my experiences talking to people. It's a game with more traditional north america content that appeals to PvPers, and with the PvE content so easily cleared at endgame, there's not much else to do here (had HM denova on farm for months now).


Wow, great points. Some one that actually knows something about economics.


You may be correct in your assessment, but I have no proof for or against. But game companies that are HQed in certain demographics, will make products for those demographics. So, Americans would make games that Americans likes, ect. That is just natural. A matter of culture. But BW should be looking at ways to improve their market share and tap into the Asian market.


But Star Wars, though popular, I would think is Western based. So it may be hard for this MMO to break through to those markets just by its' genre.

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Actually, server cap has been increased a lot. When I resubbed like 3 weeks ago there were 1k+ queues for my server, and after one of maitainces it totally disappeared - server didn't even hit full.


Or it means that population is still decreasing.

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Wow, great points. Some one that actually knows something about economics.


You may be correct in your assessment, but I have no proof for or against. But game companies that are HQed in certain demographics, will make products for those demographics. So, Americans would make games that Americans likes, ect. That is just natural. A matter of culture. But BW should be looking at ways to improve their market share and tap into the Asian market.


But Star Wars, though popular, I would think is Western based. So it may be hard for this MMO to break through to those markets just by its' genre.


Except he fails to mention that in NA alone, there are 253 WoW servers and 38 of those were listed as high pop, with 156 as medium populations as of June 17th. Blizzard still has a lot of subs from NA.

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Actually, server cap has been increased a lot. When I resubbed like 3 weeks ago there were 1k+ queues for my server, and after one of maitainces it totally disappeared - server didn't even hit full.


What server?


If you want to know the actual reason why you didnt have a Q I would tell you but you wouldnt like the answer. People realized that even with full servers the game still wasnt a MMO so quit. Thats the real reason for no Q's anymore not some made up server cap increase.

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So in general terms, I would say it is trending up, based on a Xfire and others. But... this is also a notoriously bad month for games in general. What I mean is, summer months are generally a dead period in terms of game launches as devs and publishers are focused on delivering the winter slate.


In short, other games have had their run. Several have disappointed. Many who tore into (I mean played) TOR early are back after some lack luster performances elsewhere. Some do like what they find now, but... its the same old issue. Will it keep their interest?


IMO, now is the time for the event. Keep the flow interested a bit longer and keep the core satisfied. There will be many that flock to GW2 when it comes out, but the core audience of this game will remain, if the game continues to improve.


One thing I will add though... I think the industry has changed a bit. I'm not so sure that game houses are only focused on keeping a player base as opposed to having them come back. I think strategically, a sound plan would count on attrition, and would plan on ways to keep the ebb and flow going. Your fanbase will be steady and remain as long as you continue to improve. The jumpers will come back for for the shinys and leave again no matter what. There is money in that though.


So yes, there will be a drop when GW2 hits. I say let it happen and don't try and compete with your best content and updates during that time. Instead, have a plan to bring back the jumpers. They will get bored, they will be dissatisfied, and they will be looking for new shinys moving into the winter months.


The overall trend is important, but maybe the delta between the peeks and valleys is even more so.

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I've only noticed it the starter areas. Once you get past coruscant/dromund kaas the population starts thinning out.


Which is very indicative of the influx of the free to play trials. Another factor is the number of players going back to level another class.

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Which is very indicative of the influx of the free to play trials. Another factor is the number of players going back to level another class.


I would think most people rerolling would go all the way to the end of Chapter 1 so they can get legacy levels before they started a new char.

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What server?


If you want to know the actual reason why you didnt have a Q I would tell you but you wouldnt like the answer. People realized that even with full servers the game still wasnt a MMO so quit. Thats the real reason for no Q's anymore not some made up server cap increase.


Tomb of Freedon Nadd. I'd assume ppl just left/moved to other server, if not the fact I had queues (gigantic queues) day after day, and then, after maitance it was totally gone. I haven't seen queue for like 2 weeks now. Players may leave, but to get rid of 1k+ queues and drop server from full to heavy/very heavy, over 1 night, I think we'd need a nuclear war :rolleyes:

Edited by Terkov
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I would think most people rerolling would go all the way to the end of Chapter 1 so they can get legacy levels before they started a new char.


There are a lot of players who allready have atleast one level 50 char. So the Legacy is allready done for them. And rerolling means you start out as another level 1...correct?

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So in general terms, I would say it is trending up, based on a Xfire and others. But... this is also a notoriously bad month for games in general. What I mean is, summer months are generally a dead period in terms of game launches as devs and publishers are focused on delivering the winter slate.


In short, other games have had their run. Several have disappointed. Many who tore into (I mean played) TOR early are back after some lack luster performances elsewhere. Some do like what they find now, but... its the same old issue. Will it keep their interest?


IMO, now is the time for the event. Keep the flow interested a bit longer and keep the core satisfied. There will be many that flock to GW2 when it comes out, but the core audience of this game will remain, if the game continues to improve.


One thing I will add though... I think the industry has changed a bit. I'm not so sure that game houses are only focused on keeping a player base as opposed to having them come back. I think strategically, a sound plan would count on attrition, and would plan on ways to keep the ebb and flow going. Your fanbase will be steady and remain as long as you continue to improve. The jumpers will come back for for the shinys and leave again no matter what. There is money in that though.


So yes, there will be a drop when GW2 hits. I say let it happen and don't try and compete with your best content and updates during that time. Instead, have a plan to bring back the jumpers. They will get bored, they will be dissatisfied, and they will be looking for new shinys moving into the winter months.


The overall trend is important, but maybe the delta between the peeks and valleys is even more so.


XFire shows a upward trend? Who ever linked it it this post or another I was the blue line at the end headed down. :eek:


But just like all the other fanboiz you again make up excuses and then go and state things that mean nothing or contradict.


1. You say its on an upward tread but then and go and say that its a bad month and its dead.

2. You then say summer time is a dead period for game launches. News flash this isnt a launch so why even state what you said.

3. Why would you say its now time for an event when you just said this month(think you also implied all summer months) was a dead period for games in general. Also what is the alive time for games? Fall kids are going back to school so thats a dead time. The winter holidays everyone is on holiday so thats a dead time. The beginning of the year everyones going back to work and school after the holidays so thats the dead time. Then summer again and thats the dead time. Every time is a dead period as long as numbers show a drop. Then maybe its because this game was dead after the first week.

4. You also say the overal trend is important. You do know the overall trend so far has dropped over 1/s its subs (verified by Bioware) and most likely has lost over 80% of its subs. (not verified but looking at data it could be). 80% loss in 7 months isnt a good overal trend.

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There are a lot of players who allready have atleast one level 50 char. So the Legacy is allready done for them. And rerolling means you start out as another level 1...correct?


Don't understand your point. I have 3 50s working on another one now and I'm not unique in my guild. So... how was legacy done for me after one 50?

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Tomb of Freedon Nadd. I'd assume ppl just left/moved to other server, if not the fact I had queues (gigantic queues) day after day, and then, after maitance it was totally gone. I haven't seen queue for like 2 weeks now. Players may leave, but to get rid of 1k+ queues and drop server from full to heavy/very heavy, over 1 night, I think we'd need a nuclear war :rolleyes:




This is the last 30 days for ToFN. I dont see where a cap increase was done.


Why would you assume they moved to another server when that is the only English PVP server? Its not like the fatman where some have moved to their original mains that transfered to PoF.


People transfered onto ToFN from the other servers and still wasnt happy with the game and quit. Going from a dead server to a 1k Q didnt help either. People get fed up with the idiotic things that Bioware has done and just quit because they keep doing them.

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XFire shows a upward trend? Who ever linked it it this post or another I was the blue line at the end headed down. :eek:


But just like all the other fanboiz you again make up excuses and then go and state things that mean nothing or contradict.


1. You say its on an upward tread but then and go and say that its a bad month and its dead.

2. You then say summer time is a dead period for game launches. News flash this isnt a launch so why even state what you said.

3. Why would you say its now time for an event when you just said this month(think you also implied all summer months) was a dead period for games in general. Also what is the alive time for games? Fall kids are going back to school so thats a dead time. The winter holidays everyone is on holiday so thats a dead time. The beginning of the year everyones going back to work and school after the holidays so thats the dead time. Then summer again and thats the dead time. Every time is a dead period as long as numbers show a drop. Then maybe its because this game was dead after the first week.

4. You also say the overal trend is important. You do know the overall trend so far has dropped over 1/s its subs (verified by Bioware) and most likely has lost over 80% of its subs. (not verified but looking at data it could be). 80% loss in 7 months isnt a good overal trend.


Well, You don't know how to read a chart. We will start there. You plot a trend line as opposed to the peaks and valleys to get the real trend. lol. Wow, didn't think that needed to be explained. Oh, just so you understand, it is not on the chart, you have to do it.


As for the rest? Well the relevance of new games taking the fan base away is obvious. That is why dead months are misleading. You may see a better trend during the summer while there is less competition. Again, I thought that was obvious.


As for your fanboys comment? Lol! Wow, you must have a real bias against the game if you think my post was a vote of blind confidence in BW and EA.


I suggest you think about what you post and learn how to read a chart.

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Well, You don't know how to read a chart. We will start there. You plot a trend line as opposed to the peaks and valleys to get the real trend. lol. Wow, didn't think that needed to be explained. Oh, just so you understand, it is not on the chart, you have to do it.


As for the rest? Well the relevance of new games taking the fan base away is obvious. That is why dead months are misleading. You may see a better trend during the summer while there is less competition. Again, I thought that was obvious.


As for your fanboys comment? Lol! Wow, you must have a real bias against the game if you think my post was a vote of blind confidence in BW and EA.


I suggest you think about what you post and learn how to read a chart.


You are a total fanboy.


You tell me how that chart shows any upward trend.


Let me ask you. What caused that large spike in the chart? It had to be something that caused it. Its not an upward trend at all.


Its also funny that now you are using Xfire as a reliable sorce to take data from. I remember a while back all the people saying that it wasnt. Maybe it was just because it was showing something bad I guess.


ITs normal for you guys to do that though. If it makes your point look good use it but if someone uses it to show something you dont like then you will trash it as being unreliable.

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re rolling characters... gahh very tedious repetitive boring.. and did i say repetitive already? ill say it again repetitive..... i only did story quests and when i cant progress anymore in the story due to low level.. get a guildy to help mow down mobs or go to pvp to level up... the pve 'quests' are so repetitive and boring.. lost interest with the game when i got my 3rd char into 50. Edited by ikemenn
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You are a total fanboy.


You tell me how that chart shows any upward trend.


Let me ask you. What caused that large spike in the chart? It had to be something that caused it. Its not an upward trend at all.


Its also funny that now you are using Xfire as a reliable sorce to take data from. I remember a while back all the people saying that it wasnt. Maybe it was just because it was showing something bad I guess.


ITs normal for you guys to do that though. If it makes your point look good use it but if someone uses it to show something you dont like then you will trash it as being unreliable.


Sorry, I wont help you read a chart or understand what a trend line is any further. You can Google it if you want. It might help you. Enjoy!

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I believe so. I have seen many new players. Starting zones are packed. Optimizations to the engine are happening mostly every little patch in between the big ones. People have the things they mostly want. People like playing together in this game. LFG is in which people really wanted bad. It doesn't lag as bad as it did back even a month ago. Things are really shaping up animation wise and all that. They keep on making things look better, have a better feel and overall better stability for the game and it's players.



May The Force Be With You!



I'm not sure it is,,,, I see the game still bleeding players, at the higher levels it's becoming like before the transfers again.


While f2p will bring in new players how long will they last? It's the poor design that is causing the game to bleed players.

Edited by Dein_Cathair
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Sorry, I wont help you read a chart or understand what a trend line is any further. You can Google it if you want. It might help you. Enjoy!


There we go, now your in superfanboy mode. Dont answer the question because if you do then it shows that its not what you want but instead now say your done with it.

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There we go, now your in superfanboy mode. Dont answer the question because if you do then it shows that its not what you want but instead now say your done with it.


Lol! I can't let this go. So... just so you know, I have an answer but I'm not answering you. There is not discussion or relevance to be had here. I'm done with you. Quite simple really.


So... I'm curious to see what mode I will be in now? Can you make me come back and post a reply to you again?

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Lol! I can't let this go. So... just so you know, I have an answer but I'm not answering you. There is not discussion or relevance to be had here. I'm done with you. Quite simple really.


So... I'm curious to see what mode I will be in now? Can you make me come back and post a reply to you again?


All I will say is F2P up to level 15.


You will come back. The reason is in my sig.

Edited by Emeda
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ok the chart shows the amount of "game time" xfire sample made during the date on the X axis.


sample size: ONLY 1562, amount of hours played 6578 for july 17th, in july 14th 10015 hours played


ok please read this:


on the 10th of July swtor started the free to play up to level 15. on the 14th of july ( the big increase in the graph) it was the first weekend, a Saturday!!. lots of new people trying it. this could be seen in the increased lead up to Saturday the 14th. then a drop off again.


the current trend of the graph (from just eyeing it) is a slightly flat / upwards trend.

caveat: this is only with a sample size of 1562 people!! and cant represent the whole swtor player community.

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