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Talking down to your teamates = FAIL


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It's the people who need to understand exactly what they are doing wrong, and how they should be doing it. PVP always was, always is, always will be your own struggle. You don't become a better player when you expect "them" to cater for every single need, every single obstacle, every single failure and frustration you come up upon.


Especially in team PvP, and you're the liability, the weakest link in the chain, the n00b, then you should not be asking people who you've wasted time and caused damage to, to "talk nicely". You should be trying to understanding why they are mad at you, and feel ashamed about it.... and make up your mind to never make the same mistake again.


People are angry, and for a good reason. You pull the team down. You don't deserve to complain about people being angry. If you can't take that, accept the fact that you are severely lacking, and you must try harder to learn, then you really have no place in PvP -- the best you will be able to do is be one of the casual folk who is our daily bread and butter, the fodder folk we roflstomp.


This is the lamest drivel I have ever read on the internet. The bolded part, especially, is where you went too far. Evidently someone has not been getting carried enough lately.... And sorry if your time was "wasted" in a warzone, but guess what? Another one comes along in about 15 minutes anyway.


Your biggest failure is your inability to distinguish between a newb and a n00b. Yes, there are newbs in 50 pvp. Yes, some people prefer to play the story and flashpoints and space missions and don't have 3500/2000 comms when they ding. Yes, some people don't know all the tactics we take for granted when they start to pvp.


Expressing your frustration at someone who refuses to learn/get better is one thing. Telling someone they should feel ashamed for not instantly knowing every nuance of a warzone their first time is just crazy.

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One thing I know is that on Empire it looks to me that because a lot of people who have never played an mmo before are going there that the players seem to be worse. So that is part of the plroblem because expirianced players get tired of being with new players. On the Republic it seems like there is more good players. But they get angry because everyone thinks they are the best player ever and blame random people because they lose. I don't condone raging on new players, but I have to admit that it can be fusterating when a level 45 scoundral, instead of stealthing passed the one guy guarding the node trys to help a vanguard didstract him.
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Less ************ more fighting I say.


Though I sometimes do make a remark toward insane displays of stupidity like a whole team leaving a point they just captured or 3-4 guys going to triple cap and losing a point in the process, or 7 guys fighting at South in Denova without ever being able to capture it or the infamous dude moving to our own goal line with the Huttball.

Never thrown a tantrum though.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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It's the people who don't care about the objectives. Who cares about the nuances that you pick up as you play. It's about the players that join warzones just to kill people instead of even attempting the objectives. These people are the ones that need to be berrated and shamed for being less than useless. Edited by Chikun
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It's the people who don't care about the objectives. Who cares about the nuances that you pick up as you play. It's about the players that join warzones just to kill people instead of even attempting the objectives. These people are the ones that need to be berrated and shamed for being less than useless.




Mentally, I spend more time fighting my teammates (the bad ones) than the enemy. What I mean by this statement is that all good players are always thinking in terms of meta-strategy. Where will the enemy move once we repel the attack at this location? Constantly checking health of players out of sight. Trying to keep an eye on the other nodes when I'm not physically there. Trying to make sure half the team doesn't follow me whenever I move to a different node... the list goes on and on.

Also, I've noticed that bad players tend to have bad attitudes... correlation???

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I don't even talk down to quitters and they are 10 times worse then "stupid" or "bad" players. The screaming does nothing except get rage out for people with issues. Coming on the forums and admitting it or being proud of it is even more troubling. Edited by richardya
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Here's something regarding trash talking teammates that happened last night that bothered me: A premade consisting of four fully-augmented WH-geared--and might I add, arrogant--players left a brand new recruit-geared sorc to solo guard snow in Civil War (so we're talking squishy here). This sorc was ambushed by a scoundrel in stealth. While being attacked the sorc called out for help. Eight seconds after he died (which happened fast) the node was lost before anyone could get there. This premade then proceeded to chew out this 13k HP sorc by calling him, among other things, an idiot and telling him to never queue again. I stood up for him and then got eaten alive by the same premade.


I have no problem correcting people for true mistakes via a whisper, just as others have done with me, but trash-talking teammates for things they did not do wrong or cannot control is NEVER OK. Not surprisingly the Sorc logged immediately after this match.

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Skill at a particular video game, and the right to disrespect people, are mutually exclusive.


Why do manners exist? As a way to show people we respect them. What is the value in showing people respect? What do we "get" out of it?


It evidences our security and strength of character. Behaving however you want, whenever you want, doesn't make you a rebel. At least no more a rebel than someone too lazy to properly sort the silverware when they take it out of the dishwasher. "Pfft sorters are for wimps! I put my spoons in the fork slot, cause I'm crazy like that!". Ridiculous right? That how ridiculous people sound when they say they have the right to yell at strangers in a video game.


You are either a weak minded person who needs an immediate outlet and scapegoat for any adversity they encounter. Or you are strong minded secure individual who can "handle" it, without using it as an excuse to act like a d-bag.

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You don't have the right to talk down to others. Simple as that. Does this mean I can stop you no in reality I can't stop you from making an *** of yourself. But consider when you shout out comments like that you are also hitting the players that you may not have anything against. Ops chat is great for talking to everyone but if you have an issue with a specific person a post of "You suck and need to l2p" does not help. In addition look at the damage you just did to some kid who maybe was trying his best or just having some fun.

I get your frustrated we all pvp and we have all been in the que where we go 10 losses with no wins because someone does something stupid or instead of pvp gear they have pve. You want to know what log out or find something else to do just because you are frustrated does not give you the right to take it out on others. In real life when this happens in a car it is called road rage and is how people get shot.

For those who are saying they think this will help in some way. It does not and will never, when someone is being abusive and that is what you are being the person receiving it will not suddenly see your light and say oh I really should do that. Not gonna happen and really the justification for your bad behavior is ridiculous. More than likely if they are a strong individual they are going to keep doing what they want. If they are not they may quit and leave the pvp or the game a loss in my opinion because the game has more stuff than pvp.

The whole people should be ashamed angle is really funny oh let me feel shame for not being better at a video game I pay for or for not helping you oh great and mighty one. Really are you acquainted with the fact that this is a video game not starving children?

You want better players than start trying to be a better player. That means helping others be better at the game not rattling off orders but genuinely helping them. The constructive criticism starts with constructive it means don't say things that are going to be destructive. You need to build them up not tear them down you want better play show them how to play better. You still get jerks who will do whatever but those are not the majority most people want to get better but seeing all the raging in chat will not get you taken seriously.

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Mentally, I spend more time fighting my teammates (the bad ones) than the enemy. What I mean by this statement is that all good players are always thinking in terms of meta-strategy. Where will the enemy move once we repel the attack at this location? Constantly checking health of players out of sight. Trying to keep an eye on the other nodes when I'm not physically there. Trying to make sure half the team doesn't follow me whenever I move to a different node... the list goes on and on.

Also, I've noticed that bad players tend to have bad attitudes... correlation???


Bad enough attitudes to get all righteous and yell at strangers? Yes I agree those players are ironically pretty bad.

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You don't have the right to talk down to others. Simple as that. Does this mean I can stop you no in reality I can't stop you from making an *** of yourself. But consider when you shout out comments like that you are also hitting the players that you may not have anything against. Ops chat is great for talking to everyone but if you have an issue with a specific person a post of "You suck and need to l2p" does not help. In addition look at the damage you just did to some kid who maybe was trying his best or just having some fun.

I get your frustrated we all pvp and we have all been in the que where we go 10 losses with no wins because someone does something stupid or instead of pvp gear they have pve. You want to know what log out or find something else to do just because you are frustrated does not give you the right to take it out on others. In real life when this happens in a car it is called road rage and is how people get shot.

For those who are saying they think this will help in some way. It does not and will never, when someone is being abusive and that is what you are being the person receiving it will not suddenly see your light and say oh I really should do that. Not gonna happen and really the justification for your bad behavior is ridiculous. More than likely if they are a strong individual they are going to keep doing what they want. If they are not they may quit and leave the pvp or the game a loss in my opinion because the game has more stuff than pvp.

The whole people should be ashamed angle is really funny oh let me feel shame for not being better at a video game I pay for or for not helping you oh great and mighty one. Really are you acquainted with the fact that this is a video game not starving children?

You want better players than start trying to be a better player. That means helping others be better at the game not rattling off orders but genuinely helping them. The constructive criticism starts with constructive it means don't say things that are going to be destructive. You need to build them up not tear them down you want better play show them how to play better. You still get jerks who will do whatever but those are not the majority most people want to get better but seeing all the raging in chat will not get you taken seriously.


Best part in bold. Awesome when social grace has degenerated enough that we should feel more shame over poor performance at a video game, than we would for berating and insulting strangers.

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