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What storylines should I finish before I leave?


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Hey there.


After a 4 month hiatus, I've resubbed and although my server is dead, I'm having a lot of fun continueing the class storylines. I'm sensitive to that sort of stuff: details, astmosphere, stories. This also means that I won't continue my subscription after they cancel my server and force me to give up the detail of my chosen names (There's always youtube and I'm a discerning customer with his own wishlist who realizes it's just a game. ), but it's still fun enough for me to maximize my enjoyment for as long as it will last.


Which Storyline should I finish? I'm currently doing bounty hunter. I love the independance and the ability to say no to Sith lords barking orders and demand credits instead.

I've heard good thing about the Imperial agent too and making headway with my lvl 32 sniper, but I'm also looking for a good Republic storyline. Smuggler has been boring me to tears though.



Can anyone tell me which class storylines are the better ones and why, so I can tell if they'd match my tastes?


Looking forward to finishing all that I still can!

For me the best Republic storylines I have seen so far are the Trooper, Jedi Knight and JC. For the Jedi Knight what sold it for me is who your final opponent ends up being. Also from what I have seen of the JC has caught my interest as well. Especially the first act of the story hunting down a former Jedi Master who sided with the Sith. I havent seen much of the trooper story but having to hunt down your former comrades has an appeal to me. If you want a suggestion for a Sith try the Inquisitor. The Story is good and so is its ending as long as you go Darkside its worth the wait.

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However, anyone know how Consular compares to Inquisitor?



I am running a Consular and Inquisitor and they are very good classes to play their Stories are worth doing from beginning to end. Depending on which advance class you choose they play very similar but also different. My Concular is a Shadow and handles close to my Assassin with some differences. The Assassins ranged Force attacks do more damage than the Shadows (ex: Force Lightning compared for Project). However the Shadow does more damage with the Double-Bladed Lightsaber. Sage is more defensive minded than Sorcerer is even though they both make good healers reguardless of you playing solo or in a group and both lvl fairly fast. All I cna suggest is for you to look at the specs for both Classes and choose the one that works for you. Personally I recommend doing both just for the Class stories alone.

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For Republic the best storyline in my opinion is the Trooper one, every planet has a satisfying and story-important ending (not ¨find one of four artifacts conveniently on the 4 planets¨or ¨Destroy 4 random never-heard-of Terrorist Cells on 4 different planets.") and the Trooper himself is an interesting character - the Jedi Knight story is a bit too straightforward, and the Consular story a bit unfocused. The Sith Inquisitor storyline is, well, just amazing, especially Act II and following.


I can't tell if you're joking or not, but that's exactly what the trooper story is. "Find 4 BLANK on the 4 planets". Don't want to say what as to ruin the story, but again, that's exactly how it goes. Don't get me wrong, I thought the story was great, but don't mislead people.

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All of them are generic except Agent, Trooper and Sith Warrior - So do those

JK - CLICHE to the ninth degree and the character is a Mary Sue!! I rolled my eyes heavily at the end of Act 2 it was so ridiculous. Orgus, Andral, the Emperor, Scourge, all of them are characters ripped out of some literay book entitled "Cliches you want to avoid in storytelling"

JC - Better than the JK that's for sure, a bit of mystery to it and mystical force stuff. But the companions are TERRIBLE and hamper the story

Smuggler - Funny, but that's about it. Not really epic at all it's more like comedic relief, filler

Trooper - The best on Rep side, blows the others out of the water in terms of epicness, morality and story telling


SI - This is okay, 1st Act is dumb. 2nd Act it picks up, many didn't like the ghosts aspect but I found it cool, unique way to gain more power. Act 3 is good especially on Corellia, it's more of a personal story, a struggle within. Thanaton made no sense though and whenever he appeared I rolled my eyes, this was a poorly made character. The end though felt like the writers were running out of time to finish and so they rushed

SW - Very very good from the ending of Act 1 straight on through to the end. It's Die Hard meets Star Wars. The story and the characters deserve better than this game.

BH - OMG SO BORING AND GENERIC!!!!!! I can't even finish cause it's so dull. And the villains are beyond dumb; they're worse than Thanaton and that's saying something. The whole Revenge thing in Act 3 *yaaaawn*

Agent - The best. Hands down. Everything, the characters you meet and the villains you face. The story should've been a stand-alone game and expanded more, did not deserve to be held back by the constraints of this game.

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I LOVED the Agents storyline from beginning to end. Lots of jaw dropping moments of revelations, especially in the last two chapters. You really should finish that asap. Almost everyone's whose experienced it been saying it's the best for a long time. Edited by Virtus-Kerensky
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For me, the list goes like this, finished and unfinished stories.


1.Sith Warrior : Unfinished, but up to the end of Act 1 it was awesome, felt like a true Star Wars story.

2. Sith Inquisitor : Finished. This was very satisfying, a lot of cool moments, and the final triumph is pretty epic.

3. Imperial Agent : Unfinished. Pretty fun so far, just got past Act 1. Lots of interesting stuff going on.

4. Jedi Knight: Unfinished. Pretty fun, more intriguing after Act 1.



Stay away from Consular (finished regretfully). Great class, story is just crap. Unless you like baby sitting whiny diplomats for half of the game. Even that was uninteresting, go to home planet, do missions, convince to be in alliance. Straight forward and dumb.


I've played a bit of the Trooper and Smuggler, and they are interesting as well. Especially the Trooper. but I didn't want to add anything that I didn't play through Act 1.

Edited by Alavastre
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Imperial Storylines are awesome.


Republic storylines are ok.


It seems the imperial just have less restrictions on gameplay, like a jedi can only act a certain way, where the sith can be more conflicted and thus more interesting storywise.


Plus the sith have more interesting characters in their storylines.

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Wait...you were unsubbed for 4 months and resubbed to transfer your characters that you weren't even playing? Why? Why do you even care that you're losing names of characters in a game you're not even playing? :confused:


An "I quit" thread from a guy that wasn't even subscribed...almost as good as the "I quit" threads during prelease lol.

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I was going for a Jedi Knight , Imperial Agent, Bounty Hunter and Trooper set-up, but as I played the last two heavy blaster classes side by side, I realized there's only so many ways you can mortar your enemies before it grows dull. I'm not going to do faction mirror classes and when the choice is between Trooper and BHunter, I'm going for the BH.


I'm going to take your advice and concider the consular Qarran! Maybe it's not so bad... Thanks! I'm looking forward to wielding a saberstaff.


However, anyone know how Consular compares to Inquisitor?



28 days left and three of my four chosen classes are lvl 35! :D Wish me luck.

So you are starting another toon, why don't you consider creating on a populated server?

You might change your mind later if you are not planning to jump on another game


IMO, games are not an investiment, I'm paying to have fun while I'm playing, if the game will fail I don't care, I lost the count of how many characters I've rolled in the past 15 years, and I don't regret anything

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I can only speak for the Republic storylines as ive barely played the Imperial ones...


Well the Jedi Knight one is the best IMO...2nd place goes to Smuggler (Only if male though) Trooper Story is decent and the Jedi Consular storyline is pretty much meh...

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