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Snipers not having Stealth


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Well, we do get the opposite of stealth!


A giant red cover screen with blinking green lights.


lol yep. in other words, a lit up runway for melee dps with zero wind and minimal concurrent air traffic. not sure what the issue with snipers is...

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But we can't be jumped to!


apparently that makes us OP'ed according to some people. and by some people i mean the lousy marauders who first discover that they have to figure out an alternate way of getting to us before melting us down with their melee dps. it's soooo unfair :rolleyes: lol


but yeah, the cover screen with blinky green lights that say "attack here". there was a post a few threads back where someone demanded that crouch be put on a cast time... wow

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I am going to address those saying stealth would make a sniper OP or it would be unbalancing.


Stealth doesn't allow you to fire from stealth in some steady stream of blaster fire. Stealth ONLY allows you to fire first.


You cannot Stealth while in combat. You have skills in your trees that allow you to break combat and enter stealth.


Therefore giving snipers stealth would only serve to allow them to sneak up and fire. Which everyone expects out of a sniper.


How this would potentially be exploited is an at range class could all be snipers and first shot kill a target at the start of combat. Unstealthing in the process of firing.


In my opinion that would be no different then the all operative or all assassin spike team decloaking cc'ing and all smashing 1 player.


If you gave them assassins escape they could break combat and flee. That might be unbalancing, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be a class with stealth added to the tree.


However, I think it should cost the 31 points in marksmanship to get it.


I think game changing things are the stunlocking and sheer CC. I could do with an improvement to resolve and the CC breaker mechanics to just make pvp feel less like a game of stunlock and focus fire. Its really elementary that any descent pvp group stunlocks 1 player while a couple people cast ranged CC on the healers to hopefully spike kill a player.


I don't see stealth being that much of a factor in gameplay if a sniper had it.


Again just stealth.

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i **** damage boards, see me on the Fatman. I probably shouldnt have brought up this topic, speaking cover and concealment with civilians...my bad


snipers need stealth, even like the marauder one.


I already explained it to you. I might be a civilian, but I am certainly not dumb. I know what a sniper is and how they operate. True, they should have built the class around using some type of stealth from the beginning, but for whatever reason they did not. With current mechanics, it would be too strong of an ability to give them.

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OP translation:

"It's called sniper should it should magically get stealth to be unseen! But oh wait the mirror class is a gunslinger which has nothing to do with stealth but that doesn't matter to my line of reasoning because I will only focus on the one word "sniper" to make my entire case. Also, I don't want to talk about game mechanics or class balance, I want to base this purely on the flavor of the game when I compare the sniper to my old experiences in the military."

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Sure snipers would like to see something similar maybe to hunter's camouflage. Stealth that any action would break would be sniper-like.

Problem is sniper would become maybe too powerful because they already are quite powerful in the right hands.

On the other hand with a marauder you can lol yourself to victory even as a below average player so why shouldn't sniper be able do that :p

Edited by Helistin
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I am going to address those saying stealth would make a sniper OP or it would be unbalancing.


Stealth doesn't allow you to fire from stealth in some steady stream of blaster fire. Stealth ONLY allows you to fire first.


You cannot Stealth while in combat. You have skills in your trees that allow you to break combat and enter stealth.


Therefore giving snipers stealth would only serve to allow them to sneak up and fire. Which everyone expects out of a sniper.


How this would potentially be exploited is an at range class could all be snipers and first shot kill a target at the start of combat. Unstealthing in the process of firing.


In my opinion that would be no different then the all operative or all assassin spike team decloaking cc'ing and all smashing 1 player.


If you gave them assassins escape they could break combat and flee. That might be unbalancing, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be a class with stealth added to the tree.


However, I think it should cost the 31 points in marksmanship to get it.


I think game changing things are the stunlocking and sheer CC. I could do with an improvement to resolve and the CC breaker mechanics to just make pvp feel less like a game of stunlock and focus fire. Its really elementary that any descent pvp group stunlocks 1 player while a couple people cast ranged CC on the healers to hopefully spike kill a player.


I don't see stealth being that much of a factor in gameplay if a sniper had it.


Again just stealth.


I think the ideal Concept to allow Gunslingers / Snipers stealth would be is that Scound/OPs get no change, while Guns/Snipes would only get to use it as placement / movement only.



What Shadow/Sins/Scound/Ops have:




Activates your stealth generator, making you and your companion difficult to detect. Movement speed is reduced to 85% of normal while in stealth. Most hostile actions and taking cover will break Stealth. Your companion will not react to enemy attacks while in stealth


What Guns/Snipers should have if given Stealth: an ability that only allows them to get to that "Sweet" spot so they can attack

Stealth = Level 5

Instant Cast / 120 second CD


Duration: Breaks when attacked / Entering Cover


Activates your stealth generator, making you and your companion difficult to detect when standing still, upon movement you become easier to detect by 65%. Movement speed is reduced to 85% of normal while in stealth. Taking cover will break Stealth, and places all abilities on a 2.5 second cooldown. You can not attack or be healed while in stealth. Most hostile actions and taking cover will break Stealth. You and your companion can not react to enemy attacks while in stealth.

Edited by RangKer
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