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<< None of this debate really matters because, according to the 1.4 notes, guess what, guardians are absolutely PERFECT ... >>


We don't have the full or even semi-full 1.4 pre-patch notes yet. They were just giving us something to look at and talk about mostly regarding changes to CC and stealth. Even if they don't change guardians in 1.4 (extremely unlikely there won't be -some- changes) it doesn't mean they think they are perfect or that someone isn't working on something that will show up in a future patch.

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Hi everyone,


We’re looking for some specific feedback about each Advanced Class and spec. Your feedback here, along with other feedback we’ve been gathering and our internal metrics, may guide future class balance changes. Similar threads will be found in every Advanced Class forum.


Here are the two questions that we’d like to ask (please only post about specific specs that you actively play, and don’t forget to tell us which one you’re talking about!):


1. How do you think your Guardian spec is perceived by other classes?

2. How do you perceive your own spec?


Please answer the post using the same format and in no more than 2-3 sentences per question.


This is not a discussion thread, so please do not debate others’ feedback – everyone gets to share what they think. Any off-topic or unconstructive posts (or any that do not follow the above guidelines) will be removed without warning.


Remember, this isn’t the only thread we’re looking at for feedback – if you have more feedback than fits the above guidelines, please feel free to post a discussion thread. We’re looking to get some specific insights here, but we are always reading the forums to gather feedback and player concerns.


Thank you!


Well....I will try to be as helpful but not bashin' anyone (to bad) at the same time


1. How do you think your Guardian spec is perceived by other classes?


Guardians have made it this far with an UNFAIR DISADVANTAGE. The tank tree needs to be tweaked so that it includes a) damage boost b) endurance boost c) threat boost 4) make saber ward and warding call actually seem useful. They seem not to reduce damage as much as dps classes (sent and marau). I tested this and no there is barely a difference when these are popped. I've looked at other tanks specs and they have these and guardians are left off. Juggs got a damage increase almost immeadiately after launch...guardians didnt. Gather strength doesnt seem to work at all like intended. Vigilence seems to be pretty decent dps other then that.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


The spec depends on play style and situation. Its kind of a mix-n-match for some and not for others. But idk opponents hate me in pvp.

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<< Juggs got a damage increase almost immeadiately after launch...guardians didnt. >>




Exactly my level 16 Jedi Guardian Tank cant kill an elite melee based enemy that is the SAME level as it and yet my Juggernaut Tank can take down an elite enemy one or 2 levels above its current level? That does not make sense to me at all. Like I said before my Shadow Tank can take and dish out more damage than my Guardian can when according to the basic info of each character class its supposed to be the OTHER WAY AROUND!.

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I was hoping for some love for the garbage tanking tree... but I guess I should consider myself lucky they didnt inadvertently nerf it with another *crash* like ability on charge, or further nerfing damage.


And yes, this entire feedback thing is a joke. I'm gonna see how my 2 classes (jug tank and PT pyro) play out after 1.4. If I'm not happy, then bye-bye sub. I'm too tired to level another toon.

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Apparently, Guardians/Juggs being the worse class in the game is working as intended. WOW I'm glad we bothered to provide feedback. Focus/Rage gets some needed love, but tanks get ignored. I'm half surprised they didn't nerf us more just out of spite.


Looks like my Guard stays shelved until 1.5, if not forever.


We don't have the full or even semi-full 1.4 pre-patch notes yet. They were just giving us something to look at and talk about mostly regarding changes to CC and stealth. Even if they don't change guardians in 1.4 (extremely unlikely there won't be -some- changes) it doesn't mean they think they are perfect or that someone isn't working on something that will show up in a future patch.


Yes we do. I can't think of any class changes in the original patch notes in 1.3 that didn't go live exactly as originally introduced. They changed NOTHING based on feedback on 1.3, and now totally ignored the feedback on their changes post 1.3 in their own thread where they *asked* for feedback. TBH I wonder why they even bother to pretend they want our feedback.

Edited by HarleysRule
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im not gonna lie i feel like our class is a little neglected. IM a vengeance jug with full BH gear apart from mainhand with the exact stats that are believed to be ideal for the spec (35 crit, 75 surge, 1960 str n rest power) and an ideal rotation. and ive tried every rotation i can possibly think of. and the best i can hit on a dummy is 1500. My marauder puts up to 1530 with full rakata, 6 bh pieces and not even half augmented! and theres no record of a dps jug hitting over 1680, or even cracking 1700 while marauders and PTs and mercs are hitting up to 1900, some even 2000. And i dont wanna hear that its cuz we can tank or cuz we have heavy armor. Cuz PT's do too and they're wiping the floor with us in terms of dps
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Apparently, Guardians/Juggs being the worse class in the game is working as intended. WOW I'm glad we bothered to provide feedback. Focus/Rage gets some needed love, but tanks get ignored. I'm half surprised they didn't nerf us more just out of spite.


Looks like my Guard stays shelved until 1.5, if not forever.




Yes we do. I can't think of any class changes in the original patch notes in 1.3 that didn't go live exactly as originally introduced. They changed NOTHING based on feedback on 1.3, and now totally ignored the feedback on their changes post 1.3 in their own thread where they *asked* for feedback. TBH I wonder why they even bother to pretend they want our feedback.


Dude my Guardian doese better on DPS and as tank than pritty much all the others. If your struggling its a player skill issue. When DPS in full BH im putting out close to 1800 DPS. But that aside. Sentinals got a subtile nurf in 1.4 meaning guardians are better comparitivly.


You will get modable off hand focus. I have compaired my current Blackhole offhand focus with a sentianl off hand saber and found they get an advantage of around 17 bonus damage this is made up of 35 odd str and 40 odd power from the mods on their off hand. This extra 17 bonus power will bring us closer to them in terms of DPS output.

Edited by Mattmonkey
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Dude my Guardian doese better on DPS and as tank than pritty much all the others. If your struggling its a player skill issue. When DPS in full BH im putting out close to 1800 DPS. But that aside. Sentinals got a subtile nurf in 1.4 meaning guardians are better comparitivly.


Utter bollocks.

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Well i agree guardian strike is broken and that the 1.3 changes made us worse. However If you spec hybrid you be the best tank in game.



While the high end defense tree does need some work, hybird Guardian is the best PVP tank atm (in terms of peels and team damage mitigation, solo node guarding is a different role.) There are very strong PVE hybird specs as well.


DPS wise, Guardians have some of the best single target damage numbers with vigilance, albeit with a lack of raid utility for ops now that sunder armor doesn't stack with other armor debuffs. Vigilance is harder to use in PVP, but works wonders with the right gear, spec, burst rotation, awareness, and other user controlled elements. Focus will become a competitive spec in PVE next patch, albeit less fluid and flexible than vigilance. In PVP, it will be one of the very few specs that allow for effective AOE dps. The question remains, will it be too effective? We'll have to wait until 1.4 to see.

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Well i agree guardian strike is broken and that the 1.3 changes made us worse. However If you spec hybrid you be the best tank in game.


<snip>There are very strong PVE hybird specs as well.


Yes I know hybrid Guardian spec is good. In fact...far superior to full tank spec, and that is a serious problem.

Edited by HarleysRule
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I have rolled Jedi Guardian DPS since day one with valor in the high 80's. My thoughts are...



-Good spec for PVE, especially Ops as you can single target a boss and keep dots on them. My biggest complaint for this spec is that the majority of gear that you can obtain for this spec will have tagalong stats that help very little. It's a fun spec to play, but you will always be on the bottom end of the recruit spectrum for Ops and Ranked as a Sentinel will almost always be the preferred choice. They hit harder and really don't die that much faster.



- This is my primary spec. I love the burst damage available but with 1.3 we lost a significant amount of our survivability with the changes to Shein form and Single Saber Mastery. I think that the spec could be amazing with some tweaks. I can cause some serious damage in a WZ with a solid rotation but when paired against an equally skilled Sentinel, the class will still be lacking. People looking for Ops groups will often pass you over due to the fact you die just as fast as a Sentinel but won't typically do the same damage.


I understand that if I wanted to have the best DPS I should have rolled Sent...I get it. But what made Guradians special was thei DPS output along with survivability.We have lost some of that now.


Gotta say, it's been tough getting nerfed over the past couple updates while watching other already overpowered classes get beefed up. The class needs a boost.

Edited by Hyryu
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