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Server VS. Server PVP warzones ans open world?


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crossever warzones will be available when season one of ranked warzones kick in. Open world pvp is readily available on several planets. It's not BioWares fault that people don't want to actually do open world pvp outside of just wanting to gank people.
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crossever warzones will be available when season one of ranked warzones kick in. Open world pvp is readily available on several planets. It's not BioWares fault that people don't want to actually do open world pvp outside of just wanting to gank people.


It is their fault, for:


1. Not designing a reward system for open world that is fun and engaging.

2. Not designing a system to bring any semblance of fairness to open world pvp

3. Choosing an engine that can't support large skirmishes


Open world pvp is little more than a nuisance for all but the most diehard enthusiasts. When I am ganked (usually by two+ imps in Black Hole area after fighting a group of mobs when my health is ~half and my cds are down), I just stand there. I want to make absolutely certain they feel no sense of accomplishment for killing me. Then I respawn and continue what I was doing. If they are persistent, I switch to the other instance or take a warzone queue.

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It is their fault, for:


1. Not designing a reward system for open world that is fun and engaging.

2. Not designing a system to bring any semblance of fairness to open world pvp

3. Choosing an engine that can't support large skirmishes


Open world pvp is little more than a nuisance for all but the most diehard enthusiasts. When I am ganked (usually by two+ imps in Black Hole area after fighting a group of mobs when my health is ~half and my cds are down), I just stand there. I want to make absolutely certain they feel no sense of accomplishment for killing me. Then I respawn and continue what I was doing. If they are persistent, I switch to the other instance or take a warzone queue.


1. Why do you need a reward for it? If people truly cared about open world pvp they wouldn't need a reward.

2. When has open world pvp ever been fair?

3.Ilum was never that bad for me.


Honestly if people really wanted open world pvp they would go out and participate in it. Ya know what happens every time I see a thread of trying to get people on our server to go out and do a open world event? No one shows up. You guys are a minority. The only people that truly care about open world pvp just want to gank people.

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