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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This game deserves another chance


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I want to give this game another chance but i can't... the story is what drives it but...


The combat system is really where this game gets hurt, BW who used to be the masters of RPG's really dumb down the combat system. The game is really easy to understand if your new to MMO's or RPG's. The game automatically boosts your stats, and you simply have to buy your moves from a trainer and throw in a skill point in any of the three skill trees. If you take the time and read your skill tree you can then understand which combos to chain and you pretty much can learn those chain within minutes. As you progress you gain better and better armor which in turn improve your stats. This system is incredibly simple to understand, having said that, because its so simple it gets really old, really fast.

There's no hardcore nuances to the game play to really enjoy during your second play through. The game does not present itself with secrets that will benefit you during another run with another character. For sure each character has its own unique play style, but BW made the game so simple, learning the in's and outs of that play style takes the average player 10 levels.

BW also forgot to put some effort into the AI and enemies. In past BW games, many of your enemies required different approaches to beat, whether that be a formation change, a silence spell, or a poison arrow. You had to think about what you were doing, before you were doing it, and they were not very forgiving to a player who simply pushed all out combat with no thought of tactics. TOR has none of this, each enemy feels lifeless and each one is pretty standard to the next. A level 10 enemy doesn't attack any differently then a lv 45 enemy and the same tactics you used to defeat that level 10 enemy doesn't change dramatically either at lv 45,

Attack... Combo Move... Heal... Repeat...


It's an MMO, not a single player RPG. The combat system you are describing is that of a single player game.

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No, But I can sit back and objectively say this games the not best MMO out there,


this games story driven at once your at level 50 story doesn't matter, but having said that this game has the best story

In terms of a community (I never played) I say EVE has probably the best community of any MMO

In terms of PvE the secret world is pretty innovative, (PvP needs work)


Not really sure which MMO has the best PvP


Calling something innovative doesn't make it good. I can say with the utmost confidence that the Secret World is extremely far from the best PVE...it's not even close.

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It's an MMO, not a single player RPG. The combat system you are describing is that of a single player game.


Honestly there's nothing preventing them from improving on the PvE AI, or coding enemies with a bit more thought. And what i said about level progression stands, its been dumb down to the point it gets old fast

Edited by Ensquire
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Calling something innovative doesn't make it good. I can say with the utmost confidence that the Secret World is extremely far from the best PVE...it's not even close.


The game world feel alive, and funcom has spent a lot of painstaking detail on their world, I can't say the same of TOR. On top in the secret world there's nothing restricting you to be whatever you want and play however you want. there's something to be said about having that freedom


PS... Not trying to start a flame war just my opinion


I genuinely enjoyed this game for five six months, but i can't find a reason to come back

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I didn't say the same thing with D3, I thought the game looked quite horrible and didn't bother purchasing. GW2 is a different story....... I'm giving swtor a bit longer until I might come back, but ya the game did improve since launch.


he said "they" not include "you", i didnt buy d3, nor gw2,

we will see after it really launch,

noting but a day dream b4 it really happen.

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Combat Animations in swtor>gw2 combat animations. Honestly, I find GW2 pve more enjoyable, there's like 30 people doing an event and doing a raid=fun.


30 = fun?

u should back to play EQ,

there r 1xx ppl doing a raid.

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The game is fine. They have given everyone mainly what they wanted. The engine keeps getting optimzations, the game is running smoother, more population on every server plus they keep adding more things :) I like the way this game is going. It seems more people are giving it another shot or come back from those other mmorpgs that came out and don't even have HALF of what TOR has. IM LOOKING AT YOU TERA!! GRRRRR *shakes fist* anyway...the genre is COMPLETELY different now because of what bioware has done. Every single mmo that comes out that does not have a good story with voice acting and choices that reflect your light/dark side and what npcs you can talk to, it's not gonna be good for that one. People are going to remember what they are missing in TOR when they go to the new ones.


SWTOR has started something great and it will only be a matter of time until more people realize and come back, or join up :)


Long live SWTOR!

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The game is fine. They have given everyone mainly what they wanted. The engine keeps getting optimzations, the game is running smoother, more population on every server plus they keep adding more things :) I like the way this game is going. It seems more people are giving it another shot or come back from those other mmorpgs that came out and don't even have HALF of what TOR has. IM LOOKING AT YOU TERA!! GRRRRR *shakes fist* anyway...the genre is COMPLETELY different now because of what bioware has done. Every single mmo that comes out that does not have a good story with voice acting and choices that reflect your light/dark side and what npcs you can talk to, it's not gonna be good for that one. People are going to remember what they are missing in TOR when they go to the new ones.


SWTOR has started something great and it will only be a matter of time until more people realize and come back, or join up :)


Long live SWTOR!


I'm sorry, but no. This game did not completely change the MMO industry with voice acting and choices. The only way it could possibly do that is if it not only knocked WoW off the top spot, but also completely crushed WoW. This game is not going to do that. It's not anywhere close to doing that. Hell, at this point, it'll be lucky to keep Rift from being the second most popular Western MMO (no, I'm not going to mention TSW or any of the new games until they get a few months under their belts).


This game is in danger of becoming a niche game if the devs don't get off their backsides and actually give us features that don't involve grinding dailies or valour for our characters. New story coming in the "next year or so?" Mini-games "something for the future?" It's very sad that their single player game from nine years ago had more "fluff" and immersion than their current MMO does.

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Game is fine.


The company is not.

Does not compute.


So, if the game is fine and BW created it then wherein lies your problem with the company? Are they running some sweatshop in Indonesia that the Amnesty should look into, or what's the problem here? Point being, who cares what they do as long as the product is fine (and it's within the law :) ), which you clearly said it was.

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I'm sorry, but no. This game did not completely change the MMO industry with voice acting and choices. The only way it could possibly do that is if it not only knocked WoW off the top spot, but also completely crushed WoW. This game is not going to do that. It's not anywhere close to doing that. Hell, at this point, it'll be lucky to keep Rift from being the second most popular Western MMO (no, I'm not going to mention TSW or any of the new games until they get a few months under their belts).


This game is in danger of becoming a niche game if the devs don't get off their backsides and actually give us features that don't involve grinding dailies or valour for our characters. New story coming in the "next year or so?" Mini-games "something for the future?" It's very sad that their single player game from nine years ago had more "fluff" and immersion than their current MMO does.


THIS! I don't understand why the mini-games like Pazaak are not in the game yet. Also, swoop racing and much more. Man, I will spend tons of hours on my ship and in cantinas playing Pazaak against other players haha


BioWare needs to add tons of "fluff" to the game now, and give us some content that's not raiding or dailies

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THIS! I don't understand why the mini-games like Pazaak are not in the game yet. Also, swoop racing and much more. Man, I will spend tons of hours on my ship and in cantinas playing Pazaak against other players haha


BioWare needs to add tons of "fluff" to the game now, and give us some content that's not raiding or dailies


I think that fluff is an expansion pack down the road, i really don't think its going to happen with an update

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lol, doomsayers must be getting desperate. D3 really? I mean GW2 maybe but D3? Whats next? "OMG gaiz, Halo 4 is coming out, this game is dead!"


Gimme a break. Oh look, I bought D3 ... I played it then, play it now yet somehow I not only kept my SWTOR sub ... I continue to play it! Its almost as if A) D3 isnt an MMO ...and B) buy to play games pose no threat what so ever to sub MMOs! GW came out after WoW, great game, PvP was 100x better than WoW ... didnt do **** to it! Maybe ill buy GW2, maybe not, either way there is absolutely no reason to unsub from SWTOR! Why? Because the only other AAA MMO alternative is WoW. Not D3 not GW2 .... WoW! And I like SWTOR way more than WoW!

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I got a free week to test out the game and I must say I'm impressed with how much they improved and polished everything. Now this looks like a finished product. I subbed again, because I believe quality games should be supported. Game is so much more enjoyable now and I think people like me, who left after the first 2 months, should give it another go. :)


I myself had a break from the game for a few months this spring and came back and play more than ever now. I know more people who done the same. So, yes, you have a point there.

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This game has had so many chances... and blown every one. It had the potential to be great but sadly it isn't. I've stuck with it this long ... hoping but when my sub runs out I'm not renewing.


The MMO BW could have made but didn't is out there and finally I'm having fun again. :p

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I got a free week to test out the game and I must say I'm impressed with how much they improved and polished everything. Now this looks like a finished product. I subbed again, because I believe quality games should be supported. Game is so much more enjoyable now and I think people like me, who left after the first 2 months, should give it another go. :)


+1 resubed few days ago, got the star wars nostalgia :p

I am impressed from the all work BW have put in this game since release, so many things has been fixed, the graphics looks really nice right now (and the character's armor high quality graphics, nice!), the anoying lag/freezes/drop of fps is gone, the miscellaneous tweaks etc etc.

Just enjoying the game once again.


Sure there are many things to work on, but everything with its time :) And yeah, the game feels like a finished product right now, gj BW!

Kudos for the free server transfers as well ;)

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it will only be a matter of time until more people realize and come back!


Yeah...the problem with the ppl that leave this game is that they cant see the truth: that this game is awesome!!


Thats gotta be it! They are blind!!




Lets just give ppl time, maybe more 6 months....cuz they havent already waited enough for a transfer and a "look for noob" tool.


Lets do better: how about wait for another year and eventually they will realize the truth and come back....they gotta come back.....right? :eek:

Edited by EduardoJN
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I got a free week to test out the game and I must say I'm impressed with how much they improved and polished everything. Now this looks like a finished product. I subbed again, because I believe quality games should be supported. Game is so much more enjoyable now and I think people like me, who left after the first 2 months, should give it another go. :)


Ummm, no. Obviously you have not played enough to realize that nothing much has changed. GL to you and everyone who continues paying for this...whatever it is.

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Yeah...the problem with the ppl that leave this game is that they can see the truth: that this game is awesome!!


Thats gotta be it! They are blind!!




Lets just give ppl time, maybe more 6 months....cuz they havent already waited enough for a transfer and a "look for noob" tool.


Lets do better: how about wait for another year and eventually they will realize the truth and come back....they gotta come back.....right? :eek:


ROFL, good one :p Totally agree.

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Yeah...the problem with the ppl that leave this game is that they can see the truth: that this game is awesome!!


Thats gotta be it! They are blind!!




Lets just give ppl time, maybe more 6 months....cuz they havent already waited enough for a transfer and a "look for noob" tool.


Lets do better: how about wait for another year and eventually they will realize the truth and come back....they gotta come back.....right? :eek:


Dude this comment is epic... At first i thought you were serious, and were one of those people that's in denial that the subscription method and this game works... :D

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