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Once and for all...

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So my parser is inaccurate and buggy as all heck.


What I want to know once and for all is which spec has higher maintained dps, it's been long known that watchman pulls ahead, but as of late im hearing a lot about combat sents out performing.


I enjoy both specs so this isnt a pro - con topic, this isnt a "i can haz 800k damages in voidstar" I want some clear, concise info on the matter of which spec simply puts out and maintains more damage in op settings.


Parses would be appreciated if anyone has some extensive reseach on the subject please let me know!


To beat a dead horse, i dont care if you pulled a million damage in some warzone, I want actual dps info


Thanks in advance to anyone that participates in this lil journey of mine :)

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54 views come on no, i know somebody has the answers!


More like I don't care. I like Watchman. So what if Combat can pull more DPS. Its overall utility is poor next to a Watchman with faster interrupts and some proc heals. Mind you I would love to have a Combat wingman as the two of us was absolutely ruining anything that crosses our paths.

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More like I don't care. I like Watchman. So what if Combat can pull more DPS. Its overall utility is poor next to a Watchman with faster interrupts and some proc heals. Mind you I would love to have a Combat wingman as the two of us was absolutely ruining anything that crosses our paths.


Umm. okay? So who has some numbers?

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I would like to see carefully tested numbers as well, but if you don't trust your own parser, why would you trust someone else's?


Given that you apparently have tested, what is it that you think is wrong with your parser, and why would it discriminate between Combat and Watchman? I can believe that maybe the absolute DPS numbers are off due to start/end effects, but the relative DPS of two specs should be largely independent of that.

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Well I just can't get it to work properly period. it only records certain fights that i seem t have no control over he start/stop times. i dunno but i haven't had enough motivation to fiddle around with it more


Dude, then that's your own problem. I run my own numbers. I don't trust anyone elses numbers. You can skew those to make any spec look better. At least if you run your own, you will know what performs best for you.

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Dude, then that's your own problem. I run my own numbers. I don't trust anyone elses numbers. You can skew those to make any spec look better. At least if you run your own, you will know what performs best for you.


Neat. Meanwhile back on the ranch, i'm still interested in hearing other people's research on this subject.

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Neat. Meanwhile back on the ranch, i'm still interested in hearing other people's research on this subject.


Obliviously you know that the general majority says watchmen cause your title is "once and for all". And there seems to be a handful of us that claim combat performs better. Truth be told, I am starting to see more and more combat sentinels out there. So maybe some peoe are starting to see what the rest of us have seen now for a while. I think you are just stirring up the pot personally.

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