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Anybody else playing both WoW and SWTOR?


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Look guys, you can mock the Pandas as much as you want (1) but there is obviously something that Blizzard is doing right and Bioware is not doing, since WoW subs last quarters were stable, and TOR ones dropped by 25 %...



(1)This is really sweet from fans of a universe that spawned the Ewoks and whose key philosophy, the Force, is a quite blatant rip-off of Asian philosophy as perceived by Hollywood.

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Look guys, you can mock the Pandas as much as you want (1) but there is obviously something that Blizzard is doing right and Bioware is not doing, since WoW subs last quarters were stable, and TOR ones dropped by 25 %...



(1)This is really sweet from fans of a universe that spawned the Ewoks and whose key philosophy, the Force, is a quite blatant rip-off of Asian philosophy as perceived by Hollywood.


There's also completely nothing to do in WoW at the moment, as with the end of most expansions which is fairly impressive. I love SWTOR and want to see it succeed but when you see comments stemming from ignorance about how awful WoW is you really need to explain why it's doing so much better than pretty much every MMO on the market, even with it's old age.

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I used to pay WoW (for about 3 years), got bored but tried it again when Cata came out.

Rolled a new Worgen rogue, Played the same amount of hours per week as previously, made it to above level 60 in a matter of weeks where before it took almost a year for me to do that. Felt too much like I was being herded into endgame, which is so not what I'm into.

Unsubbed without a second thought.


After getting a closed beta code for The Secret World, I tried that out - bought a lifetime subscription for it soon after.

Now play that and SWTOR.

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Several months after Cata hit I was done for the last time. I've quit before and came back, but that last time was it. I've never looked back, and will never return even if they paid me to play. WoW is vomit worthy at this point to me...
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No, I quit WoW and never looked back. Game was fun and just got boring. Like you most of my friends play WoW. We hang out in Vent together joking around together.


Pretty much the same with me.


I am tired of WoW to the point of hating the game and blizzard. They destroyed the game further with each expansion and cataclysm was the straw that broke the camel's back. I will never go back to it. Even if SWTOR and GW2 ended, i would still rather go to RIFT or TERA.

WoW is the worst of the MMO's in terms of fun right now. It really should die, but theres people who just made it a habit and stick around playing it.

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Look guys, you can mock the Pandas as much as you want (1) but there is obviously something that Blizzard is doing right and Bioware is not doing, since WoW subs last quarters were stable, and TOR ones dropped by 25 %...



(1)This is really sweet from fans of a universe that spawned the Ewoks and whose key philosophy, the Force, is a quite blatant rip-off of Asian philosophy as perceived by Hollywood.


Get back to us in a few months when the annual passes with free Diablo 3 run out. :)

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The Diablo III free pass, the easy argument


There was around 1.2 million online copies of DIII sold. This include every single copy that was got with annual pass.


The WoW subs are NOT only propeleed by annual pass, far from it.


BTW guys, it's prettty, pretty pretty pathetic to defend TOR by stating that the competition ''cheated'' by offering a promotion (1). TOR should have slaughtered out of water WoW, with it's IP and the mere fact that WoW is eight years old.


I should also add that if you hate WoW with a passion, I truly don't see how you can like TOR gameplay.



(1)Seriously, if you took the annual pass without liking WoW ''and Pandas'', you are probably too stupid to play even Dora the Explorer Online.

Edited by Angedechu
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I use to play both. Which I can afford two subs per month, but canceled my sub to TOR. For me, WoW remains the best MMO on the market.


I can't see that myself.


WAR is much, much better for PvP & RvR, LOTRO & SWTOR better story and alting, EvE for nightmarish lawlessness.


Raiding? I dunno maybe, that got old in EQ1.


WoW was decent, but I can't say I missed it after I quit in late BC.

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The Diablo III free pass, the easy argument


There was around 1.2 million online copies of DIII sold. This include every single copy that was got with annual pass.


The WoW subs are NOT only propeleed by annual pass, far from it.


BTW guys, it's prettty, pretty pretty pathetic to defend TOR by stating that the competition ''cheated'' by offering a promotion (1). TOR should have slaughtered out of water WoW, with it's IP and the mere fact that WoW is eight years old.


I should also add that if you hate WoW with a passion, I truly don't see how you can like TOR gameplay.



(1)Seriously, if you took the annual pass without liking WoW ''and Pandas'', you are probably too stupid to play even Dora the Explorer Online.


The only thing worse than the graphics in WOW are it's players. TOR is more for adults while pandas and Pokemon pet battles are for kids. :cool:

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I played a few beta's for GW2 and I can tell you it's not grind free. The pvp is likely to be better, but actually the pve is very disappointing. I was actually planning to play GW2 next to SWTOR but that's not gonna happen now. I was already bored before I made it to level 5 on my toons there. That's not a good start.


Never played WoW but I think MMOs all get to that point where it gets a bit boring cause endgame is too limited and will start boring people. SWTOR holds my interest now, but it's because I do a lot of things that aren't endgame, playing lots of alts etc. If I was one of those people who plays one toon and goes for endgame I probably would've quit this game but so far it still works for me so here I am.


Dude i agree with you, apart from the fact that the pve bosses are huge and awesome it's not much of a challenge

No trinity stinks but atleast there is no pvp grind compared to the hell that is swtor to get gear.And in swtor because there is hardly any open pvp there is little reason to grinf it, instaned wz are boring.But yeah over all i agree with you.

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after playing for almost 7 years I was kind of burnt out on WoW. I've always said the only way I'd go back is if I could play a Panderan brewmaster as a class (mostly to run around throwing alcohol on people yelling HOW BOUT A DRINK). But I digress. I quit WoW in Cata and have considered very seriously going back twice, mostly because of SWTOR. WoW may not be a 10 anymore, it may not have been a 10 for a while, but it's still above a 5. And after dating a 3 for awhile (SWTOR) I have considered going back to my 6 often. Edited by Baconmonster
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I quit playing WoW about a month before I got accepted for my first round of SWTOR beta time and haven't looked back.


I due still maintain my WoW account, but that's just because my wife still likes playing it (never bought a second account just for her since we only have the one computer).

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Been playing SWTOR for about 5month's, when i stopped playing Wow.


Wow's just a kids game now, the whole game's to easy.

You can thank Cataclysm for that, and the 'INC' Kung fu panda expansion, the game's terrible now.


Since fewer than 2% of WoW's players complete the current raid tier on the hardest mode before a new raid tier comes out, I'd say you don't know what you're talking about.


The only thing worse than the graphics in WOW are it's players. TOR is more for adults while pandas and Pokemon pet battles are for kids. :cool:


I find that people who insult everyone who enjoys a different game by calling them "kids" shouldn't be commenting on what stellar community members they are.


SWTOR's community is far more toxic than any I've ever come across.

Edited by Caelrie
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No, I quit WoW and never looked back. Game was fun and just got boring. Like you most of my friends play WoW. We hang out in Vent together joking around together.


I did the same. Quit wow when swtor came out. Havent looked back. Not regretting it at all either. This game rocks. Im a scifi nut anyway.

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Since fewer than 2% of WoW's players complete the current raid tier on the hardest mode before a new raid tier comes out, I'd say you don't know what you're talking about.




I find that people who insult everyone who enjoys a different game by calling them "kids" shouldn't be commenting on what stellar community members they are.


SWTOR's community is far more toxic than any I've ever come across.


to your first statement:

while I doubt that, let's go with it to amuse myself. the same can be said about ANY MMO. considering that WoW is the one with those enourmous subscriber numbers, I'd say it's save to say that obviously as a whole a lot more people see the WoW 'most difficult' stuff than say... people who play FFXI.

I don't know .anybody. who played WoW and other 'somewhat popular' games (EQ, FF, LOTRO and so on) who says that the WoW dungeons/raids where harder than those other games. usually it's the opposite.


and your second statement...

I agree that the 'community' in this game is worse than the games I mostly played, but it's far from toxic. most of the negativity can be exclusively found here on the offical forums - and other gaming forums. (it's basically 'in' to hate on this game)

you meet douchebags in every game. even back when lotro was still p2p you weren't save from them.



(though I do agree that insulting people just because they enjoy something else is rather silly)

Edited by amnie
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before cata hit i felt like i was done with wow.


I enjoyed the lore and theme of the game but end game was awful and TBh so it is with TOR.


dont get me wrong i like to pvp and do FP but the grind for ops and others was to much, at least in TOR i can roll alts and get a compleatly different story each time.

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Guys, a reality check might be useful here. (I find WoW sort of lame ATM, and I'm a huge SW fan)


1)WoW gameplay and TOR gameplay are not similar. They are identical. I can play a JK tank exactly like my Warrior. I have in fact the spell bar organized EXACTLY in the same way. The difference is that TOR is ''more difficult'' by not having efficiant AOE tanking abilities, no mana emergency button for healers. So if you find WoW boring, I have trouble seeing how you find TOR more exciting....


2)There is not eight distinct stories. For all it's flaws, WoW storytelling at lest offer you from 1-60 between 2 and 4 zones to choose per level, and on 60 to 85, with the nobable exception of early 60 and 82-95, you can usually choose between two. TOR class storylines are maybe, what, 25% of the overall experience.


3)TOR is definitely NOT harder than WoW. What make it ''harder'' is the lack of add-ons.

Edited by Angedechu
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Guys, a reality check might be useful here. (I find WoW sort of lame ATM, and I'm a huge SW fan)


1)WoW gameplay and TOR gameplay are not similar. They are identical. I can play a JK tank exactly like my Warrior. I have in fact the spell bar organized EXACTLY in the same way. The difference is that TOR is ''more difficult'' by not having efficiant AOE tanking abilities, no mana emergency button for healers. So if you find WoW boring, I have trouble seeing how you find TOR more exciting....


2)There is not eight distinct stories. For all it's flaws, WoW storytelling at lest offer you from 1-60 between 2 and 4 zones to choose per level, and on 60 to 85, with the nobable exception of early 60 and 82-95, you can usually choose between two. TOR class storylines are maybe, what, 25% of the overall experience.


3)TOR is definitely NOT harder than WoW. What make it ''harder'' is the lack of add-ons.


ok where is your theory that people dont like TOR cause its to hard or wows to easy comming from?

almost every person here has said they simply dont like wow and not one has they left because its to hard or easy.

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Last logged onto wow in march thanks to a friend scrolling me and I anted to see whether or not things have changed.

They haven't and the end game is now comparable (gogo massive zone buff) to TOR's.

The only thing I miss is my friends but since a majority of the people I raided with in BC and wrath have quit my new guild family sort of makes up fo rit.


I do get abit nostalgic though and have caught myself wanting to renew my sub just to have a dink around.

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