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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Vehicles on Fleet need to end.


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So to punish one you punish the masses? It's people like you that make life miserable. Here is an idea, report the player and tell ur friends to do the same. This way HE gets punished not me.


If they removed speeders, but gave everyone a 110% speed buff while on fleet, how does that punish the masses? Everyone can get around at the at least the same speed, some faster.

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Far too often some slick player thinks it's funny to park his vehicle in the view path of a terminal. Since players won't be considerate of other players, I say prohibit vehicle travel on fleet all together. Since players want to act like children and purposely irritate other players, then the means to irritate must be removed. Here is a screen shot of the type thing that happens every single day. This is just one small example of how people deliberately annoy others on fleet.


These players were asked to move or turn off their vehicles because it obstructs people's ability to interact with the terminal. The response given was, "That's the point, rofl"


If they want to act like kids, then I say remove the ability all together on fleet. This has got to be the number one issue on fleet with all servers. This behavior needs to end.


Deal with it just like the rest of us.

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banishing mounts from fleet would be nice if only for game imersion. you dont use you car inside even if it would get you from living room to bathroom faster. Wish the game was more about what would feel real that what majority of people ask for. mounts indoor is just a no imo.
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I say no. I don't want to lose my ability to get around quicker because of a small number of idiots. I say instead they should have something such as WoW's Baby Spice that we can buy from a vendor and throw on the character to shrink them to a smaller size for 30 seconds or so.


EMDF (Experimental Matter Destabilization Field)

An experimental Gree device used to disrupt the basic properties of matter, while the field is active the targeted subject will decrease in size by approximately 75%. Cannot be used while in combat or on targets which are in combat. Lasts 30seconds.


Just sell it for 5k-10k creds from some vendor on some planet, like the MGGS or NVSCCS.


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I just want to be able to steal their hubcaps and rims. allow other characters to strip parts off their rides if they sit too long, leaving missing parts and sparks and smoke. also make that 110% speeder run at 90% for the 7 days it takes to get replacements.
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OP is a bit selfish. He claims mounts should be banned, so he doesn't have to spend 5 seconds adjusting his camera angle. And proposes that those who would not want to ban mounts on fleets to spend 10's of seconds (if not minutes) more time getting around.


All it takes to solve this:

Move mailboxes/other clickable thingies away from the main "afk area" (near the bank). Around the sides would be just fine. Also, make the surrounding area no-mount area. This area shouldn't be too large, so it doesn't dismount people who just want to pass by.

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I agree that vehicles on the fleet are an utter nuisance, especially around the GTN terminals and mailboxes. Sure, you can still click on them, but it is annoying having your screen suddenly filled up with one of those huge speeders or having one parked on your character. They are an eyesore and look ridiculously out of place.


However, some people don't like to spend time running on fleet so would probably put up a huge fuss if they were removed.


I think a good compromise would be to only allow the smaller level 25 ones (the segway/lawnmower looking ones). Everyone buys one for their first speeder, anyway. And if somehow someone manages not to, well, they can just suck it up and spend the whopping 8K (?) credits to acquire one if they insist on using a speeder on fleet. :p


wrong and wrong,

u should ask BW to give a UI option to disable vehicles' view,

just like the helmet,

instead of only allow some small one,

that is so stupid, and against customers' will.

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OP is a bit selfish. He claims mounts should be banned, so he doesn't have to spend 5 seconds adjusting his camera angle. And proposes that those who would not want to ban mounts on fleets to spend 10's of seconds (if not minutes) more time getting around.


All it takes to solve this:

Move mailboxes/other clickable thingies away from the main "afk area" (near the bank). Around the sides would be just fine. Also, make the surrounding area no-mount area. This area shouldn't be too large, so it doesn't dismount people who just want to pass by.


Once again, the most common suggestion in this thread and others that address the same problem, is that speeders be banned, but players get a 110% speed buff while on fleet, making running as fast as tier 3 speeders are. Nobody loses any time racing around fleet, in fact a lot of people would actually save time. You have those players who do yet not have 110% speeder training, either due to level or cost, as well as those players who are already considerate enough to dismount when they reach their destination. Those players would save the couple of seconds it takes to remount.


By banning speeders and giving everyone the 110% speed buff, the only thing lost is the ability for people to stroke their e-peen by sitting around in their speeders doing nothing but trying to show off. I see no reason to oppose banning speeders while buffing players run speed unless you are one of those who like to show off. If I am missing a reason, please enlighten me.

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I'm not sure I agree with this. Common courtesy doesn't exist anywhere online - read any forum anywhere. Common courtesy exists in the real world, where your real self might actually have to interact with the real people around you again, in some kind of meaningful way. Plus, there's the option that some people might take exception to your rudeness, and punch you in the face.


I like the idea of prohibiting speeders but giving everybody a speed buff. No more rudeness allowed. Until then, I'm going to report everybody - it's the only time the rude people will experience a consequence for their actions.



I think it says a lot of bad things about our species in that when there ISN'T a consequence for our actions (i.e. all online interactions), we will act like jerks most of the time.


An interesting point. Although I don't think I agree with the generalization. Here is why.


You are absolutely right about the internet as a whole including most forums. People can be as rude and obnoxious as they want with no consequences. However, when you sign up for an MMO you first agree to the End User agreement and to abide by the rules and regs. There are consequences for not following these agreements. But more importantly, you become a member of a community. It is a loose social construct. So it's slightly different than the general internet free for all imo with some responsibilities even though they may not be apparent to all.


In this case though, it is hard for BW to really make rules with consequences surrounding the boats on the fleet. Mainly because they are rewards for playing the game. And I guarantee that there will be a flurry of complaints by those boat users if there were any limitations specifically singling them out. The outcry would be enormous.


I would have thought a reminder of common courtesy would be enough, along with policing by the community but since that will not work as these are rewards given by the game, then it makes sense to take it out of our hands.


I don't propose a ban of all speeders. I like using my speeder to get from point a to b. But I do think that as I arrive at point b, and it happens to be a vendor, a mailbox, or GTN, I should get unmounted automatically. Problem solved in my view.

Edited by Qarran
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