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Dual Spec Bioware?


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I didn't want to waste time sifting through all the threads about this subject, so I'm asking Bioware to consider this as a suggestion for the next patch. I don't want to have to go re-spec everytime I plan to go into a warzone.
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Is "dual-spec" being able to say save a PvE spec and a PvP spec and be able to selectively choose between the two? See, problem is... that could ROYALLY OP certain good pvpers if they're allowed to switch between specs on the fly since as far as specs go, they tend to differ from each other with different advantages and disadvantages - being able to switch from say Pyro PT to AP PT simply because it is huttball, for example.
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Dual specs are a mistake imo


Some people are under the fantasy that this solves tank/healer issues on group finders etc


You play an archtype, other people play other archtypes, kinda simple to me


And with the fact that you can pretty much have any class you want 50 in about a week, there is no reason for it at all

Unfortunately it is coming

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You guys do realise if you buy the field respecialization perk you can actually respec mid warzone, right?


Regardless, I approve of the Dual Spec idea. It is almost a requirement in this day and age. Much like LFG was, and they implemented it last patch.

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In addition and the real reason I'm surprised they will be implemented is


A bh merc can be heals or dps

A bh pt can be tank or dps

A assassin can tank or dps

A sorc can heal or dps

An op can heal or dps

A warrior can tank or dps


So the maurader and sniper can dps or dps

So while this is adventageous to most screws 2 archtypes per side

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the respec is more an annoyance than anything else. i am the main tank for my guild, but I try to pvp during offtime.


it's fine when i'm just doing a regular week, respec 5-6 times, it's not that expensive.


it's annoying when a guild mate needs help with a FP or something, and I need to respec 2x just to help him/her out.


this has pretty much become a standard feature in MMO since wow had it, i don't know why it's not in this game yet.

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As long as it isn't usable inside warzones, I don't get what the problem is... But then again they would have to add some kind of interface, and a save functionality, so bioware have to google how to do that before this function can be implemented...
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In addition and the real reason I'm surprised they will be implemented is


A bh merc can be heals or dps

A bh pt can be tank or dps

A assassin can tank or dps

A sorc can heal or dps

An op can heal or dps

A warrior can tank or dps


So the maurader and sniper can dps or dps

So while this is adventageous to most screws 2 archtypes per side


Not really - different specs offer different tactical advantages based upon enemy class compositions and warzones - for example, carnage marauder = great in huttball (improved predation) + great single-target DPS. Annihilation = great sustained DPS.... so long as the enemy team doesn't have good merc/commando/ops/scound healers removing their teamates' DoT's, Rage = great at clustering warzones (mainly voidstar), but gets countered by teams with sorc/sages (who can purge/cleanse their force crush - effectively depriving them of shockwaves from it).


Hell, even the difference between AP and Pyro PT specs are night and day - PT's tend to have issues with ranged root classes that keep beyond 10m and melee classes with high burst damage that root and/or slow - AP has a much easier time kiting/running circles around those melees and can actually close the gap to those pesky snipers... not mention it's definitely superior to pyro in a hutt-ball match. Sniper specs have situational advantages over each other as well - engineer = great for voidstar and clustered matches, marksman is good at single-target, lethality is... well... lethality simply IS (not gunna' state one way or the other about this spec ;) ).


Seriously, being able to dual-spec in PvE will give significant PvP advantages (if permitted to swap between the two in a warzone).


As someone stated earlier, apparently the field respec legacy talent lets you respec in a WZ, but that can cause a significant inconvenience due to the re-allocation of talent points and having to move keybinds - albeit, I'm sure some people can do this relatively quickly if they know their specs inside out - but... this will certainly begin to cost people a pretty penny.

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