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Lag Switch Exploit?


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I wonder... If someone falls into pit (usually ball hadler) and half of our team follows him, shakes like crazy, and after 0,5-1 sec appears on top of ramp :mad: or even on score line. :eek: This is a bug or "Lag Switch"? Edited by Glower
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Sometime the server lag but since last week I did notice odd things in some warzones. Sudden lag that will show itself only when a certain player was present mid and lag will vanish when he died and came back when he was mid again. Casting a AOE on a nod a enemy was trying to cap , not interrupting him and also no damage on him at all. In a pit during huttball fighting a player , player started moving strangely then vanished and appeared in the endzone 2 secs later Been playing the game since the beta launch and I have pvp a lot never saw those things happen before. Don't tell me that's only due to server lags. I'll start to record my pvp matches for now. Some people cheats for sure and they'll get recorded.
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I wonder... If someone falls into pit (usually ball hadler) and half of our team follows him, shakes like crazy, and after 0,5-1 sec appears on top of ramp :mad: or even on score line. :eek: This is a bug or "Lag Switch"?
This happens all the time and is almost certainly lag. You can see a similar (but less drastic) phenomenon if you see someone rooted who was running. They'll continue to move and then suddenly be teleported back to where they were standing when the root started. Usually this is only half a metre or so, but it's a lot more noticeable in Huttball where half a metre is the difference between falling into the pit or not.


Lots of actions happen at roughly the same time and server has to determine the correct serquence of events. Sometimes an update (possibly from a player who was lagging) shows that other actions thought to have occurred can't actually happen - even if other players clients have already displayed this action. It happens elsewhere but definitely most noticeable in the pit in Huttball. I've had lots of games where someone falls down, we follow him, start hitting and then he appears to vanish - presumably because the game realises that he was actually fully resolved when that knockback hit him.

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