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Lag Switch Exploit?


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I was in Huttball. I saw someone within an object, and was able to grab the ball. No one could attack him. Then later, he would seemingly teleport over distances. No one could strike the character.


Someone called it lag switch exploit. Anyone see this?

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I was in Huttball. I saw someone within an object, and was able to grab the ball. No one could attack him. Then later, he would seemingly teleport over distances. No one could strike the character.


Someone called it lag switch exploit. Anyone see this?


I have seen this from time to time but cannot be certain that it's an actual hack/exploit. Since 1.3, we've all been experiencing lag in Warzones. Huttball more than the others for me personally.


Although some of the things I have seen, are definitely exploits ... such as knocking a person into a pool of acid, watching him take no damage and then POOF, he's half way across the map from me with absolutely no lag on my end.

Edited by Alkiii
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Huttball really highlights latency, lag, and poor client/server communication and timing issues. These are overall issues that the devs need to work on so gameplay feels smoother and makes more sense compared to what you see on your screen and the actions you try to take.
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Lag Switching is a common hacking technique that could be used for the purposes you mentioned. Heck you can download software to do it or build/buy a hardware lag switch.


It is very difficult to tell from one match if someone is using a lag switch. If you see this behavior and aren't lagging yourself, I'd recommend reporting the player. If it was just explainable lag, no problem. If BIO/EA investigates, or gets lots of reports of the same thing on that player, that establishes a pattern of this type of behavior it is probably someone using a lag switch.

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The interesting point here..I only see it in Hutball....issue with game sw structure is obvious so it is a bug or a exploit....however I lean towards cheat because an entire team experiences it..mine..however, the opposite team doesnt and scores 3 times within 3 minutes..hmmm how frakin convenient...we all get lag, all on different ISP's, different systems and yet all lag at exact same time. Think about that and then explain why the other team isnt lagging..oh and this lag I only ever see in warzones never in world instances..and thats the common denominator that leads me to suspect we have more exploits being used...again.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I say that we hvae people using a software or hardware lag switch.


All to to often I am encountering that lag at the most opportune time for the opposing team.


IE, in voidstar we just planed and then as soon as a cloaker appears to disarm, LAG and no one has a chance to stop the disarm.


In huttball, everytime I get a lag spike the opposing team scores, is close to scoring, or has the ball.


In CIvil War, when the opposing team is attempting to cap a node, LAG spike.


I refuse to believe it is all just coincidence.

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I was in Huttball. I saw someone within an object, and was able to grab the ball. No one could attack him. Then later, he would seemingly teleport over distances. No one could strike the character.


Someone called it lag switch exploit. Anyone see this?


Known issue where a player dies, yet he is shown inside the object where the ball spawns, a few seconds later the player will eventually warp to his cloner. The player who is dead, is UNABLE to grab the ball, and also will not see himself inside the ball spawn. There is no lag switch going on, it's a bug that's been here for quite some time, and associated with Huttball.

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I say that we hvae people using a software or hardware lag switch.


All to to often I am encountering that lag at the most opportune time for the opposing team.


IE, in voidstar we just planed and then as soon as a cloaker appears to disarm, LAG and no one has a chance to stop the disarm.


In huttball, everytime I get a lag spike the opposing team scores, is close to scoring, or has the ball.


In CIvil War, when the opposing team is attempting to cap a node, LAG spike.


I refuse to believe it is all just coincidence.


It's server side lag, not lag switching induced by players at some magical time. :rolleyes:

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The interesting point here..I only see it in Hutball....issue with game sw structure is obvious so it is a bug or a exploit....however I lean towards cheat because an entire team experiences it..mine..however, the opposite team doesnt and scores 3 times within 3 minutes..hmmm how frakin convenient...we all get lag, all on different ISP's, different systems and yet all lag at exact same time. Think about that and then explain why the other team isnt lagging..oh and this lag I only ever see in warzones never in world instances..and thats the common denominator that leads me to suspect we have more exploits being used...again.


How do you know the other team doesnt experience it? and Yes we are all on different ISP with Different PCs but you're all connected at the same time to the same server. And yes the crappy Trollware servers can lag.

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Known issue where a player dies, yet he is shown inside the object where the ball spawns, a few seconds later the player will eventually warp to his cloner. The player who is dead, is UNABLE to grab the ball, and also will not see himself inside the ball spawn. There is no lag switch going on, it's a bug that's been here for quite some time, and associated with Huttball.


This. Also at the start of the game you will sometimes see ghost players running in mid air (as if running up a ramp)near the center of the field. On the same note, you can sometimes see latecomers come into Novare Coast at the speed run buff in the middle of the map.

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The interesting point here..I only see it in Hutball....issue with game sw structure is obvious so it is a bug or a exploit....however I lean towards cheat because an entire team experiences it..mine..however, the opposite team doesnt and scores 3 times within 3 minutes..hmmm how frakin convenient...we all get lag, all on different ISP's, different systems and yet all lag at exact same time. Think about that and then explain why the other team isnt lagging..oh and this lag I only ever see in warzones never in world instances..and thats the common denominator that leads me to suspect we have more exploits being used...again.



Actually I've seen lag like this many times in Explosive Conflict (an instance that these days often has quite a high population, especially compared to other non warzone instances). It was kinda funny the first time in Teamspeak when someone said "did anyone else see that lag spike" and the other 7 of us at once went "oh man I thought it was just me!"


This is not to say that there isn't a cheat or exploit involved. Only that your logic is somewhat flawed.

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I have won a tonne and lost a tonne of huttball.


One thing that I see with certain players is what appears to be a lag spike that allows the ball carrier to disappear/stealth for around 3 seconds. They then reappear still holding the ball. The player drops targetting and is unable to be targetted during this time.


They are not teleporting or anything, simply not visible.


I have no screenshots or video, and so have not yet cried about it in game or in forums yet. I reserve the right to be proven wrong on this one, as I have only seen this 3-4 times and wont call anyone out on it yet.

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  • 8 months later...
I say that we hvae people using a software or hardware lag switch.


All to to often I am encountering that lag at the most opportune time for the opposing team.


IE, in voidstar we just planed and then as soon as a cloaker appears to disarm, LAG and no one has a chance to stop the disarm.


In huttball, everytime I get a lag spike the opposing team scores, is close to scoring, or has the ball.


In CIvil War, when the opposing team is attempting to cap a node, LAG spike.


I refuse to believe it is all just coincidence.


Ofc. the other explanation is that this engine is notorious for not being able to handle large numbers of players in a small area skirmishing. We've seen this since the first of us hit Ilum 1.0 and tried to pvp there. In every case you mention, I'm willing to bet most, if not all, of the players in the WZ are in a condensed area activating a number of abilities in rapid succession--this is what's causing the lag.


I'm not saying that there isn't some active lag switching going on; I'm just saying that in a large number of these cases the lag spikes are due more to the poorly optimized engine than to players lag switching.

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I say that we hvae people using a software or hardware lag switch.


All to to often I am encountering that lag at the most opportune time for the opposing team.


IE, in voidstar we just planed and then as soon as a cloaker appears to disarm, LAG and no one has a chance to stop the disarm.


In huttball, everytime I get a lag spike the opposing team scores, is close to scoring, or has the ball.


In CIvil War, when the opposing team is attempting to cap a node, LAG spike.


I refuse to believe it is all just coincidence.



Quinnlynn you don't do warzones, Quit Fraudin'!

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I've seen thread about this before, I'm not sure if there's something like hacks or exploits to swtor at the moment, but as mentioned earlier in this thread, I think it's the difference between the lag spikes of all players which the engine will try to 'generate' an average lag for all players to avoid certain players having an (dis)advantage.
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Although some of the things I have seen, are definitely exploits ... such as knocking a person into a pool of acid, watching him take no damage...

You know, I saw this happen three times in one Huttball match earlier this evening. We were fighting an Imperial team and three of their members took absolutely NO damage from being knocked into an acid pit. One was a Juggernaut, so I'm pretty sure he had no way to mitigate it down to 0%.


Should I be reporting this when I see it?

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