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The type of community we have...


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On my server, I made the horrible mistake of asking in general chat for ''how you can augment your gear ?''


Someone deliberately made me delete my helm. I placed it on the table, and it simply vanished.


200k credits joke. I hope the little rat had his fun

If you were told to place the helmet on the table, the individual was not attempting to do you harm. That is exactly how you do it, and even the correct terminology use. The fault lies with you, as you did not understand what this meant.


The individual was being honest and helpful. They didn't do anything wrong.

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I dont know how you deleted a item.


But yeah, the new age kiddies are annoying


On my server if someone asks a question about say hiding their helm.

You can be sure at least 5 people immediately pipe up with


Alt f4 will hide helm


Of course we all know alt f4 shuts you down instantly and you need to reload.


Ive never seen the humour in that but as I said, anyone asking any question will get 4 or 5 of those answers instantly.


Its the WOW era gamer OP.

Its the norm now and short of overly strict behavior rules that would cause these kids to cancel and pout (being cycber spanked for bad behavior), I dont see it changing.

All I can suggest is pick and choose those you hang around with and when someone gives you a honest answer, remember them as someone you can goto next time you have a enquiry.


As for racist stuff, thats completely against TOS so dont hesitate to take a screen shot and report the idiots saying racist crap in game.


I gotta admit, I have always been slow to report anything but the most obvious exploits and cheating but these new gamers, they are so utterly lacking class and social refinement that yeah, I feel no shame or hesitation at reporting those acting and saying ignorant and insulting stuff (and then adding them to ignore list).


Other then that, really not allot the players not breaking rules and trying to build a community and social enviroment can do with todays gamers!

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Oh trust me. I'm never going to trade anything again. Ever. Ever. Ever.



You wil... days / weeks later, or on a diferent game...


It's just a dumb guy who did a simple dumb thing. So that doesn't mean all have the same attitude.


P.S: I am 99% (Annonymus face, :rak_03:)

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I have played WoW for six years. I know perfectly how to place an item to get it enchanted or so. The guys specifically gave me directions to get the item deleted.


This said, I'm done with trading. I'm vendoring the blues and purples I get.

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I have played WoW for six years. I know perfectly how to place an item to get it enchanted or so. The guys specifically gave me directions to get the item deleted.


This said, I'm done with trading. I'm vendoring the blues and purples I get.


I'm not sure why you have to tell us, it's not like we're gonna cry about it.

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I have played WoW for six years. I know perfectly how to place an item to get it enchanted or so. The guys specifically gave me directions to get the item deleted.
What were those directions, then? What you've stated thus far demonstrates no harm was intended. Experience in past games means nothing, especially if that past game was WoW. Edited by HeavensAgent
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Your first mistake was asking about anything in general chat. Its just a breeding ground for trolls but I'm sure you're aware of that now.


1. Ask your guild.


2. Research your question on google.


3. If the above steps fail then maybe ask general chat.

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The type of community we have...


What do you mean, "we"?


Community on my server is just fine. Sure, we rib, joke around a bit, and have problems with the occasional troll, but people are usually pretty helpful on General chat on my server. In fact, those disillusioned with the LFG tool have gone back to using general chat to find groups or help, because people who respond to such calls usually ARE the helpful type.

LFG tool is for anti-social misfits too lazy or scared to communicate with others in any sensible fashion.

Like an LFG tool can substitue for social skills.

Put a jerk in a small room with three other people, it won't take long for the jerk to reveal themselves.


Be cautious in your dealings with others, always.

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Oh, yes, I want to talk and communicate with people on my server.


I tried to use ONE time the trade chat in seven months, and I ended losing the two third of my credits.

Are you going to provide details, or are you simply going to continue ranting/trolling?
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Ah, the trolls and abusers are often in more obvious in general chat (though they are everywhere), and I'd suggest never giving anyone anything I wasn't expecting to never see again (knowing/excepting the risks)...


I'd suggest finding a nice guild and limiting to working with only guildies again and again. While you can still get taken advantage of, it definitely reduces the odds tremendously.

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Oh, yes, I want to talk and communicate with people on my server.


I tried to use ONE time the trade chat in seven months, and I ended losing the two third of my credits.


I'm not going to point fingers in any direction or place blame on one person. Your situation sucks and I'm sorry it happened.


Don't let a horrible experience like this paint the rest of the community. Generally, there are a significant amount of good people playing this game who are willing to help out when needed. As you have experienced, there are also some real ***hats that take advantage. Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad.

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Are you going to provide details, or are you simply going to continue ranting/trolling?


What part you don't understand ? I have 43 mk-6 parts to one guy to craft augments, plus a tip, and he refused to craft the augmentt kits.

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On my server, I made the horrible mistake of asking in general chat for ''how you can augment your gear ?''


Someone deliberately made me delete my helm. I placed it on the table, and it simply vanished.


200k credits joke. I hope the little rat had his fun


(BTW, obviously, I don't even considered for a split second asking for a item restoration)


And also, it's wondeful to get racist slurs for asking on chat ''can anyone craft me an augment kit with my mats'' ?


I hope this is not discouraging but.... 99% of the people who play MMO's are ignorant pigs.

ive been playing MMOs for about 12 years and I luckily enough play with a core group of people who over the past 12 years have limited our guild to RL friends and family members. When you log into the game and know your friends my their RL name, their families it enriches the experience. We have moved from game to game over the years and I can say I have learned one core element in these kinds of games..... Don't trust 99% of that community because as I said they are pigs.


I have moved outside my circle of friends in this game and I can still only count on 2 hands the amount of people I can tolerate... Its the same type of person who says Alt F4 as their answer for everything or they say/do something to act like a jerk and when you say something they give the iconic.... cry more noob or..... you mad bro???


Yes , I know it sucks but it will never change..... you just need to learn to protect yourself by realizing that most of these people are just for lack of a more powerful word..... mean

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well that is rather silly since you can sell those on the GTN and make money that way. you don't have to trade to do that.


Yeah, this is a completely acceptable alternative. Why would you vendor blue and purple items when you can put them on the GTN?

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Oh, and after 20 minutes of asking in trade chat, someone took my 43 Augment Kit MK-6 parts to craft me augment kits.


Obviously, he played the ''I ignore you, pig'' game after.


400k credits stole from me in 20 minutes. I think I will go level my own characters and crafters, that's going to be FAR less expensive than dealing with the community.


To combat this, ask for money from him in exchange for the mats you gave him. Then tell him to send the crafted items to you COD. Then you can repay him for services rendered. That way no one gets scammed.

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