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Help with Jedi Sentinel Combat build


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If you are just starting out, wouldn't you want to just start trying it out and see what works best for you? The under 20 levels are pretty forgiving anyway.


Also just on the first two pages of this forum there are Combat Sentinal build requests. Here is one thread and here is another thread.


Then there is the sticky [GUIDE] PVP Sentinel.. Some of this may be a bit outdated (1.2) but the information is still good.


Sorry, it just feels like everyday there is another 'please build me a spec' thread. I like helping but people do get to a point where they feel like a broken record. /rant if you could even call it one.


Here is a ready made combat spec for you and what it will look like at certain intervals.


For some ideas what it would look like at level 20, at level 40 and filling in the rest. I left 3 open again to fill in where you see fit. :D


Edited by Ridickilis
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Hmm, well I don't disagree with you at all, all my toons are specced for pvp. I never had an issue completing any pve content with any of them because I find PVE incredibly easy as it is anyway. Outside of the story line I find pve fights boring and predictable. In fact I always run pve with a pvp hotbar/keybinds, which means anything that doesn't work in pvp isn't bound or found on my bars (opportune strike/pommel strike etc).


That said I am not a hard core raider nor do I engage in operations so, yeah, if the OP isn't going to pvp all that much and focus on pve then your suggestion would be more ideal.


EDIT: Yeah stagger really isn't worth the two points for either pve or pvp on a Combat build. Debilitation is certainly a must have for pvp, not so much for pve. However displacement is quite useful in pve when your healing compainion grabs too much aggo, tab the peeling npc, throw a root on him and go back to what you were doing. More often then not I would end up taking back the aggro when the root wears off as well. That talent also extends the range of pacify by 6m. Pacify is huge in both pve and pvp, well worth the two point investment.


EDIT 2: I'm curious why, for a pve build, would you need defensive roll? You shouldn't be stunned all that often to not be able to walk out of the aoe and take 0 damage anyway. Also why the one point in insight? Our Blade storms are usually always procced for a 100 percent crit chance and our smash sucks, great for immobilizing standard and weak npcs, but that's about it. What other force attack do we use regularly that would make that skill point worthwhile? I would say this is a more optimal pve build.

Edited by Ridickilis
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EDIT: Yeah stagger really isn't worth the two points for either pve or pvp on a Combat build. Debilitation is certainly a must have for pvp, not so much for pve. However displacement is quite useful in pve when your healing compainion grabs too much aggo, tab the peeling npc, throw a root on him and go back to what you were doing. More often then not I would end up taking back the aggro when the root wears off as well. That talent also extends the range of pacify by 6m. Pacify is huge in both pve and pvp, well worth the two point investment.


EDIT 2: I'm curious why, for a pve build, would you need defensive roll? You shouldn't be stunned all that often to not be able to walk out of the aoe and take 0 damage anyway. Also why the one point in insight? Our Blade storms are usually always procced for a 100 percent crit chance and our smash sucks, great for immobilizing standard and weak npcs, but that's about it. What other force attack do we use regularly that would make that skill point worthwhile? I would say this is a more optimal pve build.


Re: Defensive Roll, it is mandatory for operations and hard modes, where some AoE damage is unavoidable. Not taking Defensive Roll would be very inconsiderate to your healers, and you would be dead, doing 0 DPS, more often. 30% is a huge reduction.


Re: Displacement, I solo with a DPS companion, and I can't see any use in a short range, short duration, expensive, low DPS root regardless. If the mob on your healer is ranged, a root won't do anything, and if melee, your companion won't move out of melee range to take advantage. If I need to CC something, I'll use Awe or Force Sweep and then one-shot it with Pommel Strike. Bosses are immune to Pacify, and I will always be within 4m anyway of anything I'm fighting, so zero utility there, either.


Re: Insight, there is nowhere else to put the 41st point that will increase your damage output at all. Insight still buffs Force Sweep, Pommel Strike, Opportune Strike, Rebuke and Force Stasis. The first four are situationally useful, and the last is a better alternative to Strike, if it is up. It can also happen that Combat Trance expires just as you use Blade Storm, in which case it also buffs that ability.


In your "more optimal" build, you have a point in Recompense, which is totally useless; Combat Sentinels should never use Riposte in PvE, as it is a waste of focus. It also requires that you have aggro, which you want to actively avoid in groups.

Edited by LagunaD
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Well, yeah lol, I'm well aware one cannot dps while dead. I was merely asking is there are so many stuns with multiple aoe's on the ground at the same time during a raid or FP that made moving out of the circle next to impossible (like pvp can be) to made defensive roll worth it. That's all. Again I'm kind of a newb to endgame raiding so I'll take you word for it that it's best to take this skill for pve.


As far as using displacement, I had soloing with a healer in mind, not a dps who is right near me. Obviously I wouldn't root someone who was already on my healer, of course that's pointless. My point was you hit them before they got into melee range. My point when it came to the extra 6m for pacify was so I could use it on the target attacking my healer who is out of my melee range.


Yeah I kinda knew you wouldn't like riptose, I know I'm in the minority keeping that ability on my hotbar and using it often. Meh I like using it in both pve/pvp and don't find myself starved for focus or forced to spam my basic attack. Again this is coming from a solo pve perspective with a healer so I am kinda playing the 'tank' role where I want the aggro instead of my companion getting it.


Good insights though, thanks for the explanations.

Edited by Ridickilis
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The Combat build posted above is extremely subpar for PvE.


For PvE, the preferred Combat spec would be:




Stagger, Displacement and Debilitation are completely useless in PvE.


I recommend removing the two points in Swelling Winds and putting them into Insight to fill it out because there are very few situations where Sentinels will have to AoE anything in current content if you've got a Trooper, Sage or Scoundrels in your group.


I say put full points in Insight because although you only have one true force attack (Blade Storm) the talent Immaculate Force only doubles your current critical strike chance for Blade Storm as opposed to making it a true "auto-crit."

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I say put full points in Insight because although you only have one true force attack (Blade Storm) the talent Immaculate Force only doubles your current critical strike chance for Blade Storm as opposed to making it a true "auto-crit."


This is incorrect. Immaculate Force adds 100% to the force critical chance of Blade Storm. So if your force critical chance is 35%, the critical chance of Blade Storm will be 135%. The client files are clear in this regard.


Further, I recently did a parser test in which I was careful to use Blade Storm only with the Combat Trance on, and I crit 39/39 times. That is much more consistent with 100% critical chance than ~70% if it was doubling.

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