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Improving Healing in WZs


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I've seen some posts here showing folks with pretty decent heals at the end of their WZs, even reach 1mill. Yet, I never seen anybody get that high in an actual Warzone, maybe ~500k on the rare occassion. For me, my top result is ~400k, but my average is probably 250k.


Embarrassing that I post a defeat, but it's pretty normal for Pubs to lose on my server (at least in PuGs). ;) But here's some results for a Voidstar



I broke 400k, but the Imp healer above me was closer to 600k. In that particular match, I didn't struggle so much with getting people off of my back, which made it easier to hit 400k (as you'll see, I only had 2 deaths). However, take situations like Novare Coast last night, where I was constantly hit by the other side I found once my CCs were on CD I had to pretty much kite them for survivability, throw the odd heal/shield where I could, but my total heals in the end suffered. I also try to take advantage of obstacles, sometimes people stop attacking me, but when they don't, it at least gives me a little time to recover. The way I see it, if I'm kiting, I'm not keeping people alive.


I am almost full Battlemaster gear and I think it would be nice to get consistently high heals or even break higher than 400k, so I am wondering if there's any tips on improving my heals?

Edited by SeppukuA
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Hey there! I'm also a sage healer pvp healer. I'm not full BM yet but my numbers average 400-650k. Are you spamming your Salvation as much as you can? Also which Stim are you using? In your build did you put 2 points into increasing AoE heals? Remembering to pop force potency before deliverance?


I'm sure someone might come along and laugh at those points but a few of them can go a long way. Another point is I tend to pvp with a Tank buddy who keeps guard on me all the time. This helps unbelievably for both us.

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To be honest I've not been using any stims, though I will rectify that. :) I've got the 2 points on my AoE heals and I try to use Salvation as much as I can. But I probably forget my Force Potency, so I'll be more vigilant in that respect. I think they're useful things to consider.


Having a tank on you I imagine is a big hand, unfortunately our pre-mades tend to be 3 DPS + 1 healer (when we do grab tanks, I'll be sure to have them cover me) and I don't think you can always rely on PuGs, particularly with Pubs on our server, there's some really good Pub PvPers to be fair, but often or not you get people who seem to be all over the place (granted they have to play to learn, but it's frustrating), whilst the Imps are focused and together. It's pretty ridiculous because my Imp character is getting wins all the time, but pub side it's actually a lot of effort. But no harm in trying to get a tank to cover me, who knows, there might be one who'll help.



Edited by SeppukuA
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Most I've gotten atm is 806k heals...I'm in full WH and I could probably hit 1mil but I enjoy winning and doing rateds.

Something that helps is being a behind the scenes healer, basically remain invisvible as long as possible and when people start to focus you slow, Knockback, cc, interrupt make the dps trying to kill you get annoyed in chasing you. Healing while focused SPAM SPAM SPAM beneveleonce very rarely will it get interrupted and it can crits for more than 3k when fully geared so its still an incredibly nice heal. When you are at 75% health throw a hot on yourself, at 50% start to throw out heals to yourself. A lot of bad healers will start to heal themselves around 30% the reason this a horrible idea is because several classes in this game have a "finisher" so you always want to try and keep everyone over 50%. Also try and throws a salvation on a pole so people and you can los while still getting heals and noble sacrifce additionally when in your aoe heal.

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Yeah, I'm sure I'd get more heals if I wasn't thinking about helping win the match - you know, stopping healing to drop an AoE so somebody doesn't cap or in Huttball where I'm more interested in playing the sport and helping us win than actually focusing on my healing too much. Normally I try to set myself up in a spot where Rescue becomes most effective or stalk the ball carrier to make sure they're healed and the attackers are CC or slowed. Depends on where I am and the situation. I'm not so much worried about my healing in Huttball, it seems lately to be Pub's best WZ on our server and I am capable of aiding somebody in scoring or even scoring myself. (Lots of fun Rescuing a CC'd ball carrier over the goal line)


When you are at 75% health throw a hot on yourself, at 50% start to throw out heals to yourself. A lot of bad healers will start to heal themselves around 30% the reason this a horrible idea is because several classes in this game have a "finisher" so you always want to try and keep everyone over 50%.


Makes perfect sense. I love doing that on my Gunslinger. :)



Anyway, cheers for the tips, I will take them all to heart and hopefully see my healings improve. I very rarely see people hit the higher numbers, which means I fairly frequently end up in the top 2 heals. Though, when my guild starts doing Rated Warzones, I know I'll need to step up my game.




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Yup and bear in mind rescues aren't only for huttball but their is no greater feeling then rescuing someone while they are ccd in the fire xD. And rateds make sure people peel for you I'm not sure about your server but in mine it is a neccessity plus guard any additional questions feel free to ask I'm not gods gift to sage healing but I've played it since launch so I know a tad bit about it. Edited by totherkins
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I am one of the people who posted such high number screenshots in here.



It isn't a secret how to get such numbers.

As you can see, I'm running a full heal spec with the AoE heal in this game.

Don't die, use your AoE heal on cooldown, Bubble as many people as possible, Resurgence - Innervate focus fire targets.


The screenshot was taken around 2 weeks after 1.2 hit. At this point, I had only 2 WH heal set pieces, rest BM, so there would be much room for more. They seemed to completely ignore me, I didn't die once even without guard.


Those numbers are only possible in full length zerg Voidstar games, Alderaan games where mid doesn't get taken for most of the game and very close Novare games.


I don't play a full heal spec anymore, since it isn't viable at all without guard, taunts and peels, so I don't get as high numbers. But even with my hybrid-spec (21/18/2) without the AoE heal I get an average of 250-600k heal per game (+ 50-100k damage).

Edited by iphobia
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It's entirely possible to average 400-800k heals a warzone without salvation. As mentioned in this thread already the AOE heal is fairly useless unless you have a personal bodyguard and your entire teams protects you.


A lot of things have already been mentioned in this thread that will increase your healing (such as stims) but ultimately i would recommend that you bubble people on your team as much as possible. For a number of reasons this can make all the difference in keeping several people alive as well as 1 heavily focused target alive. This is something that i very rarely see healers do.

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Some more good advice folks.


I am one of the people who posted such high number screenshots in here.



It isn't a secret how to get such numbers.

As you can see, I'm running a full heal spec with the AoE heal in this game.

Don't die, use your AoE heal on cooldown, Bubble as many people as possible, Resurgence - Innervate focus fire targets.


The screenshot was taken around 2 weeks after 1.2 hit. At this point, I had only 2 WH heal set pieces, rest BM, so there would be much room for more. They seemed to completely ignore me, I didn't die once even without guard.


Those numbers are only possible in full length zerg Voidstar games, Alderaan games where mid doesn't get taken for most of the game and very close Novare games.


I don't play a full heal spec anymore, since it isn't viable at all without guard, taunts and peels, so I don't get as high numbers. But even with my hybrid-spec (21/18/2) without the AoE heal I get an average of 250-600k heal per game (+ 50-100k damage).


I figured the higher end numbers would be on a longer WZ, still, that's a pretty coo result, but if I could get a decent 500-600k I think I would be happy. I tend not to have my AoE on cool down and tend to pop it when I think I need it, but actually having it on CD makes plenty of sense, it's extra heals if I am able to get away with casting it.


Sometimes I do find it hard going unnoticed and a good team once spotting me will group together, stun lock and kill me, it can be a hit or miss, my CC's help and force speed can help even more. Though Marauders can be the biggest PITA in this respect, but even then they're not guaranteed to kill me. I like that in good team people will get my back, (and this is where my heals improve) unfortunately, a good PuG team isn't so easy to find pub side. Though at least with premades guildies tend to stick together.


It is a shame I need to rely on guard and taunts more and as my Juggernaut is a tank, I'll know to pick out the sorcerers and help them out. On Pub side I'll just have to convince a tank to come PvP with me. :p I know Bioware were trying to make it so we're not OP, but still, we are rather squishy compared to other classes.





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Long games = big healing numbers:




That is running hybrid 21/19/1 spec, I've pulled 932k healing/65k damage as a full seer, and hitting 700k healing doesn't even warrant a screen shot anymore (as full seer).


Drop the AOE heal, I know it's hard, but hybrid spec = more up-time, more up-time = more healing; you can also "heal" people by preventing damage using force wake (3 second root), kinetic collapse, and... you know... dpsing people down.


Big numbers usually means your team didn't execute well, you can't heal more damage than the other team puts out, and good teams focus people down so fast that you usually spend 1/2 of your time dpsing and 1/2 of your time healing/rotating/ etc.


P.S. Rescue doesn't put numbers on the board, but when used correctly it is your most effective "heal" (lol) that you have.

Edited by alexsamma
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It all depends on your play style, i personally suck at Huttball i get maybe 150-200k heals. But i use rescue like a pro along with shield and cleanse, which tends to put points on the board. VS, NC and CW i tend to go upwards of 300-600k and Im not even in full BM yet. To get better heals you'll have to Re-spec hybrid, AoE is nice, but really does'nt work most times ive found, except on NC and CW in the middle, if you control it. That said, im full seer because im not a hardcore PvPer i like FP's and Ops too much to sacrifice it. Hope my input helps feel free to ask me anything else and i can get more specific.

P.S - Sorry its not the best, im currently in Afghanistan so i dont have a whole lot of time. Also some things may have changed havent played in 3 months cause of the deployment. Also which server are you on? Myself Corellia Run

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Drop the AOE heal, I know it's hard, but hybrid spec = more up-time, more up-time = more healing; you can also "heal" people by preventing damage using force wake (3 second root), kinetic collapse, and... you know... dpsing people down.


Big numbers usually means your team didn't execute well, you can't heal more damage than the other team puts out, and good teams focus people down so fast that you usually spend 1/2 of your time dpsing and 1/2 of your time healing/rotating/ etc.


P.S. Rescue doesn't put numbers on the board, but when used correctly it is your most effective "heal" (lol) that you have.


I have been a reluctant convert but I now agree that to actually benefit your team you have to drop the AOE heal and go hybrid (I've been healing since beta). Simply put, healers with the AOE heal are shut down too easily by competent teams and become a burden to their team as resources have to be devoted to protecting them. The hybrid spec is the only way for true survivability and overall effectiveness. In games where the enemy is bad I often regret going hybrid but when I go up against good teams i am very thankful I made the switch. i was also pleasantly surprised to see that I still regularly hit 400-700k in this spec. The AOE did not contribute as much as I thought.

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