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Full Leth feels too lazy


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I played full MM since the release of the game. Now i switched to full Lethality after reading of several posts that Leth is doing more DPS in PvE Bossfights.


But i'm a little bit unhappy about the "feeling" of this build. Compared to full MM it feels so lazy especialy on the trash. I#m missing the speed coming through instand Snipe and faster Ambush trough react.shot. And if you have some cc within the trash you have to be so carefull with your corrosive granade which robbes me one of my main attacks.


Maybe it is only me and my familiarization to MM that it still feels not so smooth then full MM. Or i'm doing completely wrong with the Leth rotation. So does anybody know a good Leth guide for PvE playing?

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Your poisons and cull should do a total of more than 60% of your damage. The rest will be OS, SOS, EP and probably ambush. My only gripe with le is that weakening blast does not have the same cd as cull. It kinda ruins the fluidity of whole rotation. Edited by NoTomorrow
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And how do you handle trash with cc's? Do you use your Cull only with the DoT from your Arrow? Or do you use only the fillers like SoS, Ambush, Snipe, etc?


Yes. You only use the dot from your dart to proc culls internal portion as corrosive grenade will break cc's. If there is a couple meters around the target grenade away! If you buy field respec you can swap to MM during trash if its a big deal.

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And how do you handle trash with cc's? Do you use your Cull only with the DoT from your Arrow? Or do you use only the fillers like SoS, Ambush, Snipe, etc?


I use both. For elite trash that isn't being focused by the entire ops team, it's usually okay to use dart -> WB (optional) -> Cull as it'll live long enough to get some dart ticks in. The rest I use fillers with ambush, SoS, and explosive probe being the best.


The corrosive nade AOE size is pretty small though, smaller than frag nade. You will eventually get a feel for it and when you can use it, or you can try to have the group CC one side of the mob group so you can AOE corrosive nade the other side.


Trash clearing is definitely not lethality's strength. However, trash usually isn't a big deal though as the group will burn it down fast.

Edited by Infalliable
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Yes. You only use the dot from your dart to proc culls internal portion as corrosive grenade will break cc's. If there is a couple meters around the target grenade away! If you buy field respec you can swap to MM during trash if its a big deal.


What kind've crazy talk is that? Are there really people out there that can pay like 50k or whatever to respec, to kill trash between every boss mob?

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There are people....one of my guildmates has over 60 million credits :eek:


Even if you're poor, it takes a lot of respecs within a week to get it up high. Take a break for a week and it resets. Still not practical for on the fly switching, I'm still hoping we'll get dual spec in 1.4.

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