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Here's how you fix sorcerers/sages...


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So your argument is that Sorc can put out high numbers by AoE-whoring against random scrubs.

Well, since numbers are anything that matters, this is...oh, wait, they aren't.



Fix them by somehow teaching all their players to play better. My sorc does fine.


This coming from a Sorc who told other Sorcs to just cleanse the DoT from Pyro PT's.

Well, I guess he will be surprised when he notices that our cleanse doesn't remove Elemental-type stuff, not even heal specced.

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lol.....this entire post just goes to show how clueless you are about this game.

. played properly there are no force issues

Lightning has no force issues sure. Madness DOES have force issues in any form of long sustained fight.

specced right u can do some nasty damage highest i seen so far from a sorc was like 400-450k damage not that abd for a light armour caster.

Not bad for a light armor caster? What exactly does light armor have to do with the amount of damage you deal?

the cleanse protection idea is a joke everyone would demand it and for it to only be limited to a class that already has a longer TTK than other classes as it is would make them more op.

Cleanse protection is a joke? Ya because its pretty fair when most of a Sorc's damage can be just outright removed by one ability on a short cooldown, meanwhile direct damage classes arent or are barely affected by cleanse at all.

a 2 second big heal is also a joke. wot do u expect to be a aquishly light armour wearer and be unkillable?

So a 2 second heal would make Sorc squishy and unkillable at the same time? Those are two conflicting things.

also having heals that can be interuptted lol are you serious. that would kill pvp and kill healers. n1 would bother then with merc or ops healers.

Pretty sure he meant a short cooldown that grants 10 seconds or so of interupt immunity kinda like pallys had in WoW. Its hardly enough to make everyone stop playing Mercs or Ops.

if your having probs with your sorc/sage with wot ever spec i suggest u read up on blogs r google guides of players for those classes that pull incredible numbers im sure there many out there. stop demanding stuff that makes ur class op.

LOL? Seriously? Yes im going to go read up on a blog that tells me how to magically not lose half my health bar to Powertech instantly. Clearly just by reading this blog the damage numbers dealt to my character will magically decrease for no apparent reason.


You clearly have no understanding of this game whatsoever.

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Fix them by somehow teaching all their players to play better. My sorc does fine.


How does your Sorc do in 1v1s...


How does your Sorc do in group situations...


You know - and I know - you don't do "fine." You get owned - like every other Sorc and Sage playing even remotely capable teams.

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Lingering Toxins should never have been added into the game. It opens the door for everyone wanting DoT protection. BUT, Lethality/Dirty Fighting are the only trees in the game that depend upon two DoTs for damage. Sages/Sorcs can say that they have two DoTs but nobody hard casts the 2s DoT and they don't have a primary damage skill that is dependent upon both of those DoTs.
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Lingering Toxins should never have been added into the game. It opens the door for everyone wanting DoT protection. BUT, Lethality/Dirty Fighting are the only trees in the game that depend upon two DoTs for damage. Sages/Sorcs can say that they have two DoTs but nobody hard casts the 2s DoT and they don't have a primary damage skill that is dependent upon both of those DoTs.


Balance might be the closest thing. Just hard casting project and telekinetic throw isn't gonna burn anyone down and its gone eat up force quick. Balance sages need to be able drop force in balance with both dots up in conjunction with their hard cast abilities in order to hope to do any sort of real damage. I think a pyro pt is different because they are a much burstier class. Balance is more of a constant damage class (more like lethality) . That being said if they do get dot protection (or dispel penalty) it should be high up in the tree.

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Speaking from the DPS point of view, we are pigeon holed into a hybrid spec to be viable:

Defense = Ok (I guess): I would prefer a few less "utiliy" items for more "hard" kite/taunts/DFCD because most of our utility-based defense is rendered useless because of RESOLVE.

Offense= Lacking: We need more melee options, which would in turn help our force pool and be able to counter some of the range closers, as range is an illusion in this game. Please unlock Tumult and make our glow stick worth using.


Now even though I think I am a bit UP'd, I do fine in WZ, even though AoE is making it look better than it really is.


Advice: It is beyond me why DPS would roll full BAL/MAD or TK/LIGHT trees. For PvP, you should be running some variation of 3/17/21 as such:


Using Force in Balance to proc DoT debuff, tk throw to proc insta-mind crush/insta-disturbance and get TK wave to proc off the insta-disturbance and forcequake and mix in all the other stuff like project. Also use your stuns and lifts to try to get self-heals off (espcially if bubble lockout is on), not damage. You pretty much never run out of force in this spec.


PS: Please stop with the Wrath/PoM proc reintroduction... It was never about Sage/Sorc "burst", it was about over-inflated damage charts. The insta-proc on all force attacks made CLITE/TK Wave too much. We could hit 8 players with 2-3K damage each, but that's not burst in my book. Our burst has ALWAYS been lackluster because our base attack ratings are to damn low compared to most other classes. Now that the proc was "fixed" people are complaining that we have no burst, when we really never did.

Edited by L-RANDLE
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How does your Sorc do in 1v1s...


How does your Sorc do in group situations...


You know - and I know - you don't do "fine." You get owned - like every other Sorc and Sage playing even remotely capable teams.


Lol, I always find this funny. Someone says they are having success with a sorc and you say he's clearly lying and he must get ownd like you do.


I'll answer your questions.


My sorc is amazing in 1v1s, i abuse line of sight and kite the **** out of people. Not to mention my over 4k nukes.(deathfield). I have the stalker set bonus so i can take down someone's health bar very quickly when i get range. Pyros are the hardest class to 1v1 followed by a good concealment op, good thing they're rare. Marauders in a true 1v1 can be kited easier than a pyro, unless i have LOS.


Group situations is much of the same, hug the line of sight. Make them have to over extend to kill you. Sorcs are obviously squishy, if they catch you in a bad position, you're pretty screwed. If you stay in good positions, they can't focus you as easily. Pts on my team get focused much more often by the good teams. Also on my team, im the rotator. I can reinforce with heals/dps and can stop caps easily.


I run 7 3 31

Msg me on the bastion if you wanna duel



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Advice: It is beyond me why DPS would roll full BAL/MAD or TK/LIGHT trees. For PvP, you should be running some variation of 3/17/21 as such:



PS: Please stop with the Wrath/PoM proc reintroduction... It was never about Sage/Sorc "burst", it was about over-inflated damage charts. The insta-proc on all force attacks made CLITE/TK Wave too much. We could hit 8 players with 2-3K damage each, but that's not burst in my book. Our burst has ALWAYS been lackluster because our base attack ratings are to damn low compared to most other classes. Now that the proc was "fixed" people are complaining that we have no burst, when we really never did.


The only Hybrid that Sorcs "should" be rolling is a healing variation. DPS sorcs should always be full Madness. Creeping terror root is by far the strongest ability to have during a pvp match. It's easily the single reason why I'm able to kill Marauders/dps jugs and stops ball carriers in huttball for just enough time for folks to catch up to him. ((Terror + force slow)).


Your build has you still casting Lightning strike for a chain lightning proc and the damage that comes with that is extremely weak. (especially just to get a proc that can't happen again for 10s. ) 3 dots + the ability to split yourself from melee is way stronger. Also... your build didn't even take the faster channeled Force Lightning which is baffling. I'd rather do 3.5k-5k damage to someone in 1.5 seconds then the full channeled cast.


On to the point of the topic.


Sorcs/sages are simply pushed out of the winning formula to RWZ because burst is King. It always has been, always will be. The reason I quoted the last part of the above poster is because he was correct there. Our "high dps" numbers were 100% inflated because of the multiple targets. People would flip out with our "high damage" on the scoreboard and think it was because the class was Overpowered on the pvp forums. It simply wasn't. All of the other DPS classes today have much higher burst then Sorcs ever had. A sorc was never able to kill someone in 4-5 GCD's. There's no reason to bring a sorc/sage over a PT/Marauder because our low and steady damage just doesn't cut it over their high burst. Not to mention the fact that a *Decent* marauder/PT can single handily lock/explode any sorc/sage before they have a chance to get off their dots. (( Should be noted that Marauders can be countered by full madness specs if played correctly, one screw up during the kite however and the sorc will die.)


As for the healing side of things, AGAIN, our numbers are inflated because of an AOE heal. Sorc mobility with healing is severely lackluster because all of our heals that are worth a damn have a long cast/channel time. Our bubble is removed from one main ability by any DPS class and our 2.3 second cast heal is LESS potent with a longer cast time than Rapid scan // kolto injection (BH/ops healer "big" cast spell).


Some will say "lolbring a tank with you". True, sorc/sage healers are a nasty healer to deal with if they have a guard. However, the other heal classes DONT NEED GUARD to survive and still heal effectively. Sorc/sages are FORCED to make sure they have a guard to be truly effective. Otherwise, they are dead within the forementioned 4-5 gcd's.


To be honest, they only reason I still pvp on my Sorc is because it actually is a challenge to live and still be effective. Things that need to change for Sorcs revolve around the damage of DoTs // Lightning Strike for those lightning users and more mobility when it comes to healing. Oh, and we need some real EFFECTIVE BURST or everyone elses burst damage needs to be -lowered-. (I'd rather have everyone elses burst damage lowered)

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The only Hybrid that Sorcs "should" be rolling is a healing variation. DPS sorcs should always be full Madness.


Many good suggestions, thank you folks. I knew that there would be folks who disagree but I am glad we're keeping it civil.. there is a greater chance of a Dev participating in a civil thread.


I disagree on there only being one hybrid. I've been playing a sorcerer for over a year now. I've played sage/shadow/sorc/sorc to 50 in beta and then made a sorc my main after launch. My creds, blah blah balh... I've played every spec of sorc possible and have done very well in PvP as solo and in group play. The sorc is a very viable class, but suffers compared to other 50s I've played. It is still my favorite but that is a role-playing sentiment -- I just don't want to be a powertech or a jugg. But having multiple 50s to compare to helps pinpoint the issues sorcerers are plagued with at the core.


Anyways, the little quote above is because I currently play a dps hybrid that works VERY well and has NO force issues. For about 4 months I've played a full healer in PvP and then full madness 7/3/31 for an additional 7 months or so. I've only had a few weeks of full Lightning and it never worked for me in PvP (I do know it has its place in PvE). I've also played a Corruption/Lightning hybrid after 1.2 came out.


This is what I play now on my sage -- yes I've switched sides and now have a sage as well:




Since transferring servers I solo queue a lot so the shorter heal helps me more than extra crit chance, otherwise in group play I'd go for crit. Anyways, try this out folks, you'll like it... but I can't help but feel that we're made to invent new hybrid builds all the time because full trees are just very underwhelming. :(


Oh well, maybe we'll get some love eventually. Shortening the lenght of the dots would really help without touching any dps numbers... put it on test server and test it out. Cleanse protection -- well, I know snipers love theirs and they disagree sorcs should have it, but madness is a DoT tree and ONLY a dot tree. To have a tree like that and have everything be cleansed is just amateurish. My opinion.


Interrupt protect -- perhaps it should just stay with mercs, but a half second off the big heal would be another option. 2.5 sec (not counting alacrity) is a LONG time for a frequently cast heal. Bioware feels 1.5 sec big heal was too good, even though a double heal was prevalent at the time the decision to nerf was made, but 2.5 is too long. Meet us in the middle and make it a 2 sec heal please.


Anyways, hope you try out the dps hybrid build, it's actually pretty fun. :)

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2. If BW could make up their mind as to whether we are a turret or a kiting class, then we can discuss interruptibility intelligently. As it sits right now, if we are supposed to turret, then we need similar tools to the other turret (sniper). If we are supposed to kite, then we need a lot more instant abilities and a lot less casted ones. Imagine having to play your sniper with your cover ability removed. That describes the gameplay most sorcs experience.



Well said, nothing more to add here. :)

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The only Hybrid that Sorcs "should" be rolling is a healing variation. DPS sorcs should always be full Madness.



So you think wasting 5 points in the 6th tier or commiting 30pts to worthless stuff like Sith Defiance is worth it to get a DoT with root? LOL.. Have you tried my spec/rotation? I have ran the "STD" spec long enough to know it's garbage in PvP.


What might that be good for? Hutball, but that's about it, and that assumes no one breaks it or cleanse it.

I rather have useful things like better "force regen", stronger bubbles, and an AoE root. I would guess most of the people who run some variation of this hybrid are the ones saying the class is "OK"

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To be honest, they only reason I still pvp on my Sorc is because it actually is a challenge to live and still be effective. Things that need to change for Sorcs revolve around the damage of DoTs // Lightning Strike for those lightning users and more mobility when it comes to healing. Oh, and we need some real EFFECTIVE BURST or everyone elses burst damage needs to be -lowered-. (I'd rather have everyone elses burst damage lowered)


I'm in the same boat, with multiple 50s I enjoy the Sorc challenge (but not in rated, If I can somehow persuade someone to take me in a rated team - lol - I prefer not to spend my entire match behind the respawn barrier thank you very much Bioware).


We simply need more burst, more defense that isn't tied to CC and proper scaling. The more high level gear and changes to DPS/TTK that are brought in the further we fall behind - regardless of individual skill. All the QQ over sorc after launch was mainly from inexperienced players who thought that scoreboard damage was an actual reflection of effectiveness. They were totally wrong but they have mostly all moved on to QQ in other game forums or renewed their sub to Hello Kitty Online now.

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So you think wasting 5 points in the 6th tier or commiting 30pts to worthless stuff like Sith Defiance is worth it to get a DoT with root? LOL.. Have you tried my spec/rotation? I have ran the "STD" spec long enough to know it's garbage in PvP.


What might that be good for? Hutball, but that's about it, and that assumes no one breaks it or cleanse it.

I rather have useful things like better "force regen", stronger bubbles, and an AoE root. I would guess most of the people who run some variation of this hybrid are the ones saying the class is "OK"



If you can't figure out the uses of a two second root on a nine second cd that only another sorc/sage can cleanse then that's on you.

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If you can't figure out the uses of a two second root on a nine second cd that only another sorc/sage can cleanse then that's on you.


I get it, but its a waste of points IMO. I mean tier 6 has a 30% crit bonus increase and my surge is already damn close to 80%. You gain nothing by those three points. The other two points on that tier are a joke as well, so if you run the typical Bal/Mad spec, you are wasting 5/6 points that could go somewhere else more valuable, like force management or stronger bubbles. Kiting has nothing to do with DPS. So if you are a DPS Sage/Sorc going full BAL/MAD is absurd IMO... Have you tried 3/17/21? Force Wave (w/root) = Sever Force

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Ya I've played hybrid.


7 3 31 guarantee I out dps you and out burst you.


And I still have the root for kiting, cuz after all if someone gets on you, you dont have a choice whether you want to kite or not.


Edit: the root on knock back is nice when you're getting trained for sure, but that's a longer cd. Also you're wrong about the 3 point crit damage talent in tier six not doing anything.. If anything I'd try 1 12 28 or something, but the seven in corruption is too nice. <3 4.5k deathfields.

Edited by SLRPSJ
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Ya I've played hybrid.


7 3 31 guarantee I out dps you and out burst you.


And I still have the root for kiting, cuz after all if someone gets on you, you dont have a choice whether you want to kite or not.


Edit: the root on knock back is nice when you're getting trained for sure, but that's a longer cd. Also you're wrong about the 3 point crit damage talent in tier six not doing anything.. If anything I'd try 1 12 28 or something, but the seven in corruption is too nice <3 4.5k deathfields.


Are you suggesting I can hit my Force in Balance for over 5k if I spec those points? I hit 4015 now on dailies runs, i am going to try it when i get home, but having 106% crit bonus? Skeptical am I...

I ran a 28 spec one too, its still not enough force regen, if you going 28 might as well go 31. I understand the 7 part. for the 10% AoE part.

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Are you suggesting I can hit my Force in Balance for over 5k if I spec those points? I hit 4015 now on dailies runs, i am going to try it when i get home, but having 106% crit bonus? Skeptical am I...

I ran a 28 spec one too, its still not enough force regen, if you going 28 might as well go 31. I understand the 7 part. for the 10% AoE part.


well let me help you with your math, as you seem to think you just add 30% of 4015


76% Surge?


1.76 X = 4015

solve for x..

X= 2281

your non crit damage, rather high I assume you have a lot of power. pve gear perhaps?

2281 * 2.06 = 4698---- not over 5k


Add in 10% from corruption and ya you're a little over 5k. Factor in inq/consular buff/expertise/what not the numbers make sense.


Just so you know though I gear all power and 2.2 non crit is like max I get in pvp. And my crits are definitely over 2x non crit. Not just 76% which is about my surge as well.



Why would they make a talent that deep in a tree if it does nothing unless you have no surge?

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Sneak in a talent for un-interruptabilty somewhere in the tree. Something akin to the merc 15 second shield, but only the non-interrupt portion. Put it on the same timer as the merc shield. With as long as heal spells take to cast, a small window to cast without interrupts would be welcome every few minutes.


This would be nice.


Most of my PvP fights go like this: "Under attack, use Innervate to self heal, interrupted....okay quick resurgence then dark infusion...interrupted, Innervate is off CD, interupted........Dammit, Why is everything on CD!....wait Reverification....Interrupted......Dammit!"


Having an ability to be Un-interruptable for a short time would be nice.


All though this could be to OP if it has a short CD. Maybe 30 secs or 1 min CD with a 10 Sec Usage........

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Ya I've played hybrid.


7 3 31 guarantee I out dps you and out burst you.


And I still have the root for kiting, cuz after all if someone gets on you, you dont have a choice whether you want to kite or not.


Edit: the root on knock back is nice when you're getting trained for sure, but that's a longer cd. Also you're wrong about the 3 point crit damage talent in tier six not doing anything.. If anything I'd try 1 12 28 or something, but the seven in corruption is too nice. <3 4.5k deathfields.


I agree with you, except I run 1 / 9 / 31 for the extra burst damage on proc'ed crushing darkness and lightning strike.


I agree if we play flawlessly, make perfect decisions, and have our cool-downs available we can 1v1 any class besides a power-tech. If we are missing cool-downs it is possible to win but not guaranteed if we make perfect decisions and play flawlessly.



Where I disagree with you comes in rated team situations. The problem with 8-man rated warzones is that the TTK is significantly lower than in regular warzones. 5-seconds or 5 GCD's is enough time to burst anyone in heavy armor from 20K HP to zero under coordinated focus fire. It may take 8-10 seconds if the target is guarded and all enemy DPS has been taunted. This fact alone has lead to the death or rare occurrences of DPS sorcerers in rated teams. Any team bent on being the best doesn't take a class whose unloaded damage does not meet the low TTK in rateds.


Don't kid yourself. Rated teams are going to chain root/stun you. The best teams aren't going to let you hump a pillar all day, or let you LOS them. They're going to open with a root by carnage marauder, sniper legshot, or a pull by a powertech/tank assassin.




Madness sorcerer is very viable in regular warzones where the TTK is much longer allowing you to make more effective use of your sorcerer. In rateds sorcerers are close to useless considering that using the same player (you), the player would be more effective if they were using a powertech or marauder instead.

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Speaking from the DPS point of view, we are pigeon holed into a hybrid spec to be viable:

Defense = Ok (I guess): I would prefer a few less "utiliy" items for more "hard" kite/taunts/DFCD because most of our utility-based defense is rendered useless because of RESOLVE.

Offense= Lacking: We need more melee options, which would in turn help our force pool and be able to counter some of the range closers, as range is an illusion in this game. Please unlock Tumult and make our glow stick worth using.


Now even though I think I am a bit UP'd, I do fine in WZ, even though AoE is making it look better than it really is.


Advice: It is beyond me why DPS would roll full BAL/MAD or TK/LIGHT trees. For PvP, you should be running some variation of 3/17/21 as such:


Using Force in Balance to proc DoT debuff, tk throw to proc insta-mind crush/insta-disturbance and get TK wave to proc off the insta-disturbance and forcequake and mix in all the other stuff like project. Also use your stuns and lifts to try to get self-heals off (espcially if bubble lockout is on), not damage. You pretty much never run out of force in this spec.


PS: Please stop with the Wrath/PoM proc reintroduction... It was never about Sage/Sorc "burst", it was about over-inflated damage charts. The insta-proc on all force attacks made CLITE/TK Wave too much. We could hit 8 players with 2-3K damage each, but that's not burst in my book. Our burst has ALWAYS been lackluster because our base attack ratings are to damn low compared to most other classes. Now that the proc was "fixed" people are complaining that we have no burst, when we really never did.


why are we pigeon holed to hybrid. I stopped playing hybrid right before 1.2. And my dps and survivability have been fine. 7-3-31 Balance Sage is great spec. I crit my Force In balance for 4.5K - 5.2K. With 4 Piece Stalker Set bonus I get 3 charges from Force Potency every 75 seconds. With force armor and my dot crits & FiB healing me I get good survivability. Everyone of my attacks can be done on the move except TK Throw, so i have great mobility. Only draw back is you can run out of force.

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Madness sorcerer is very viable in regular warzones where the TTK is much longer allowing you to make more effective use of your sorcerer. In rateds sorcerers are close to useless considering that using the same player (you), the player would be more effective if they were using a powertech or marauder instead.


Well I was talking about rateds and I am on one of the top teams on my server. And if you're talking pure dmg then ya I'd be better off being another class. But if a healer drops I have offheals til they get back, and can crit a heal for over 5k in combat. I can pull people from melee trains when they're charged. I can keep people off caps very effectively from 30m without line of sight. I can rotate to help a node with heals or dps, and I'm normally first rotator because of it.


needless to say, I disagree

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In order to up the perceived dps but without changing any actual numbers, make the two DoTs tick twice as fast for the same number of ticks, and give them cleanse protection. This would decrease time to kill for sages and give them the much needed burst to offset the low survivability and a complete lack of defensive cool-downs. The amount of ticks stays the same so the chance for any procs wouldn't change, although the procs could only happen over a shorter period of time. So this would make Creeping Terror a 9 second DoT, instead of an 18 sec DoT, and would also halve the time of Affliction, including its corresponding talents.


This tree really needs cleanse protection to make dots work. Wasting force on something that can be cleansed for less force than you spend to cast it, and then hope they tick for full length of almost a third of a minute is just a bit severe, I think.


Increase the root portion of Creeping Terror by .5 seconds; making this root a 2.5 sec root is not much of an increase but I think would noticeably increase sorcerer survivability and ability to kite. I think it's fair to say it is much easier in this game to stay within someone's range than to keep someone outside of your range. An extra half a second of root would really help.





Sneak in a talent for un-interruptabilty somewhere in the tree. Something akin to the merc 15 second shield, but only the non-interrupt portion. Put it on the same timer as the merc shield. With as long as heal spells take to cast, a small window to cast without interrupts would be welcome every few minutes.




Decrease the timer on the big heal by .5 seconds. Leave the talent to decrease it by another half a second. This would give healers a 2 second heal which would also help prevent frequent interrupts in the long run.





This tree needs lots of love, but to get started:


Either increase the damage on Lightning Strike/Disturbance via a percentage increase through a higher up talent OR decrease the casting time by .5 seconds via the same talent. For as little damage as the builder does, a shorter 1 second cast would make the sage more mobile and create a more pleasant play style. Keeping the casting time at 1.5 seconds but increasing the damage would keep the turret play style while making the tree a bit more viable.


Another option would be to add a debuff stack to the builder, Lightning Strike, similar to Tracer Missile. Stacks up to 3 times for 10/20/30% pick you debuff here - armor/accuracy/whatever.


Increase the damage on the tree top talent. Thundering Blast is disappointing to say the least. Very anti-climactic to reach the top of that tree.



Anyways, thanks for reading and please don't be afraid to be civil when you respond. ;)



I play a sorc and I enjoy it. I think they could use some love but Iwould do it differently.



Madness/Balance: The thing that bugs me about this spec is lack of burst coupled with lack of defense. Yes you 'can' kite some melee but any 2 decent players can shut you down rather quickly if they know what they are doing. I would change creeping terror to it's damage in 10 sec and scale the damage so that it's starts small and ends big(like 50% on last tick). This would allow players to setup some type of burst in a reasonable amount of time. Or I would swap the root and place on force in balance/death field and increase it to 3-4 seconds and put an additional heal component on creeping terror. In essense they need to either address survivability or burst. Currently I don't see a reason to go with a madness sorc over another dps.


lighting: I kind of agree. maybe if they added a root or snare chance to disturbance.



In general the could simply adress some of the useless talents. Like the 20% movement increase/decrease talents.

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